Why the fuck is this shithole so violent?
inb4 ebil gringos
t. murder rate of 2.74
Why the fuck is this shithole so violent?
inb4 ebil gringos
t. murder rate of 2.74
Other urls found in this thread:
Uncheck gang violence
Mass government and police corruption
Drug demand by ebil gringoes + evil gringoes weapons + shithead average beanmongers.
Po weon CTM
We were a violent place before spain.
We are a violent place even after spain.
Also the "You fuck with me i fuck you" mentality.
And the "I'll fuck you up before you fuck me up" mentality.
We're a naturally violent breed of people, like pitbulls
lmao yeah it's all whitey's fault good goy
Fresh blood keeps the sun rising every morning.
This +diversity + general poverty caused by PRI party doctatorship + gang culture which came back from deported immigrants
and yes, amerimutts, from lower iq, although it is not as big of a deal or as low as you guys think, genes were better before spaniards mixed too
Mexico, Venezuela, and Brazil seem like the shitholes of South America. Am I missing any other countries?
our indian ancestors were obsessed with death worship and built towers filled with human skulls. they were like mmo orcs
honduras, salvador, guatemala
Pretty much all south american countries except Argentina and Uruguay. Also Falkland Islands, Suriname and Guyana. All the rest are mostly two world shitholes (super rich and super poor in the same place) with their own gangs.
El Salvador has the highest murder rate in the world though.
There's lots of places who played with bones user
and the nonwhite country Chile
If it wasn't for Central & South America, bestgore would be nothing but insects running over each other and africans burning each other alive.
mexico has been run by masons and a Jewish elite since the Mexican American war and Polk installed them, Santa Anna was never a Mason and them claiming otherwise is typical Jewish trickery... the drug cartels are all Jewish enterprises, the Jews did the same to China with the jew Sassoon introducing opium to China, and Jews owned all the liquor plantations in the America's and the debasement of the native population can be contributes to them as well
México is a prime example of what happens when the kikes go unchecked.
Aka your future
Race mixing and Catholicism
the way I see it, the shitskin mestizos are killing each other in droves, you don't really hear about well-off and mexican families (who are on average mostly white) getting involved so it's a purifying process. Once they all dead, mejico can hopefully begin to heal. on the other hand, they breed like crazy, so there needs to be some type of program to halt that, problem solved.
>so there needs to be some type of program to halt that, problem solved.
your lefty degeneracy is spreading here so eventually even cartel members will be all soyboys and dickgirls, and birth rates will go down dramatically
for the same reason brazil is violent
Because Americans are drug addicts and a gun cray
Why isn't Chile more violent then?
arent they constantly bullying bolivia over sea access or something?
Mexico seems like such a lost opportunity,
All that territory, an abundance of natural resources and a generous climate.
Not much younger than the US, even tried to follow the American model of government.
The native peoples have never really had the power and wealth there, so I can't really blame them.
lmao, retarded spic can't do anything except blame everybody else for his country's problems.
bones are just aesthetic
The more things change, the more things stay the same...
>South America
I don’t think you realize just how many drugs we consume. It really is disgusting and is a bigger business than most legitimate businesses.
I think that is the goverment system, mexicans aren`t ready for the type of goverment we have (full democracy aka everyone can vote) we need an autoritarian ruler or a dictator that seek and put first the mexican interest. The mayority of our politicians are put in place by (((them))) and most of them have something to blackmail and keep in control. But most of the criminals are brown-black skin.
There's a of cartel competition - main revenue is contraband of drugs there and drug percursors to USA . Take account of purchasing power of average citizen of US, dollar and shiet, giving enormous wealth to the cartels. Plus American junkies take more doses than an average Europoor junkie.
Plus main activity - extra sources of money they got kidnappings, bthefts to use weapons that they buy with drug money.
t. brainlet who thinks drug use is the problem and not prohibition
Hi california user.
we gave cartel land a few kilos and they started murdering eachother by the thousands
They're no better than niggers. They don't belong on pol
>falling for the "gringo's weapons" meme
There is a reason the ATF had to sell weapons to the cartels instead of just tracking the "many" straw purchases from actual border gun shops.
AK fuckin' locked and ready for anyone who tests me, nigger boy.
>t. Junkie, drug dealer or PharmaJew
If they want heroin so bad why not just give them a lethal injection? I don’t think you can solve the drug problem by giving everyone more drugs. America is deep in a state of decay and we need a massive change in attitude to pull us out.
