Why aren't you reading this, user? It's a story about cute veterans doing cute things.
Golden Kamui
What? I thought this is a Cooking manga?
Why does Asirpa make the best meme faces
Who could say no to it.
Eh, not exactly
I fucking dig the humor in this manga. Anime when?
That's just a temporary break from cooking.
I agree it's heavily cooking focused, as well as survival and hunting. But I love some of the action scenes, between those scenes.
Forgot my pic
I thought it was a bear attack survival manga
But i am.
It's multi-genre, at this point.
>those three dull faced mannequins
How can one manga be so perfect?
A manga to surpass the old masters.
New chapters can't come out soon enough.
So sad.
By the name of Kanna Kamuy, that fatality tho
And Judas is...
I want to poke Asirpa's cervix with my penis.
Asirpa is not for cervix-poking.
You are not alone
>She's probably fit as fuck from hunting around the mountains all day
>You'll never see it under the five layers of clothes she's wearing
Sugimoto should marry her already. her grandma approves.
Is this like Dungeon Meshi but without the magic?
In the sense that it's an action/adventure story with cooking and humor sprinkled throughout it, yeah I guess.
But the cooking is the main focus here, right?
Wait a second... It was translated?
I remember making threads about it years ago asking about manga that needed translations.
Nah, it's not. It's there inbetween the action bits.
Scanlations haven't completely caught up to the most recent chapters yet but it's getting there, updates relatively frequently too.
Golden Kamui has a lot of different themes
Cooking takes maybe 20% of it. There's a lot more focus on it than your average manga but it's not the main point.
Oh, and I forgot to mention the bears. About 50% of the time in the manga there's an angry bear mauling people somewhere in the background.
Bears have the highest head count, too. Better score than Sugimoto, army or yakuza.
Feels like the only reason there even was a bear in that village the recently scanlated chapters are it was so that we could have another rampaging bear kill people. Not that I'm complaining.
Guys, I need more Asirpa reaction faces
Seal killing loli.
I don't trust scanlators anymore, waiting for the complete thing to start
And more faces.
It's so fucking good. Like a violent version of the good part of Dungeon Meshi.
Also, all the villians are fucking amazing characters.
Top left is the greatest Asirpa face. Prove me wrong.
Bear-chan is best girl
I really want to poke her cervix.
Purest Boy in Manga
*whining* is the purest boy in the manga.
A pity that he always end up in prison.
>that one guy who hates Sugimoto and lost his ears and then his foot
Is he still alive?
Because I'm catching up on my battle shonen shit. After that it's back to good stuff.
how dare you even compare that slut to ear-chan
Onky for Tsurumi, who is based as fuck anyway.
I think they made him a robot foot.
Also, Cutest Couple in all manga
But I'm
It's great
So is Dungeon Meshi
At least they are together in death ;_;
Nah, you could also say it's kind of historical
You learn a lot of cool stuff
>people can make clothes out of tree bark
I was really surprised
She's daughterfu material though. In any case I wonder if they really will just go their seperate ways after it's all over after all the shit they've been through at this point though.
It's a real encyclopedia of Ainu culture and late Meiji/early Taisho era Hokkaido.
How is she a daughteru, she's a capable character and the age gap isn't that great. She's maybe 13 and I don't think Sugimoto is above 25.
Purest love
As in she's a little kid, even if she is capable, and he's a full-grown adult who cares for/over her I mean. The age gap is big enough for that sorta thing I think.
I'm not sure if Sugimoto's over 25, but he's definetly between 20 and 30
This was posted by the guy that wrote the Law of Ueki manga on his twitter awhile back
I prefer the SoL/cooking/Ainu more than all the other action and plot stuff
Part of it might be due to the time period
I think the author just does whatever he feels like doing on the fly, honestly. He felt like doing a Yojimbo homage so we got an entire arc that was just that at one point, and so on.
I really want to poke her cervix.