daily reminder that if you support palestinians you support racism,apartheid and colonialism .
Daily reminder that if you support palestinians you support racism,apartheid and colonialism
i thought trump ended your pc era
das rite senpai , im not a ukranian born half jew im a 30th generation indigenous israeli refugee .
I support Jews. They're superior to the rest of the humanity, Jews are on par with the Japanese.
>Not using real analysis
These faggots are trying to hold onto it. A year has gone by and they've created an industry around pretending we are in a different world where Trump is Hitler raised from the dead.
One race the amerimutt race
daily reminder israel needs to open it's borders completely and immediately
I can't wait to rip out Nork teeth for Schlomo!
shes a descendant of the king of egypt senpai , we were the original dynesties of the kings and queens of egypt and babylon.
they already did to whites
Nice reverse psychology. I appreciate the effort.
I think this lady and the blond girl are fairly semitic, what do you think OP?
norks will be glassed within the next 1-2 decades , they're in israel's shit list of nations that have to go.
good luck when you get drafted to blast those slants my american friend .
All Jewish subhuman parasite fucks must be exterminated
>inb4 queen elizabeth
The Kikes trully have no shame
i do support colonialism though.
but its bad
the jews are fuckin racist man
Noticed this as soon as the pictures came out. The kikes intentionally put a black policewoman next to the light-skinned Palestinian to push more anti-white propaganda and pretend that Israel is diverse and not one of the most racist countries in the world.
JIDF slide thread, sage, we are under attack.
Not to mention homophobic and islamophobic
I bow to Israel and the superior Jewish race. White men live to serve, as is our station. It's time to find a final solution to the Palestinian problem as our masters command /po/.
too many levels stop it my brain
I basically just support you because the left rides the palistinians cocks so hard, couldn't care less desu enemy of my enemy
I support abusing Arabs and cramming them into Germany
You spelled Toronto wrong
that's fucking retarded senpai,she literally works in the prison service its her job to secure prisoners .if she was told do do this specific ting because she's black she could complain and get her boss fired in no time in addition to causing a major shitstorm .
theres plenty of black men and women in israeli polise\shabas.
אחי, אתה בפול, נתתה להם עכשיו שלוש סיבות טובות לתמוך בפלסטינים
You're a sand nig jew
gas yourself goyim
has nothing to do with israelis , marriage is a religious custom and therefor is controlled by the rabbis\religious leadership .
as the chart says you can get the same legal standing with a civilian partnership so you dont discriminate against people that dont want to involve themselves with the rabbinate.
>mostly allow only educated foreigners in to your country for jobs in tech, medicine, engineering, other high paying professions
>wow the immigrants make more for some reason haha take that racists
What have palestinians done to the west?
אבל כולם שונאים פלסטינים פה
They really do accuse others of what they themselves are.
כולם פה שונאים יהודים, על ערבים יש מחלוקת,
Jews are not a race.
>lives in a khazar colony
לא אחי , אני פה מאז שפול נפצח ואף אחד לא שונא יהודים , זה כולה בדיחוק וצחוקים.
אם כבר מדברים, הישראלים מצטרפים למחאה ב21 בינואר או שזה סתם יהיה מפגר
גז בעצמך כושי אני מקווה שאתה מת באש מעלית
Daily reminder
The girl in OPs pic looks like Eddie furlong in terminator, but with a jew/dune coon fro
I'm so conflicted. I support racism, apartheid, and colonialism. Yet I also despise Palestinians.
>using jewish tool 'google translate' poorly to try to insult jews.
you dumb goy. kill your self yesterday.
Don't all Israelis hate all non Jews (for simply not being Jews) and relegate them to second class citizenry? All this while occupying Arab land?
inb4 Muhammad
>if you support palestinians you support racism,apartheid and colonialism
>your self
You can't even use English correctly to criticize someone for using a language incorrectly
what fucking elevator . what are you talking about senpai .
I support Palestinians because they're whiter and more human looking than Jews. Simple really. Fuck the Jews, ugly cunts. They're god is an ugly cunt too.
wtf i love israel now
how bout both sides die in a nuclear
ear holocaust? that ok with you chief?
Her face looks really irritating like a bratty troll doll. If I was an israeli she'd make me rage and punch a pillow.
>Jews are brown people being oppressed by white Palestinians
I aspire that one day my bullshitting power level will be as high as this kike
you mean they look like dumb(white) people ?
