Magi 344

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Dropped the anime after like 6 episodes, but Morgiana cute.

Just putting that out there.







What the fuck? So the after life is a fucking boring place where everybody plays an endless of rock stacking?

What did you think it would be? Las Vegas?


>A game of craps determines whether you go to heaven or hell
I dig it.

Oh fuck yeah the king is back. Someone translate

Fuck me these threads are dead as fuck. Anybody got any idea as to why baba is such an anomaly

Damn, I think I'd rather have Bleach's after life than Magi's all eternity with some annoying fuck like David just shouting shit, no more aging, no nothing but stones and nowhere to go, it's like an awkward meet up you can't leave

Ugo's self-ínsert

This is what fucken boring after life

>Oh fuck yeah the king is back
This. I really hope David is rusing Sinbad with the whole "being his Magi" shit. Sinbad's run as a villain has been boring as fuck. Hopefully David Black Zetsu's him and becomes the main antagonist soon.


Tess a cute!

God damn it I'm suffering, I just want to see Morgiana's cute face again.

So your body is make up of your memories in the "afterlife" and you just lose your memory after time pass
So what happenes if someone lose all the memories in this dimension? They lose their consious?

Here you go.



I love her. I want to kiss her!


>You will never spend your whole afterlife being trolled by David.


Booring, really, Alibaba is the most useless mc ever.

I dont think he is russing him. But i believe Sinbad will not cross a line and David will be "ill cross that line for you", thus becoming final boss.

Just say you have shit taste and save yourself a bit of typing. This is the first chapter in months where Sinbad is nowhere to be seen and, surprise surprise, it's the first one that's actually interesting in just as long.

That line will be doing the deed with Mor and cucking Baba.

user, breathe and think, Alibaba always was the least interesting man in this manga, the high point of this chapter is 3 images of David.

You can hate or love Sinbad but the least one
can say, is that he leaves no one indifferent.

The better part of his character was his suffering and that say a lot about him.

U can do better user.

>Alibaba always was the least interesting man in this manga
That would be Aladdin

>You can hate or love Sinbad but the least one can say, is that he leaves no one indifferent.
Speak for yourself. Look at how barren these threads have become since he was made the focal point. No one gives a flying fuck about him. It's little wonder why, since he's just so boring.

>>Speak for yourself. Look at how barren these threads have become since he was made the focal point.

That's what happen with every manga with long serialization, if you don't have memes, waifu wars or edge, peoples don't care (here).

>That's what happen with every manga with long serialization
No, it isn't. Look at OP, Naruto, Bleach etc. All of them ran for over twice as long as Magi has, and their activity on this board never died down.

This is especially the case for Naruto and Bleach, when it became evident that those series were on their final arcs, thread activity spiked for months. But look at Magi. Everyone knows it's in its final stretch and that it's ending soon. But nobody cares and the threads are more dead now than they've ever been. The reason for this is simple: Sinbad drove people away, fans found him boring, Ohtaka tried to shove him down everyone's throats and they rejected him.

Were you here for the threads when Ugo was fighting him? Everyone and their mother was hoping that Sinbad stayed dead and that Ugo would be the swerve villain.

>Naruto and Bleach
Who cares about shitposting generals?

Just save yourself the effort and don't post if that's the best argument you can come up with.

>No, it isn't. Look at OP, Naruto, Bleach etc
>memes, waifu wars or edgy

Why do you think all the Naruto and Bleach treads were about who was fucking Rukia or Naruto ?

The magi treads were truly alive with the bullshit with the edgy-duo, goi-meme, fish waifu wars and bullshit like this, but you don't have anymore bullshit like this so no more shitpost.

Peoples don't come here to talk about philosophy, free will or God.

>Peoples don't come here to talk about philosophy, free will or God.
Again, speak for yourself. People were arguing about whether Ugo was right to stop Sinbad, or whether Sinbad was right to try and become God until the threads reached bump limit.


I wouldn't say no to Ohtaka doing full blown ecchi series.

you don't have a good memory user, it was more like "Sinbad is dead, i'm really happy" and why it was a good thing for my memes, People were not arguing about whether Ugo was right or wrong but about the place of Sinbad in this story.

Sinbad is serious business and that's why a lot of people here don't like him, it literally mean less-memes or entertaining time but more Intellectual, Rhetoric, and Context and you can't sell that here.

Ah, so you came from there. That explains everything.

that second panel

>''goddamn this guy won't stop talking about god and other nerd shit''

>you don't have a good memory user
Far better than yours, you goldfish.

You're literally making shit up and trying to rationalise why people don't like your favourite character anymore like a rabid fanboy.

And you obviously came form the short bus.

