What is the best non regulated weapon for home defence, short of a gun or crossbow
unironically pepper spray
Sabre, bow & arrow, slingshot
Molotov Coctails
Thanks mate I'll set my house on fire
Moat with alligators
Why not just make a slam fire shotgun out of two pieces of appropriately gauged pipe and a nail?
>home defence
Sounds more than a little racist desu
Would a short spear be effective? In a tight hall way I can't think of anything better (that doesn't shoot)
Yeah try explaining that to the popo. Why don't you just build a sten gun and mow them all down
ammonia and bleach
The spear.
Most effective non-projectile defensive weapon for thousands of years.
I also had an idea to make them even more effective. Coat the last foot or so of the shaft in vaseline or axle grease. That way if the perp tries to grab the end of it they can't get a grip.
I'm a shit skin so it's okay
Redpilled neighbors
Spears are mainly for group battles. I'd go for a chopping sword since choppers are much easier to use than stabbers.
A dog, dumbfuck.
or just wrap barbwire around the top of the shaft
Would a bucket filled with acid hurled at an invader be practical and or legal
Unironically this
I own pic related along with a couple others.
A machete, you can buy one even here for "gardening".
a board, with a nail in it
Fucking lubbed up spear kek
Dogs are regulated harder then guns In Canada
Acid attacks are for savages dude
the largest axe you can one hand
Yeah, pick up an animal's shit 3 times a day for the rest of your life only to have it bark
But unironically very effective
Why don't you just join a shooting club and get a gun?
the best weapon is your brain my Canadian senpai
a baseball bat
a fish bonker
the thick half of a two piece pool cue
anything that overtly appears to be a weapon and is used as such will get you in big doodoo with crown prosecutors, they love to crucify victims that use things to protect themselves.
context is everything - have a ball glove and ball near the bat (hey, i practice ball and the bat was just handy)
have a tackle box with the fish bonker in it (was goin fishin this weekend, yer honour!)
have a pool table for the pool cue (i grabbed the closest thing in the heat of the moment, yer honour) etc etc
you must learn the way of the dragon...
All I need to bash some paki wankers
>i built this to see if I could and was proud of it so I left it on my wall
>then a guy invaded my house so I blew him away with it, pretty cool right?
Oh wait, you lot aren't from FREEDOMtown so you don't have access to the fundamental right of self defense.
i'm so fucking tired of these "how can i be a hero savely and legaly" type of questions. If you wanna defend yourself with a weapon use a fucking weapon. If you are more afraid of the cops then the criminal, then lay down and take it.
So I can't even defend myself in my own home, Fuck Canada
>the best weapon is your brain
Is that what you tell yourself when your last teaspoon in confiscated? The best weapon is a gun, the only question is which kind.
>we found a lubbed up spear in your bed room
>we're a little worried
heavy doors and windows
Two trained rotweilers/Gsd
pepper spray
baseball bat
It was 3 am last night and thought I heard a knock at the door dog freaked out and kept circling near the door...
>grabbed pump action 12 gauge because Glock was in other room
>nothing was there
God it sucks to be a Canadian
Axe, baseball bat, CHAINSAW.
Nope, we can't even carry pepper spray around here. Quite a shame for all the grills who have to walk home alone at night.
Yes I'm working on fixing that, but after trump your probably going to elect the most liberal president in decades and will get your guns taken away
Toppest Kek
Can't breathe omg
>The best weapon is a gun, the only question is which kind.
.22lr possibly with a silencer. Point is not to blind yourself or blow your hearing out when confronting someone who breaks into your home in the middle of the night. Also the small calibre will prevent bullets from exiting his body and in the process damage your property.
> Be on /pol
> See Canadians and Europeans try to skirt the system
> Thinks to self why they voted communists in in the first place
You need to rally support and get these ass hats out of office. If you're in Europe, you need to get out of the EU asap.
Blunt objects: Baseball bat, Crowbar
Sharp objects: Knife, Axe
Ranged weapon: Sturdy slingshot, modified BB gun that shoots skin piercing pellets
If anyone in the us tried to take guns it would be a slow and bloody process that would probably start a civil war
Experiments with HEMA have found that the average swordsman will likely get beaten by the average spearman, largely due to the reach advantage of the spear. That said, inside a home, you'd probably want to go with a sword or axe anyway.
everything that needs swing is useless in home defence, which goes also for baseball bats. Every inch of stab is worth 10 inches of slash anyway.
Guard/attack dog
A heavy baseball bat out of metal.
Yes the skill floor for a spear and better then the one for a sword
Unironically a mini drone with C4 explosive
congrats, now youre not just a coward but also a dog mommy. Poorfags who cant afford firearms for home defence have nothing worth of robbing from them anyway.
>A heavy baseball bat out of metal.
Bats ain't made out of metal you eurocuck, they are made out of aluminium which is a chemical component.
What are the chances of someone legally getting away with having a bucket of corrosive to throw at intrudors, would the defence that it's just for cleaning hold
No, you can't even defend yourself properly in your own home in canada, unless there is direct threat of bodily harm
there was a guy who had been harassed for months and finally got firebombed, he took his handgun and popped off a coupe, rounds in the air to scare them off....he ended up being prosecuted and in deep shit, the prosecutor tried to get him for not having his guns secured (they were) and generally dragged him through the courts
and he didnt even shoot at anyone or even point the gun at them
Lol Germany why don't you just use your migrant bull's tallywhacker?
