Ukraine IS NOT a country

Ukrainians are literally niggers of Europe. They shouldn't have a country. Ukraine should be incorporated into Poland, Russia, Hungary and Romania.
The "beautiful ukie girl" meme is just a stupid meme, breeding with a ukie pig should be punishable by death.

Other urls found in this thread:

This is going to sound edgy as fuck, but I think I finally understand the male impulse to rape.

I look at her and feel two things at once:
1. Utter disgust with her personality and full knowledge she's a horrible person who I would gladly throw in the gutter
2. Sexual attraction

The only clear reaction to that combination of feelings is rape. It satisfies both the lust and the rejection of her humanity


Post a better looking Pole

I had a friend said this, and that Ukraine is not more than 70 greasers old. but he was stupid for saying it, what is Kiev then?

Kys, you filthy poleshit.
Daily reminder:

>/fa/ memes leaking onto Sup Forums

Did Ivan stole your girlfriend?

You're welcome.
Kiev is a Cossack city.
>implying we didn't have a semi-fascist party ruling Poland in the 1920s and 30s

the Ukraine did render a large part of their land uninhabitable


so how do you feel about your present gov?


you dare mock communist nuclear power???? The government appointed non-competition non-meritocracy scientists are superior to competition based hiriing according to meritocracy. SAD

You you'd me twice. Aren't Ukrainians decedents of Rus? And his brother Lech is where the poles are from, dont know why all the hate between brothers.

We agree on this one poole.
Hohols are wasting our oxygen

looks like a meth head Melania Trump

shut up fatty

Ukrainians are really close to niggers in white world.

THEY NEED TO MIX. Guess jews had one thing right. Still white, but far from beeing white-tier people.

quality thread

Don't worry, I had a dream last month, in which Lwów joined Poland voluntarily, without any wars.

Poles are literally niggers of Europe. They shouldn't have a country. Poland should be incorporated into Germany and Russia.
The "beautiful polish girl" meme is just a stupid meme, breeding with a pole pig should be punishable by death.

>Russian shill noise

Whiter than you op

>butthurt ukranian
Give up the meme flag, Oleksiy. We know it's you.

>Ukrainian women are haggard
>Posts picture of Russian criminal

Not that I don't agree somewhat coming from Ukrainian heritage

>Slav most beautiful women
>No tits or ass

>Ukraine should be incorporated into Poland, Russia, Hungary and Romania.
I fully agree, we should regain our old lands.

You cannot even compete with the Sarmatian mustache.

>implying Odessa wouldn't belong to Romania instead of Rusia


>but he was stupid for saying it, what is Kiev then?
It is an old Rus city right?
>Kiev is a Cossack city.
Cossacks were just an SOCIAL WARRIOR CLASS in eastern Poland and originated from Zaporozhia.
>Aren't Ukrainians decedents of Rus?
You both know that Rus = Rusia = Russia, at least now right?

Just stfu Mongol-Jew.

>Ukrainian heritage
Is there such a thing?

Rus-Mongol-Tatar-Jew rape babies whiter... xD

But lets not be too mean and let them have at least one major port city. But it's not like I don't agree with the small patch west of Odessa going to Moldava (or Romania ;)).

>Is there such a thing?
If you consider the culture around kiev by smaller regional slavic tribes during the Rus time, than yes.
Afterwards it was a change between russian and polish customs, regionally turkic and later jewish.

At least we know you can probably get laid since you have no standards bro.

>If you consider the culture around kiev by smaller regional slavic tribes during the Rus time,
Well that was a looong time ago fellow Rusek xD