Americans will support this aswell. They are brainwashed into hating all this white. Like, they need to prove someone is white before they can freely hate on them without being called racist. It's pathetic really. Seen a video on YouTube of some evangelical retard trying to prove Mohammad was white racist slave owner in order to freely hate on islam. It's hilarious. Can't link because on phone and cba desu.
You're all fucking retarded if you ask me, but you Jews are whole other level of retarded and you're ugly as fuck Neanderthals so I don't care about you. Go cry to your god. Tell him this gentile been nasty to you.
Yeah, I know that guy's channel. He made a long video of himself taking the subway where he tells the story about how he tried to murder his dad with a hammer before going to prison and becoming born again. Hates Muslims, but married a Hispanic. Typical Christian.
Try linking the video where he tries to prove Mohammad is a white racist slave owner and that's why we should hate him. It's hilarious and proves just how anti white and retarded Americans are.
I would, but forgot the guys channel desu.
Fuck off synagogue of satan
your newyears rapefest not going well abdul ?
White colonial palestinians demanding that indigenous brown jews relinquish their sovereignty.
Absolutely appalling.
Pretty smart of the jews to put a black jew in the pic. Always thinking two steps aheadm well played.
daily reminder to never trust a jew
>אחי, אתה בפול, נתתה להם עכשיו שלוש סיבות טובות לתמוך בפלסטינים
>Bro, you're in Sup Forums. You gave them 3 good reasons to support palestinians.
>אבל כולם שונאים פלסטינים פה
>But everyone hates palestinians here
>כולם פה שונאים יהודים, על ערבים יש מחלוקת,
>Everyone here hates jews, on arabs it's undecided
>לא אחי , אני פה מאז שפול נפצח ואף אחד לא שונא יהודים , זה כולה בדיחוק וצחוקים.
>No bro, I'm here since Sup Forums was opened and no one hates jews, it's all jokes and laughs
nice trips senpai , also why did you rewrite the shit others posted . surely everyone here knows hebrew .
>daily reminder that if you support palestinians you support racism,apartheid and colonialism
What if the jew knows that you do everything opposite of what he says and adapts? Rats adapt easily.
Not an argument kike. Why is it bad?
בטח ערבוש
>daily reminder that if you support palestinians you support racism,apartheid and colonialism
who says i dont support those things as well?
מה לעזאזל אמרת עליי הרגע, חתיכת אפס קטן? רק שתדע שנבחרתי להיות מצטיין המחלקה שלי בסיירת מטכ"ל, הייתי מעורב בהמוני פשיטות נגד החיזבאללה והרגתי מעל 300 מחבלים. אני מאומן בלוחמת גרילה ואני הצלף הכי טוב בכל צה"ל. אתה כלום לעומתי, אתה רק עוד מטרה בשבילי. אני אשמיד אותך בכזה דיוק שלא נראה עוד בכל תולדות האנושות, תזכור את מה שאמרתי. אתה חושב שאתה יכול לברוח אחרי החרא שאמרת עליי באינטרנט?! תחשוב שוב, קוקסינל. ברגעים אלה, ממש בזמן שאנחנו מדברים, אני משתמש ברשת הריגול הסודית שלי שעוקבת אחרי כל ישראל, ואני מאתר את כתובת האייפי שלך ממש עכשיו, אז כדאי לך להתכונן לסערה, רימה. הסערה שתחריב את הדבר הקטן והפתטי הזה שנקרא החיים שלך. אתה פאקינג מת, ילד. אני יכול להיות בכל מקום ובכל זמן, ורק בידיים ריקות אני יכול להרוג אותך ב700 דרכים. לא רק שאני מאומן בצורה מקיפה בקרב פנים אל פנים, יש לי גם גישה חופשית לכל מאגר הנשק של זרוע היבשה ואני אשתמש בזה בכל העוצמה כדי למחוק את קיומך מעורר הרחמים מהעולם הזה, חתיכת חרא קטן. אם רק היית יודע איזה עונש מזעזע התגובה ה"חכמה" שלך הייתה מביאה עליך, אולי היית שומר על הפה המלוכלך שלך. אני אחרבן עלייך את כל הזעם שלי ואתה תטבע בו. אתה פאקינג מת, ילדון.
מה הקשר ערבוש אחי ? אתה סנילי או משהו איפה רשמתי משהוא שערבי היה רושם ?
who u posting basic sloots in jobnick bootcamp.
I want to fuck some IDF pussy.
I don't support Palestine, but I do support Israel. Spank me Sup Forums.
the one on the right - agam rudberg
the one on the left - roni duani