What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
haha apritl 1st xDD
Fuck you.
Sup Forums and /ck/ are now /cock. /fa/ and /p/ are /fap/. /an/ and /c/ are /can/
Fucking stupid.
/av/ for maximum autism.
I feel sorry for /ck/.
Holy shit, please no.
>putting Sup Forums and Sup Forums together
OH god no
Oh lord no thanks
This on the other hand could be pretty fun
Sup Forums and Sup Forums merge would be loltastic
There is also /mo/ - Mecha & Auto
Do it, the two boards must reconcile.
Let's be honest here. The most hilarious merges are /fitlit/ and /mo/.
this is gonna happen, sorry Sup Forums
/mlpol/ is coming
Please no.
I want this board to crash and burn.
Sup Forums and /jp/
That would be funny five years ago but nowadays there wouldn't be much of a difference.
Make it happen.
>Sup Forumsa/c/k/
Fuck off back to Sup Forums
Same shit nowadays too thanks to the mods pushing generals there.
Make /ak/ real you fucking faggots.
/m/ and /o/ are /mo/
Combine /jp/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums into /jav/.
Thanks Hiro.
Return of /z/ when?
Hiro wouldn't dare touch Sup Forums.
Combine /u/ and /y/
>says increasingly nervous user
inb4 /vag/
/r9k/ + /soc/
So time to start predicting shit Sup Forums.
Who're the unfortunate boards that are going to get paired up with /mlp/, /soc/, /r9k/, and Sup Forums?
Sup Forums is getting paired with /lgbt/ for sure.
Calling /mlp/ + Sup Forums
or /mlp/ + /lgbt/ + Sup Forums
It'll be fine.
>/mlp/ + Sup Forums
>/r9k/ + /soc/
>wanting Sup Forums to have even more political bullshit
>wanting to join with the board that loves isekai garbage
Fuck off.
I'm serious, just you watch.
Tits or GTFO
What is Mootxico like?
someone needs to get quads/quints/six and keep bugging the mods
/av/ must happen for maximum buttrage
/ab/ but without porn
Try going to Sup Forums now. The madman actually did it.
So where do the new threads go once the boards split?
They already love each other, or at least /lgbt/ loves Sup Forums.
A series of tubes of tacos
Just happened TOP KEK
Oh snap
They wouldn't, right? That much traffic could make any moderator team cry.
lots of soup aids and stolen jewgold
God bless Hiro.
>someone needs to get quads/quints/six
How to spot the newfag.
The shitstorm would be off the charts
Okay okay. This is actually really fucking good now.
Rate this April Fool's Day Sup Forums.
I say it's pretty great.
>it's real
Hahahaha Sup Forums BTFO
/jp/ + Sup Forums /jap/
This is great.
Time to make physical and mental gains lads.
I feel like /mlpol/ won't work. Sup Forums is so much bigger than /mlp/ there probably won't be any difference other than 2 or 3 pony threads.
The mad man!
we will see
isn't that the japanese word for porn? that would be nsfw
Probably release many of Sup Forums's inner ponies.
wew poor /pol dis gonna be good
I'm sure a huge sect of Sup Forumsfags are willing to pretend to be /mlp/fags just because of the irritation it'll cause
Sweet naive child
I remember when Sup Forums and Sup Forums had a rivalry.
What the fuck happened to that?
Both are containment boards.
You don't understand. It's a message.
The mere fact that they got merged with the ponyfuckers of all boards will make this retards there foam at the mouth.
Put aside for the mutual hate of Sup Forums.
Please merge with spee
Flags will expose Sup Forums
their reaction is gold
If we get merged with /spuh/ does that mean we'll get flags?
Please merge with /jp/ it'll be just like old times
nice hotarun
Have you forgotten how much autsim the horsefuckers displayed when herded into /mlp/?
It's the only board with its content banned from Sup Forums.
Sup Forums /f/u/ck/i/n/g/ /l/e/a/f/
>Adult Video
>Angular Velocity
AV can be many things.
Sup Forums + Sup Forums please
Do it. Make it happening.
Merge Sup Forums and Sup Forums for a day.
ah yes I remember that epic meme
HiroNSAyuki is our friend
Wait wait wait. If mentioning mlp outside of the board is a bannable offense. Does this mean mentioning either mlp or polshit outside of /mlpol/ is a bannable offense as well today?
Can we finally get rid of polshit all across the site?