Don't you dare to merge this board.
Don't you dare to merge this board
if it has to happen, it needs to be with Sup Forums
I mean look at Steam, its already merged with anime.
Fuck no. The ideal merger would be with /k/, keep the Sup Forums away.
Sup Forums and /ss/
Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Just have a image of Kira saying Bane?
On one hand, this would piss me off, which is the intended effect. On the other hand, most boards merged with Sup Forums would still look like Sup Forums.
/w/ Sup Forums /n/ /k/ is coming, friends!
>Sup Forums gets merged with /jp/ and becomes /jap/
>goes better than expected
Dear Sup Forums
Please merge with us
From Sup Forums
merge Sup Forums with the /tg/ bros
We should merge with Sup Forums desu
Hiro would never betray us like that
./jp/ + /vg/
>wanting to be anywhere near Sup Forums cancer
Get out
Sup Forums has already been merged (and killed) though
/av/ - adult video
And nothing of value was lost
A merge with /r/ would be the best choice
Im quite sure that if Sup Forums and Sup Forums got merged, it would have dedicated threads for dumping yotsuba and ito, 2 loved mangas on Sup Forums. It would go better than expected.
I don't understand. Sup Forums is already merged with Sup Forums. It's the default state.
At least it won't be with MLP.
Sup Forums needs to merge with /fit/
Sup Forums /y/
I would love a normalf/a/g board.
>Sup Forums - Anime & Blogs
/fit/ already merged with /lit/
/fit/'s merged with /lit/ for the training of both mind and body
Merge with /soc/?
The Board Instrumentality Project has already begun you fool.
Merging with Sup Forums wouldnt change much honestly
We'll just end up talking about anime games
/u/ and /y/ together would be better
Pretty much all Sup Forums talks about anyway outside of shitposting about new releases.
They need to make /amlpolgbt/
There are lots of people on Sup Forums that absolutely sperg out at the sight of anime, it would be pretty great
Have they even done any new ones?
What's the list right now?
Why not just merge everything and just have one super board?
go to pol, and you'll see
I'm asking if they made any new merges you doofus
This user is right!
No user, that would literally break the internet.
Sup Forums should be merged with Sup Forums just like old times.
We should hang out with Sup Forums more.
>9 years later noot finally tears down this wall
It's more like a mirror world.
Those who get called plebs on Sup Forums, call others casuals on Sup Forums
and those who get called casuals on Sup Forums, call others plebs on Sup Forums
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are like twin brother and sister
/ak/ is the logical choice. Or /adiy/
A lot of people on Sup Forums sperg at sight of anything remotely looking like anime. Or idol.
Sup Forums lets shitposting go rampant
Sup Forums has no tolerance for that shit
> Tfw Sup Forums gets merged with Sup Forums
I hope Hiro merges all of the boards into one giant pile of shit, would be fun
and here i sit, scratching my head to figure out what boards are merged with who since theres no hints other than how ppl thread in each board. or if its just a troll message to make us think that some of them were merged.
So... Sup Forums?
Off the top of my head
No, not just Sup Forums, but SUPER Sup Forums
>if it has to happen, it needs to be with Sup Forums
agree. Sup Forums is the only other useful board and since steam already sells anime we can just merge them altogether. cant wait to have discussions about animes and games in the same threads xD
haha no fun for Sup Forums
you arent really board anymore are you?
I wish this was true
Sup Forums isn't a board where you should post everything. Sup Forums is the miscellaneous board. But everyone forgot that so now Sup Forums is shit
I doubt most of Sup Forums are even aware of board mergers since they're all in their individual generals
I should be laughing... But I'm crying. The truth hurts
mods please bring back old Sup Forums
A merge with Sup Forums was already confirmed
A merge between Sup Forums & Sup Forums could've have been funny.
>Dr. Akagi I'm NERV
>A lot of people on Sup Forums sperg at sight of anything remotely looking like anime. Or idol.
>Sup Forums will never get a good merge like mecha+auto or animals+cute
Do you really want to be called /asp/?
a and v is meant 2 b
(/y/ /u/)
/jp/ is barely a husk of what it was. abarely worth mentioning. we can actually laught with Sup Forums and /k/.
/k/ would be the best option tho
/tg/ would be pretty funny given how some of them react to anime inspired tabletop games.
/fitlit/ is literally the best board on this site
The wall is there for our safety.
>being anywhere near polnigger
Merge Sup Forums with Sup Forums!
Does anyone have a list of the fusions for this Aprilfoolsjoke?
Yes, they are __________________________________Read the fucking thread____________
Last april fool's was better with the whole google+ shit
Sup Forums saved western civilization, what has Sup Forums done?
I wanted it to be Sup Forums and Sup Forums, but /cock/ already happened.
>merging with /tg/
I need this to happen.
>horse fuckers saving anything
To be honest I hate /mlp/, but I don't think they deserve to be merged with Sup Forums.
Merge Sup Forums with the furries, Sup Forums or something like that instead.
Not an argument, you're still masturbating to Satania while we are out there changing the world
Dear Sup Forums,
we know how it feels to be left out. Our board is currently pretty dead but we've gathered quite an amount of underageposters last summer, some of which still remain. We think it might be fun to see you struggle with them or see them struggle with you. Actually, no, just get rid of them please dear fucking god. This is why we'd like to be merged with you and maybe even Sup Forums.
with love, /vp/
I wouldn't mind if the wall was torn and we got /jap/ back again.
>stop liking anime and talking about anime you should be shitposting like everyone else