/SWEG/- Swedish Election General

On the 9th September, Sweden is going to have a general election. This may be the last chance Sweden has to stop itself from falling over the edge before it’s too late. And the good news is, this is more possible then some of you might think. After years of watching their establishment commit treason and being pressured into silence by the masses, Swedes are beginning to wake up and fight back. The Sweden Democrats- the only real right-wing and Anti-migrant party in the Swedish Mainstream right now- are set to make record gains. But it’s going to be an uphill battle. The media is against them, the establishment flat-out refuses to work with them, and the moderates are once again stealing their policies in the hope of luring away the more timid voter.
That’s where we come in. on the 31st of January, We are going to take the first step in a campaign that will make the Sweden Democrats the largest party in the Riksdag. To do this, we need your help. If you really want to fight for the existence of our people, if your are a European and ESPECIALLY if you are a Swede, we cannot continue doing nothing. With the implosion of the Skeptics, we’ve had a mini-miracle at the end of the old year. As the new one begins, we need to capitalise on those gains. This is where the fight for Europe begins.

Other urls found in this thread:


.Cross link this thread in any slide threads & euro-related threads you can find. Remember to post an image so it catches peoples eye.
.Start sending links to this thread to patriotic European Facebook groups, twitter/gab.ai profiles, & right-wing personalities. We need to get people talking about this, we need to get recruiting.
.We need you, Sven! If you’re a Swede and you’d like to help the SD win the Riksdag, you’re obviously going to be a lot more help then I am. Join the Discord below.
On the 31st Janury, Svenanons are going to take to the streets, posting pictures of an older, pre-migration Sweden and pictures with text asking the Swedish people what has changed. Whilst not expressly anti-migrant, the message will be clear enough to the left, putting them in damage-control mode. They will overreact, and in doing so, reveal their hand to the rest of Sweden.
See pic related. Dark red are areas we need to focus on the most- leftist strongholds & areas with high levels of immigration. Pink are the areas we need to focus on the least, but if you live in these areas, don’t think we won’t need your contribution. Especially in later stages of this campaign.
We had some success with this tactic in IOTBW, but we allowed that initial success to fizzle out when we couldn’t agree on how to move forward. But we already know how to move forward with this. If you’re not a Swede, please stick around and help make posters; phase 2 is going to need you.
The silent Majority of Swedes are with us, but they are kept in check by a culture of peer pressure & virtue signalling. If they can see how many people stand with them, and against their establishment, we can break the stigma.

New Thread

Expose the Bonnier Family, they are the ones behind all interracial propaganda

So was Trump. Doesn’t mean Hillary should have won. The SD want to halt Migration coming into Sweden; that’ll buy them time they currently don’t have, and will require us to get the masses to start paying attention to what’s really going on. Denmark has been under a civicnat rightwing goverment for the past 2 years, and it has been very successful in telling the EU to go fuck itself. Danish Folketing even passed a law stating the wont accept any more refugees period. One step at a time, people. Just because we can’t do everything at once, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do anything.
IGNORE THE SHILLS!- We are here to plan, not get into the same debates and slide topics that have been plaguing this board for the last year. Hide the comments, focus on the campaign.
NO EXPLICIT MESSAGES- those will come in later stages. Right now, the express purpose is to get the left to Overreact. If we give them a justification, however small, it’s going to be a lot easier for the normies to write off. We need to get them thinking in time for phase 2.
NO MORE BROTHER WARS- Nobody cares about your personal opinions on Sweden. Even if you think there’s no hope left, if you’re not willing to go down fighting then get off this thread.
JOIN THE FIGHT- twitter.com/ITheRoundhead Follow this link to join the discord.
With that out of the way… It’s time to get the Meme War moving on the European Front.
Get planning.







Shills BTFO.





Our goal is to make SD get >50% of the votes.
Jump on the bandwagon everybody.

You can vote in Sweden as a Georgian sandnigger?