Top contender is still the mighty penetrator spear with fire and ice tingly lube
an AR-15 you cucked fucks
Holy hell, Fuck the weapon I need to buy a ticket out before trump makes a second wall
alternative grow a pair, kill your home invader with a baseball bat, and then blend his remains and flush them down a toilet or garberator in increments
fuck this shit country
>and he didnt even shoot at anyone or even point the gun at them
Never ever fire "warning shots". Never ever. Pump em full of holes, the whole mag, and say in court you were afraid of your life. Never ever warningshots. You get better off with killing someone in legit self defence then warning shots.
Who said anything about not owning firearms, you imbecile?! OP asked a question and I gave an opinionated answer.
how is making crystals going to stop anyone?
True, what about first 2 bullets in the mag are rubber so you can shoot them without hesitation and if they keep coming just keep firing with real bullets
then your opinion is shit. You just cut your mobile mobility massivly for some "in some case" scenario.
Don't forget the penies and breathing straw
why are you being a pussy
killing someone outright in self defense will give you an easier time in court than any half-measures which they can then string you up on in infinitely divisible angles of attack. end their fucking life, make your case.
desu though i won't be calling the cops if i'm in a situation where it can be avoided. turn them into mulch and flush them down or procure a hole digger and give them a verical burial. criminals don't deserve the courts.
are you daft?`? Rubber bullets? You crossed the line of no return when you point and pull the trigger, whats the point with rubber bullets. This isn't some fucking game you faggots with autosave, eigther you do it or not. If youre not able then just cower down and take whats comming to you.
rubber bullets what the fuck. "how can i savely and legaly play the hero".
Not all of us voted for commies, johnny - but you’re right; we need to vote these assholes out of office. Unfortunately, here in Canada we have the left wing party pretending to be a right wing party, the left wing party pretending to be a centrist party, and the FULL COMMUNISM NOW party pretending to be a leftist party.
What’s more, our historically low crime rates have allowed normies to become even more bluepilled than usual. It’s an ugly situation.
A large hunting knife. Swords/spears/etc are too large and awkward for fighting in such enclosed quarters.
wtf kind of bait is this - is this a euro pretending to be an American to make them look stupid?
end of story
tfw this is the best thread on Sup Forums right now
Chainsaw is not a weapon.
No, a machete is meant as a work tool, chopping wood etc.
It's heavy and clunky.
Also, only 1 sharp edge?
A sword would be too long for indoors.
For close quarter hand to hand combat, you need a light, two edged long knife
Like I said, a dagger.
And don't take my word for it.
Trust the special forces who like it so much, they put it in their logo's all across the world
(SAS depicted)
It all depends on your home defense plan. If you plan to barricade yourself in your room or a safe room, a short spear would work well. If someone forces their way in you shaka zulu his ass as they come through the door. same could really be said for any thrusting weapon with some reach. Also dont discount the effectiveness of a very bright flashlight, preferably one with a strobe feature. In darkness that strobe is incredibly disorienting. If your plan is to go after the intruder a bright flashlight and a good dagger. If you use peper spray make sure to tes tthta shit on yourself first. No joke, know the effects and what it will do. If you spray someone you are probably going to get residual spray on yourself. You will need to know what that is like to be able to fight through it. Also a good doggo works well but keep in mind the dog could get fucked pretty bad by a blade and you could lose him.
>Unfortunately, here in Canada we have the left wing party pretending to be a right wing party, the left wing party pretending to be a centrist party, and the FULL COMMUNISM NOW party pretending to be a leftist party.
We've got some room for you red pilled canucks down here.
The kind of bait you throw in a pond filled with bottomfeeder fish who now pretend they are whise earthly souls and experienced veterans in the matter of close combat home defence when its a bunch of early 20s who have all their street fighting knowledge beating up pedestrians in GTA5 using cheats. So fuck you.
canada is also so large and underdeveloped as a country that disposal of a 'victim' is completely trivial if you are willing to put in the effort to get up and move. if you can get away with ending the life of a perpetrator without causing so much fuss as for it to be noticed by those other than yourself, seriously consider just doing the dirty work with your own two hands and NEVER entering the criminal justice system.
if you are thorough and determined enough there is zero chance of anyone ever finding out what occurred and you can live your life unimpeded by a corrupt and nonsensical 'justice' system
Very true, mate. The pen is mightier than the sword. Just write the home invader a poem.
>being over 20s and bickering with kids on a Philippine nut cultivating forum
Do you live in a big city? Part and parcel there
unironically a hammer
>sold in every construction store
>I was doing home improvement and the burglar came so in the moment I grabbed the hammer and hit him in the head, I didn't mean to kill him
A dagger is the best answer so far.
Most likely a push dagger.
Biggest hesitation for people is just that they need to get close.
I have no probs with that.
And then after stabbing someone in a self defence situation i will crawl up besides that body as long its still warm and continue my slumber like a baby.
A dog covered in oil or vaseline so they cant grab it
Just remember to oil up your dog frequently, make a routine out of it
That's some hatfield and mccoy shit. A feud over a killed chicken.
I always wonder in cases like this if the cops ever go after the criminals, like the firebombers here.
Home defenders are the *easy* ones to prosecute... canada is such a retarded fucking country sometimes.
It isn't that difficult to get used to once you make a routine of it. Every morning i wake up, take my piss, put on the coffee, and grab for my Burt's Premium Dog Oil.
good idea but the lack of reach makes you vulnerable
pressure cooker
Lubbed up dog and spear are the dream combo