Trump promisses illegals will fall in love with the GOP
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>vote GOP or get deported
this is what I would tell them and then deport them at the end of my second term anyway
>a bunch of worthless sandniggers made America
Consider me triggered.
>we weren't made in America we made America
That dumb bitch probably doesn't have a single relative who fought in a war for America,
But she's probably related to at leasts three different Al-Queda terrorists.
He's blackmailing democrats to vote for his policies!
For his policies of amnesty. So much for America First. More like Israel First.
Stockholm syndrome. We are going to round them all up and put them in tiger cages until they break.
yeah this wholly unwarranted arrogance of tomato pickers really irks the shit out of me but what's worse is the fact that well funded progressives perpetuate it
trump better just be shitposting
That's not how that works.
>Fought for America
You mean die for Israel
sure they will
Trumps gone full Zionist.
This is bad.
>the kikes need cheap labor
>rednecks and virgin mutts btfo
he never promised anything because candidates are professional bullshitters. they don't lie about most things, that's what an amateur would do.
legally our politicians can say whatever they want until they are in office. border wall across the gulf of mexico? sure. annexation of newfoundland? sounds reasonable. no cuts to medicare, social security, and medicaid by a republican candidate? of course that makes sense. decrease in taxes across the board by a democratic candidate? I'd believe that.
He seems to think that if democrats don't give Trump everything he wants in exchange for DACA everyone will blame democrats for DACA not passing. That has to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
It's not like they already hate hi....oh wait
Trump should see this chart......he needs to learn from Reagans amnesty mistake.
Except now all democrats have to do is promise a clean DACA passage if they are elected. Meanwhile they will highlight all the worthy people Trump is deporting that DACA would save.
Are you telling me that a billionaire capitalist will do things that benefit him and his billionaire friends?
Wow im shocked
Last time I checked anti religious Jews in america and the Jews in Israel are two different things, Israel is the only white country in the middle east, it's also a safe haven for Christians, Palestine is just butthurt that they can't have Jerusalem.
The bad Jews don't like Israel, the good Jews just want to exist.
So yeah I have no problem with Israel, why would I?
They protect their Christians
They protect their whites
They piss off Muslims
Obama hated them
Soros hates them
Hillary hates them
Literally every globalist billionaire responsible for trying to destroy western civilization in the west hates them
So yeah I like Israel, does that make me some sort of Jew lover? No, it doesn't, it makes me a rationalist who knows his enemies and allies.
And as for all that war for Israel stuff, our troops aren't even getting shot at anymore, Trump made sure of that, we're basically just training Afghans to finish the job for us, or whatever left of it.
Face it Trump is the President you want.
We can hope he is referring to Stockholm syndrome