- one of the most developed countries build from scratch in 60 years
- highest Nobel prize participation
- highest average IQ score
- they control literally everything
Why can't you admit Jews are superior race?
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I admit it. I worship Jews for their huge contribution in science and technology.
you left your nazi flag on
Building a country with insane amount of money from US taxpayers and the international Jewry. Oh my goodness.
You know nothing goy.
superior race of shitskins thats for sure
muh superior
So how about compering little financial support solely for military purposes with enormous stream of dollars paid to third world countries each year as a charity? Why Somalia is not a new Israel?
He looks like a typical guy you can meet on London's street. That face should be very familiar for you.
literally all important technological contributions have been made by whites and other non-jews in the past century, the "jew inventor" thing is a meme.
Define "race" in this context
you wanna change your meme flag now?
Einstein, Bohr, Teller, Feynman, Karplus, Karl Marx. And that's just the beginning of the list.
Group of people clearly separated from the rest by their ethnic background.
>posts physicists, chemist and communist philosopher when i explicitly mentioned technological contributions.
jews are smart that's a given, but they only use that inteligence to benefit themselves and fuck up the rest of tge world, all bad things came from jewish inteligence that's the problem, that's why everyone hates you, you're detrimental to the world
So how about Larry Page, Siergiey Brin or Mark Zuckerberg? Actually Tel Aviv metro area is a second hub for new technologies right after Silicon Valley.
Everyone is beneficial from scientifical inventions camed from Jews
Does Zwi Migdal still existin?
establishing companies = inventing now? that's like attributing the invention of the transistor to alexander graham bell because he founded bell labs. remember zuckerberg payed out tens of millions to the winklevoss twins for the ideas he stole.
I do. Whites are in the middle. Whites < Asians < Jews.
yes because i wake up every morning and turn on bohr's model of the atom right?
A parasite, though clever and cunning, is never superior. It will always be inferior as the nature of a parasite is itself shameful.
Not being able to survive on your own is shameful. Jews cannot survive without slaves.
Then why is disliking Jews calls antisemitism? They're Semites.
they're larping mongrels
>one of the most developed countries build from scratch in 60 years
Jesus you can't say one paragraph without blatant jewish lying.
Sup Forums is essentially just jews who aren't part of the jewish religion. We like to pretend we are different but in reality the goyim are just useful idiots to us. We want their power. Its simply a fact. This is why the jews fear us.
A) Jews are a race (but many Jews are mongrels, especially Ashkenazim)
B) every kike you mentioned was Ashkenazi, they're mongrel hybrids of Jew and white. The average IQ of Israel is 93 lmao. Jews on their own aren't smart, superior, or anything. Only Ashkenazim are dangerous, since they look like us, steal our genes (usually it's the males that are predatory and indoctrinate the women of their host nation into the chosen tribe, making bastard mongrel Ashkenazim children). Pure Jews suck dick, they got fucked by Rome, Assyria, and Persia lol. Tl; dr of it all is that they can't do shit without our genes
Anyone who speaks a Semitic language is a Semite. You can't define race by that because anyone who takes a language course for a Semitic language becomes a Semite by definition.
>OP says that land was undeveloped
>posting a pic of the city which looks exactly the same since last crusade to prove he's wrong
>yes because i wake up every morning and turn on bohr's model of the atom right?
Right. That's the absolutely one useful application for science ideas. I've got no idea what else anyone could do with that weird stuff.
Jews (White Jews> Non- white Jews), Whites/European ethnic > East Asians > Christians Arabs/Middle Easterners
jews are the cancer
you can't claim cancer is good for you only becouse it's spreads faster than healthy cells and control most of your body
Better give Jews back their belongings and real estates stolen after WWII polack
Jews are smarter.
Jews are stronger.
Jews won every war against combined and superior Russia-backed invading Arab armies and provided useful tips to America how to defeat Russian technology.
Valuable ally for the West.
Jews basically won the Cold War.
82-86 planes shot down
29 SAM batteries destroyed
Two F-15 damaged[4]
They are.
They're not too nice to goyim though, chaining them to ((((((((((((((((((banks)))))))))))))))))))) and ((((((((((((((fiat money))))))))))))) and all that.
You can love your country and like Israel as well.
The same goes with 6 day war. 27 killed Arabs per every killed Jew. Three more populated nations defeated with less then a week.
>muh theoretical foundations
Jews are the brain bugs.
You cannot fight endless wars for israel if you love America.
but the purpose of that meme is to show how upset this makes israel.
It literally kept the Cold War cold. The Russkies were shocked for years and never tried any shit with their garbage technology which they thought was superior.
How about war on drugs? Or war with terrorism? US and A is pretty good in endless wars I guess
The wall, no immigration, and increased port security fixes those.
Because of the Nazi's and their discovery of bacillus subtilis, my shits have never been so good!
If only more normies could shit proper, I think it would cure a lot of liberal problems to rid this world of so much pent up pieces of shit
then why are jews such pussies in western militaries? lol even iran can BTFO arabs for shits and giggles, it's not that hard.
why cant they go be superior in their own country and leave us alone?
>The wall, no immigration
Especially when 60-70% of drug related criminals are blacks with citizenship.
>and increased port security fixes those.
Said Jimmy Carter in 1980. LOL
I like Khazar milkers
>even iran can
Nope, Iran has always been shit.
So I take it that you wanna butt fuck a money kike
>having a several thousand year monopoly on the highly profitable (yet morally questionable) field of moneylending
>superior genetics
>Progress and jewish banking=good.
Because all decent Americans love Israel and support it. Simple as that.
>build from scratch in 60 years
nice argument
I might be wrong but in general people tend to develop their countries. If not it's a definition of being retarded.
>some random pic from the internet
>must the truth
Try harder Somalis with British IP
fighting for israel is the definition of loving america.
That's right. Probably no one did it as fast a Jews.
so it's fake and shopped? nice logic shlomo, fuck the closest thing we have are piddle-packs lmao.
Even if it wasnt then 6 arab nations ganging up on diaper wearing jews AND STILL LOST .
Suck it Ahmed.
Who said it's fake. UK has just plenty of Somalis like you.
Greatest allies indeed
>still assumes i'm arab
you seem to be mistaking us with sweden. maybe richard lynn was right after all about israel's average iq.
> Why can't you admit Jews are superior race?
I personally have nothing against Jews, and I believe racists do nothing but hold the alt-right movement back. That said ... there is nothing inherently "superior" about jews.
> one of the most developed countries build from scratch in 60 years
Israel would have been a non-starter but for billions of financial and technological assistance from the USA.
> highest Nobel prize participation
This is to be expected. When Jewish votes were being sought by liberals, liberals championed Israel and so the majority of Jews were liberal. The Nobel Prize is an award given mostly to liberals. Hence Fmr. Pres. Obama's Nobel Prize for winning an election with black skin.
> highest average IQ score
I've always admired the emphasis placed on education by Jews. It also helps that Israel is a "destination" for college graduates who wish to do their sabbaticals, internships, and trainings.
> they control literally everything
Depends on how paranoid you are. Yes, there are a lot of Jewish Hollywood execs, lawyers, doctors, and business people. There are a lot of Non-Jews in these fields as well.
William Shatner, Alexander Graham Bell, Alex Trebek, Michael J. Fox, Wayne Gretzky, John Kenneth Galbraith, Neil Young, James Cameron, Shania Twain ... hey, wait, we were listing famous Canadians, right?