I consider myself quite smart and civilized still I feel a tremendous urge and facination for violence. So I agree.
This !!!!
> he's never heard of Portugal
They don’t need to go to gun shops they buy from the atf and the cia.
>El Salvador
>in South America
yeah we should really aspire to be portugal.
The fact is that Americans weren’t always drug addicted degenerates even if we’ve always been alcoholics. The mindless pursuit of pleasure does nothing for society so we need to take steps to eliminate that.
Of course it is. Those pills are made in big pharma labs. It's just a way to profit off of selling drugs through quasi-legal and plausibly deniable channels. Kikes and globalist corporacrats will do the same thing, every time.
mindless pursuit of please is all thats left when you are told men shouldnt be men, women shouldnt be women, dont start a family, dont have kids, etc
>be mexico
>be sovereign nation with army
>let drug dealers run your country
Fuck mexico, it's a fuckin shit country full of shit people.
I agree. Trying to fight against and change human nature will only end in suffering. I think that there’s been a constant fight against any sort of masculinity and honestly I think that’s one of the biggest problems.
>tfw irl space jockey
>tfw given our glorious DNA to bloodthirsty Aztec
>they remained as blood thirsty but now they are more intelligent
>they keep replicating our DNA and spreading our language (bastardized but still)
Yes they are not perfect but at least we didnt fuck up as much as portuniggers, deliberately creating the OG 30% mongrel criatura.
stay the fuck out
are you a raramuri?
Weird pic related, if you live in the south of the U.S you shouldn't be talking you guys have a drug problem too
Mass corruption, stupidity, drugs, high testosterone, able to bribe police, alcoholism, destitute poverty.
Nice bb gun. No rifling on barrel. Kys
shit education and shit social morals
It's disproportionally because of gang violence fueled by Amerimutt demand for cocaine, just like how our murder rate is disproportionally because of niggers shooting each other, otherwise we would have a murder rate similar to European countries, if the fucking kikey crime statisticians would stop counting Hispanics in the White population.
Its not all "whitey's" fault. But you have your share of the shit pie.
it's a corrupted, fetid shithole, why do you think they all want to live in america?
LOL, inbred crackerhead cant assume the responsabilities of the interventionist policies of its country.
Otomí, spanish, lebanese, that I have track of.
Much racemixing. wow.
Explain the argentinian mess, then.
Not even 2% our fault. Mexicans left to their own devices will NEVER have a high functioning society. Same as Africans and Middle-Easterners.
You need whitey to come wipe your spic ass for you, otherwise you just rub poop on the walls and throw shitty toilet paper in the garbage cans. I mean this both literally and metaphorically.
He was anti monarchy. He was otherwise a good guy
>implying there is a difference between those two
You mean like the mayans or half of the pre-hispanic civilizations that existed previously to the conquest?
Go fuck your cousin, Brian.
>Middle easterners
>What were the caliphates
>What is Dubai, Qatar, every other arab country near first world
> we weren't always drug users
We were using alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana since we founded America in the 18th century, dumb ass, and we were using cocaine and opioids well into the 1900s. You're a retarded little fag who doesn't know shit. Fuckin' loser with your Jewish muh degeneracy meme, you're pathetic lmao.
At least we know how to kick spaniards out of our country lol
Cant complain much.
Yes...your country is so wonderful your population tries to escape north at virtually every opportunity. Fuck mexico.
Only the poor. Wealthiest people run on other directions.
Most immigrants arent even Mexican anymore. Many immigrants want to go back once theyve earned money too.
You guys are pretty honest, desu. Really activates the almonds.
You’re dumb white trash alcohol and tobacco and marijuana are degenerate but not nearly as damaging to society as opiates and other hard drugs. There was widespread abuse of opium and morphine back then and it did hurt society a lot, but it still wasn’t as nearly as many as the amount of Americans today who are addicted to stronger modern opiates.
shooting and taking out the best racial demographics won't help either.
unironically the answer is diversity
they dont mind killing each other because they have no identity. we even call them by madeup names like hispanic
I live in the Southwest, so I'm familiar.
