Why do Conservashits do this?
Why do Conservashits do this?
>tax cuts
>pay higher taxes
still your president
There was one thousand proofs that tax cuts will lower taxes for everyone, but they still think otherwise. Why American liberals are so stupid?
>higher taxes
The fraud in the White House is not my president since we do not share the same values
Joke is on you kike, I never bought Obamacare and I don't pay taxes.
>Pay higher taxes
Im actually gonna save a few hundred in taxes.
>Lose your health insurance
What is employer sponsored health insurance? I had insurance before the ACA and I'll have it after its repealed.
Hopelessly stupid
But none of those things are true
Your values are unAmerican. They're globalist parasitical garbage.
because we're gonna pay lower taxes and lower health insurance premiums.
The poor white trash that voted for him are full of dumb blind anger and hatred. They are not using their rational mind.. so they will get fucked as they have their whole lives.
The people who voted for Trump are often Middle Class folk who always get raped by higher taxes and got fucked even harder by Obama Care. We had to pay more to see a shittier doctor.
Fuck subsidized Education too, because I didn't get any of that, despite having good grades and a decent ACT score, not even for shit schools.
I never voted in my life. The election was rigged, he even told you. Anyone who voted in the kike rigged election should be rounded up and tried for treason. All of your names and addresses are on a list. Remember that.
I agree.. he only appeals to losers who fucked up their own lives and now are looking for a scapegoat. Every single person I know who voted for Trump is angry and screwed up their lives for one reason or another, but wants to blame another group for their own faults. It's sad.. but much of america is made up of losers.
Worth it.
Get rid of the gays, pajeets and Muslims.
>Tax cuts
>Paying more in taxes
>Not being forced to buy shitty health insurance is the same as losing healthcare
>Occupy Democrats
still your president
They're going to lose their disability checks too.
No more beer, weed, cigarettes, Lortab, and electricity for their trailers. Terrible.
>not being forced to buy health insurance means you're going to lose it
>higher taxes
>im paying 7% less in taxes this year vs. 2016
>im not forced to buy healthcare or pay the ~$1700 cover charge for NOT HAVING healthcare this year
Do you lefties even do a fucking scrap of research before posting this vomit?
I’m not losing my health insurance and my taxes aren’t going up either. I fail to see a problem here.
Anyway I thought you libs were all about paying... oh wait... you meant OTHER people footing the bill and not yourselves
Stop replying to "Occupy Democrat" Facebook cringe memes as if they're real invitations to political debate. Blacked threads have more political legitimacy to them.
i had older relatives going into the black because of that healthcare bullshit
For the short term that's objectively false.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but when they say your taxes will increase don't they mean that they'll increase when this bill expires in 4 years or whatever? Wouldn't that mean, in a practical sense, that my taxes will increase because there might be a Democrat controlled Congress in 4 years who will purposely not renew this bill or try to pass another one that will increase my taxes?
>fuck drumpf, hes going to spoil you rural and suburban retards and then you'll be sorry when we hike up your taxes again!
The hick white trash will still find a way to buy their meth though.
What’s funny is Californians run their mouths about how they are footing the bill for the rest of the country and get nothing in return. Turns out that they were able to deduct their state tax from their federal.
Well they were all about closing loopholes... right?
I know right liberal values are better
Going to save like 3 grand. Probably closer to 40k over the life of the bill. Will be well over 200k over the course of my lifetime due to the business taxes. This is just from tax savings for myself and my business. Investing those savings would probably make me a millionaire.
Shills can keep shilling though. I know most of my family is asshurt because they’re getting fucked by their state and county.
Ive paid my own insurance for the last 18 years. It's gone up 350% but I can still pay it.
Companies owe literally 0 to employees.
Thats the sad fact libshits don't admit.
I started the company. People work for the company at my pleasure. Any "benefits" i give my employees are my way of showing individuals I appreciate their work and they are rewarded with raises, vacations, etc... The world used to be based on MERIT. Being lazy is now ENCOURAGED, not just rewarded.
I have no leaders.
To be fair, much of the conservative base will be dead by the time their tax cuts turn into tax increases, so it will be their children's problem, not theirs.
my take home pay went up by $600 / month.
top kek.
Keep telling yourself that.
Its ok, democrats love tax increases too. Well, when passed by a democrat anyways.
No one was forcing you to pay it before. The Obamacare penalty was literally unenforceable if you knew the law.
OP is a faggot.
Then why did the govt hire 1000's of additional workers to enforce it?
They mean your personal cuts will expire in like 8-10 years. In reality they will likely be extended because the only reason these limits were put in place to begin with were senate budget rules. Also in reality people most affected by them will move or pressure state and local governments to restructure their tax schemes to accommodate the new federal tax scheme. Also in reality states like CA, IL, and NY are taking an unlubed 12 inch black dick over this but they’ll convince themselves they love it because they love paying taxes. They think it makes them a moral and charitable person.
Because, governments love to grow and waste money.
What neo-liberals don't understand is that values and culture > money and comfort to the right wing mind. We will consistently vote against our economic self interest so long as the party harming us economically supports our cultural values.
Because those 1,000 jobs were just part of a system of modern indulgences designed to fuck the non believers into submission.
Those two statements having nothing to do with eachother, what the fuck.
I am taking home an extra $400 a month, wife gets an extra $300. Also my employer pays for my insurance, because Im not literally retarded
Why do leftists always assume shit with out any rationale to back it up?
There is literally no reason tax increases would be a result of a tax cut unless you were concerned about the debt, which they obviously aren't.
>the addiotnal tax is fine because if you have an array of jewish lawyers to advise you you can loophole your way out of it
And you're supposed to be on the common man's side?
>I support this policy because it's ineffective and can be avoided
Leftism is a mental disorder
>have a unemployment problem
>let millions of uneducated Mexicans into the country
>voted Trump to get rid of the gays
>despite waving their flag and saying he loves his supporters
>voted Trump to get rid of mexicans
>despite Trump campaigning to rid the US of illegals, not mexicans
>voted Trump to get rid of muslims
>travel ban doesn't include Saudi Arabia
>pay higher taxes
>lose your health insurance
>implying any self respecting white man uses king nigger care