I checked it out and god, it was beautiful. It's like looking at a tree filled with over ripped fruits except that tree hangs a bunch of unwanted manchildren who should be nuked
This is great
Prepare for the pastas.
Fuck off
fuck off
>spics will never stop being butthurt at Sup Forums
>spics will never be deported from Sup Forums
>/fit/ and /lit/ are just arguing about brains vs brawn
>inb4 >>>/jpa/
What a bad day to have hangover, laughing hurts.
Holy shit. /cock/ OTP
Basically Sup Forums with some 2hu thread.
/spa/ when?
Fuck off
Fuck off
>/fitlit/ - Well-Rounded Citizens
What's more likely, /jp/, Sup Forums or our old tsundere crush Sup Forums?
Why the fuck didn't this retarded snowflake board get a fucking merge? You cunts deserve to be with Sup Forums or Sup Forums. Fuck, make /atv/ and make it about ATVs only, eliminate two shitters in one fucking strike.
Your snowflake mods were probably to anal to let such a thing happen though. FUCK OFF YOU CUNTS
Dr. Pavel, I'm /sci/a/
Troid's a shit.
They're still merging shit be patient
I think it'd be funnier if they merged /soc/ and /r9k/
But /r9k/ and overall hermit lifestyle is tied pretty tightly with watching anime.
in "honor" of release of Spook in the Husk they can tie Sup Forums to Sup Forums too.
We need /vtrash/
Good thing they won't touch Sup Forums.
Fuck off dude
Fuck off
I love how the OP pic describes the birth of /mlpol/ perfectly. Kanna is the embodiment of liberal degeneracy and Tanya is the sort of little girl the average Sup Forumslacks want to be.
They're doing /av/
Let's not kid ourselves.
>no /av/ club
Fuck you
Fuck off
>I have never read anything by Hunter S. Thompson.
Okay famalam.
/mlpol/ This gave me a good laugh. It should stay that way.
That would fix EVERYTHING.
/spa/ when?
/mo/ is surprisingly civil for the most part.
/can/ as well. /can/ is basically kemonomimi central now.
/can/ is the gift from Hiroshimoot for the Kemono Friends.
/scix/ when
>/ak/ could be real
Kemono friends was created specifically for this moment
That's because all those boards are chills as fuck.
Also /can/ is literally /jp2.0/ except for Kemono Friends.
Sup Forums with Sup Forums
I'm just imagining the bane image but with Kira
That is not the image I posted.
Get back from mootxico you lazy jap.
>liberal degeneracy
You have to go back
/ascii/ when?
>not /fag/
That's all I wanted today but Hiroshimoot has let me down
Spotted the angry Sup Forumsluter.
Oh wait, you're technically /horseporno/ now.
Why is /can/ so perfect?
Oh, just finished first episode of second season of BnHA. Even that would be subtle for Sup Forumsverage poster
/can/ is pretty great. Animals are already cute so it mostly works.
>/au/ golden shower
So we talking about Pokemon or Ayyy's?
more boards should have been merged. why the hell he didn't touch Sup Forums or Sup Forums?
>mfw /fitlit/ actually seems to be working
/mlpol/ is fun
Sup Forums , Sup Forums and Sup Forums are pretty much the top 3 in terms of number of posters.
/mlpol/ merge only works because /mlp/ is dead as fuck, and is pretty funny too.
I can' think of any (not very active) board merging with Sup Forums in a "funny" way.
As for Sup Forums, it was sort of a sacred place for moot, maybe hiroshimoot shares his sentiment.
Because Sup Forums is a shithole
/ak/ would have worked though
/fitlit/ and /mlpol/ are the best so far. The others are boring.
>My Little Politics
>Sup Forums
Maybe back in 2010 but not anymore.
Hiroshimoot should've combined Sup Forums with /gif/
>sacred place
Yeah. Tell that to moot when he fucking turned this board into literal /naruto/.
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums merge
>make it NSFW
Should've made /mk/
We would've had mechs vs tanks.
That's the point. Sup Forums was the only place he trolled that day and Sup Forums is the only place he left his final message
>Sup Forums is burning to the ground
>/fit/ is bullying /lit/
>/ck/ is a bubbling pot of Sup Forumsumblr
More. MORE!
merge Sup Forums with /x/
Should've merged Sup Forums and Sup Forums together because anime is the same as cartoons.
What's Sup Forums up to nowadays?
/can/ is pretty nice
>/fit/ is bullying /lit/
I'm looking at it right now.
/lit/ and /fit/ seems to be just going back to their own respective corners
Should merge /s/ /e/ and /x/.
with all the live action going nowadays he should just make /atv/
What the fuck is this and how did I miss the process of how it was decided that these boards were going to be created?
I'm always excited when new boards are made.
There's already a ton Sup Forums on Sup Forums though. They even have threads on fucking JOJO.
The joke last year about changing Sup Forums's appearance to faux-Google Plus, or the picture captchas from 2015 were better.
Check the calendar
It was enjoyable to watch while it lasted.
What's the worst that could happen?
/v9k/ /asoc/ /lgbtv/
I want to make new friends!
Shit was fun.
So are they actual boards or just combined feeds?
...Who's going to merge with /d/?
>check catalog
>red board: you know what that means? 1 day of pure pony pleasure
Fuck off to Holy shit that felt good to type.