We don't live in Sweden. We're Europeans trying to mobilise Svens to send a message to the rest of the European right. Pic related.

I'm a mountain nigger, you uncouth snow nigger!!!!!!11
Put your memeflag back on.

Vote for Nordfront.

See Pic related. You retards honestly think this tactic works, don't you?

Nordfront will get legally rekt before the elections even start.
Nice copypasta btw.

(((Sweden Democrats))) serves Israel - (((Sverigedemokraterna))) tjänar Israel
(((Sweden Democrats))) serves Israel - (((Sverigedemokraterna))) tjänar Israel
(((Sweden Democrats))) serves Israel - (((Sverigedemokraterna))) tjänar Israel
(((Sweden Democrats))) serves Israel - (((Sverigedemokraterna))) tjänar Israel
(((Sweden Democrats))) serves Israel - (((Sverigedemokraterna))) tjänar Israel

Nice try jewstein. Try to divide and conquer somewhere else.
A vote for nordfront is a wasted vote.
Only reasonable thing to do is vote SD. After that there's time for the final solution.

>The more I repeat a LIE, the truer it'll become
My response to you will be the first two letters of my ID.

Åsiktspolisen* ftfy retard

I didn't make it, a Sven did.

sd 2018*

In recent news, M-leader sees integration as the big challenge, warning that it could crap itself.
Yet he refuses to talk to SD. The danger lies in retards beliving him.

The only person I trust more than my own mother is Jimmie Åkesson. There sure is some connection to the jews whatever it is im sure theres a good reason for it. I bet Jimmie is being pragmatic and fact remain that there is noone else to put your trust and faith in. But go ahead, start the revolution and go havoc, it couldnt happen soon enough im waiting. Have an impact big enough and people will join in the mess that follow aka civil war.

It reminded me of this funny that was made last year, although it may be unclear. I may have to make a what I voted, what I expected, what I got.

Godspeed Sweden.

an easy operation after brexit/trump
rev up those twitter accounts boys

Simultaneously ,Akesson and the entire SD are aware of the JQ and all the other problems.
Hence all the shitstorm about them in the media.

Bump for planning ahead. I'd you are in Sweden you need to be on the ground organizing asap. Banners posters everything to trigger your commie kike news outlets. Keep shit fresh

If you want the Swedish Conservatives to do well, just publicly humiliate the media outlets who are rabidly against them. The Great Meme Wars showed much of the public how stupid and nasty CNN was, and doing a similar thing to the Mainstream European media would do nothing but good for the public

Its fucking bullshit and you know it, kikes are in damage control and push pro-isreal candidates, parties in every fucking country. You are just bringing us closer to the next slaughter. Vote for those, who want to clean your land from kikes and destroy their base in Middle East, so this wont happen again. If there is no one to vote for - become one.

We already have an user who'll post leaflets

Just troll the press and give them plenty of rope. I promise you that they will hang themselves with it

They love to report on NMR. Surely that can be exploited with giving them false information over a course of a few months and then calling them out on fake news to discredit them.


har jimmy sagt det här? tvek på det

jimmy var inte för trump under valet

That's me! Well I'm one of them at least.

Hi Britanon I haven't tuned in for a while. Thanks again for making these threads. Also friendly reminder that these threads will be much, much more active once we come closer to the election. Have a good evening! and God bless you for the help

Try to get as many leftest outlets worked up over something that seems nonsensical to the general public. Pepe did that for America; there has to be something that would do that in Europe. This is the Operation Overlord of the Meme War right now. We save Europe from the leftest cucks, or die trying

So I made this and another one for comparison. Cultural recognition may be lost on foreigners, but who cares about those.

Det har han ju sagt, efter Trumps ikoniska tal "Last night in Sweden".


Skickligt gjort, user!