But hey at least you're honest about it. I almost like it though. It keeps me from only interacting with fucking soyboy bugmen.
white people buy mexican masks and commit all the crimes
its called testoserone
most Italians and slavs are like this
prolly so but needs to be less corruption
I don't give a fuck you little bitch, that's not an argument for prohibition. It's not an argument period you fuckin' sperg.
everything comes out of ethnic identity imo. the reason its so corrupt is because they dont give a shit about each other, theres no tribal loyalty. every highly diverse country is corrupt. the lowest corrupt countries are homogenous european countries.
plus brown people are pretty much savages. there isnt a single place in the entire world ran by mud races that is prosperous and peaceful.
UAE - 2 millions Emiratis
Qatar - 228 000 non-foreign people
with oil revenue
Mexico - 119 million people
Fucking Arab Amerimutt with meme answers..
if we had accurate stats on african countries and if they had the amount of guns the beanlets do theyd prob cull themselves even faster. if american ghettos are any indication, theyd make the beaners look like lil babby
>mfw this thread is still up
>Be Mexico
>Have two sea routes with the biggest nations on Earth, have China, Japan and other Asian powerhouses to the West of you along with a route to Russia, have Europe to the East of you
>Have two giant, powerful, rich countries north of you, willing to protect you in case of war and trade with you constantly. They won’t even bother you.
>Have nothing but weak nations to the south of you, only needing to wall off a tiny area and can live nice and prosperous
>Have everything needed to be a successful nation, have borders, boundaries, and other trade routes that leaders in the past killed to have
>End up a shithole
>Have Africa tier economy despite all the greatness you own
>Have landlocked countries better than you in everything
>Can’t even properly manage an economy despite being in literally the best position possible
>Be above Kazakhstan and Botswana
>Be below European countries that were Communist at some point
>Be Spain
>Give Mexico Viceroyalty status
>Be treated equally
>Reject it
>Fight for independence
>Somehow win
>Be worse off now than you were before independence
>Have other Viceroyalty be better than you
>Be a bigger shithole than most of New Spain
>Countries that weren’t even Viceroyalty are better than you
>Have one of the lowest economies out of all of New Spain
>Have better opportunities than most of your brothers by being around peaceful countries
>still fuck it up
>Be an even bigger shithole in the Americas
>Have countries smaller than you come out on top
>Be worse than some countries that were practically Communist at some point
>The biggest powerhouses of Latin America tend to face one way in sea routes for trade
>Still do better than a country with two ways to trade in the world
>Can’t even do better than Brazil despite being Communist for a while
>Blame the United States for their constant invasions of the America and saying it hindered your growth even though the Southern Cone seems to be doing fine
>Use more land than the majority of the world
>Rank 13 in overall land use
>Still do worse than those with less land
>Even Gibraltar has some the least amount of land in the world and still does better than you
>Can’t even become a world super
>Have some of the most fertile land with 13% being usable
>Make some of the world’s largest amounts of corn, beans, cotton, wheat, sugarcane, coffee, vegetables and fruit, cattle, grain, refineries, shrimp
>Still fail
>Other, less fertile countries still do better than you
>Be one of the world’s top vacationing areas
>Still a shithole despite constant amounts of tourism to your beaches
>Be rich in natural resources
>Have resources that nations killed to own
>Have resources that Spain didn’t take all of
>Have gold, silver, and other precious metals that could make any nation wealthy
>Manage to be poor despite your natural wealth
>Claim the northern territory of the United States is rightfully yours
>Can’t even do better than those states
>Can’t even catch up to them
>Can’t even do better than American Samoa
>Have the states you used to own do better than you in everything
>Some of them even have higher economic power than most countries in the world
>Be the United States
>Be as helpful as possible to his southern neighbor
>Even buy the land he lost as compensation for kicking his ass too hard
>Even take less land than was previously negotiated
>Immediately trade with him after the war
>Even give him foreign aid to this day
>Turn the land he used to own into prosperous nation-tier places to live
>Constantly complain it was stolen
>Constantly talk about how your people are going to take it back
>Not even thankful about having the chance to live in a prosperous country
>Continue to lower the standard of living, the IQ, the way of life, and the culture of everything you touch
>Turn entire areas into no-go zones that were once beautiful tourist attractions
>Complain when the United States says we should take less of you
>Be ungrateful towards everything you have
>Act as if you should be treated like royalty
The truth is, Mexicans are extremely hard workers Sup Forums. It takes an extremely hard working person to fuck up this hard.
Based aztecs blessing us with a sunrise