This is not the general afterlife, this where souls with black rukh has gone before Solomon created the white flow. Alibaba ended up with them because of the djinn extreme magic.

Don't mix it up you idiots.

>Now THIS is shitposting

>Generic stock Shounenshit speeches about muh friendship, muh bonds and muh fate

Don't forget this one


David is CUTE!

Her previous manga was basically ecchi martial arts harem comedy.

are the translations for 342, 343 and 344 out yet?

(no text spoilers)

So explotable.

I wonder why the author is giving David importance again after pushing him down Sinbad.

Same. I'm please that we get to know what Baba was up to while he was in that other dimension, but it's pretty late in the game.

Last chapter Sinbad mentioned that he doesn't trust either Arba or David. Let's hope that means that some twist is coming.

>Last chapter Sinbad mentioned that he doesn't trust either Arba or David. Let's hope that means that some twist is coming.
I fucking hope so. Both of them make for better antagonists than Sinbad.

The translations of the Arba/Alibaba talk indicate that she's still as obsessed with Il-Illah as ever. All that talk about meeting "that person" before she entered the Sacred Palace with Sinbad must have been about Il-Illah. So her main interest is still seeing Il-Illah. So she has a motive to betray Sinbad, at least if she thinks that it will help her meet her true master.

I don't know about David, but Arba's loyalties are clear.

You can't. She's mine.

I highly doubt David will remain Sinbad's subordinate. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that he and Arba are in kahoots together and waiting for the right moment to fuck Sinbad over.

They're not. I wonder why the heck translator-kun is doing SnB and not Magi itself anymore.

In Momo she didn't have her current skill.

Nope. Sense has gone back to being their usual useless selves now that translator-kun has fucked off.


I have never seen a dead man as happy, or as good-looking, as David-sama.

Change it for "fuck that faggot sinbad" and you have the last 20 magi threads or so

David is my role model.

Fuck off, Morgiana isn't for you.

Hey, remember Solomon?

Me neither.

It is still Solomon's will that you don't remember Solomon, goldfish-kun.

I'll have a nice BBQ with her.

You too want to be a dark and dashing nihilist with a wicked sense of humour?


David life is based on existence having a purpose. He went through the edge already, its clear, but he is not a nihilist or at least not what most consider a nihilist now.

David had it easy because he knew god personally.

Yeah, he is a chosen one. That makes it more difficult to empathize with him but i doubt the author wanted us to empathize so its alright.


On the other hand, it is pretty easy to understand a man who loved his bbq a bit too much.

David is controversial like that.

>t's the first one that's actually interesting in just as long.

Yikes, you're way over exaggerating, baba and sinbad are the worst characters in magi

Jokes aside, its not difficult to understand David. Born in a world where monsters used humans as sprinkles for their icecreams, then god himself comes and gives him power. Of course he would just enslave all other races. Then he wonders why god pulled that shit and because of that lives for over 800 years, more than enough time to comit atrocities and get over them, specially after realizing everything he did was decided beforehand. And of course, after the initial despair upon realizing that he just made amends with the god (it was friendly to him anyways) and wanted to be a god himself.

Yikes, your taste is really fucking shit.

If David had a chance to see the other races from a different, non-conqueror angle, like the resistance later did, he might not have retaliated as cold-heartedly. Sudden power up and centuries of uncontested rule made it easy for him to become so desensitized, so much less human.

Ill Illah done fucked up, it could have planned this all a bit better beforehand.

>Ill Illah done fucked up, it could have planned this all a bit better beforehand.
Isn't Ill Ilah just a mass of power with no real sentience?

It was like that yes, although David eventually lost all emotion after noticing fate and how everything was predestined. There is almost no surprise in his life. You could say that while he isnt a nihilist by book (as he believes in a sort of purpose for everything that happens and he is happy with that purpose) he is an emotional nihilist that sees no point in morals or whatsoever since things will just happen as written.

It had to have SOME sentience if he gave powers to humans.

It planned the flow of destiny somehow. It chose Dave somehow. I don't know.

Maybe there will be some final revelations about tentacle gods before this is over?

I want to fuck Alibaba.

And his ambition was a way out for him? Did he seek ascension to escape the inevitability then?

Most likely yes. He did say he despaired. But its important to note that even so he believes that his ascension (and later Sinbads) is still a part of fate.

Well, maybe it has the sentience of a jellyfish and simply administered power without any real goal or plan in mind, and the humans took advantage of that.

Wouldn't that be a contradiction?

Then again, if for him it was just a reinterpretation of his previous beliefs, his faith in the fate would be left unchanged. He was talking about something similar in his diary special, wasn't he? I need to reread it, I think.

Go away, Mor.