I'm afraid people under the age of 20 won't even understand it though. Still, guys under 20 are hugely redpilled already. Btw guys could you explain to me how I should procede when I hang up the posters? I'm not really worried about being assaulted by leftists or anything because I'm a /biggoy/ but I wonder if police are gonna try to cuck me

Cultural recognition is exactly the sort of thing we're looking for, Sven. We need more people like you over on the discord.
The idea is similar to IOTBW, user. We put them up at night, and they aren't problematic enough to get you stopped by the police; just problematic enough to get the left to overexaggerate and freak out.

These are great, but please use a less goofy font.

We need to spread lots of these little redpills around July and August. Go heavy on facebook where the old Swedes are.
Also, shed extra light on European happenings during those months. Normies, especially the Swedish variant, are so fickle and forgetful. It only takes one politician kvetching about global warming and renewable energy for their attention to be taken away from SD. We just have to keep reminding them.

Lastly, centrist parties and Löfven will start shilling fake promises about "more border control" and what have you during the campaign, in order to siphon voters away from the nationalists. Classic cuckhold strategy.

My two cents for helping my favorite, worst enemy

Redpilling is one thing, humor and humiliation is often better. You can have the upper hand in a lot of debates by simply appealing to the lowest of the low desires, to laugh.
The greatest political battle this year I guess would be to derail any argument or debate material from Liberalerna into revolving around their phallic logotype. Absolutely any. If Jan Björklund says "nice weather we have", you reply "oh my god it's the dick man from the dick party".

Oh, we've got S and M's mistakes covered, don't worry. That's part of phase 3.
Humour tends to be culturally sensitive, user. We're trying, we really are, but we need swedes. Or at least other Scandinavians (who better to take the piss out of Swedes?)

These have great potential! Well done user!
Humor is one of the best weapons in our arsenal. Som sagt, det kräver att man har läst en del serier, skulle en med:
Jimmie, Hagbard Handfaste, Thor
funka? Eller blir det för kaxigt kanske?


Thanks for sharing your thoughts, broder. You're spot-on with how Löfven will try to jew himself out of this, of course. We must not let it happen.

Att sätta upp posters vid kl 01:30 på natten väcker kanske misstankar om någon ser dig. Folk tror du är klottrare och ringer polisen. Kanske bättre att sätta upp vid ca 6-tiden på morgonen eller tidig kväll? Eller?

Jo, det tror jag också. Jag får göra det lite diskret bara

>use a less goofy font.
Checked and thanks for feedback.
Handwritten "goofy" font is chosen with purpose, to make them feel more personally written and non-threatening for the brainwashed normie.
Also there has recently been this trend with handwritten fonts so maybe even catch some extra eyes just with that.

Nja, aldeles för kantigt.
Funderade på Annie Lööf - Pippi Långstrump - Magica de Hex, och Stefan Löfvén - Mumintrollet - Tengil.

I stand with Sweden's interests, as it is a sovereign nation with people inside it trying to take away its sovereignty. These traitors need to be humiliated. >

waiting till september for political election,
can't we just push the swedes into early election

gives us more time to deal with the cucks. That's a good thing, since they're deeply rooted

>Åsiktspolisen* ftfy retard
Thanks for your lovely comment, Tiimo.
"Pålisen", because the word "Polis" (and different inflections of the word) is regulated by law and may in some cases be used only by the real swedish police.
Let's not give them free ammo for a lawsuit.

Fuck SD. They kicked out my gf because she was "too radical" for saying that every Muslim fighting age male should be deported.

The general elections are set in stone, an election now would be followed by the one in the fall. We have been fairly close to getting an extra election, the closest was right after the last elections when our PM didn't want a minority government. It was called off in the last minute after a ¡Jeb! I mean Jimmie surge. The liberals basically elected to bend over and lube their holes up, which caused another Jimmie surge.

Kek! Good ideas!

Good philosophy for fonts. I think the images would convey more sternness with a very basic font like Calibri, without coming off as authoritarian.

Sorry to hear that. There are stories like that about UKIP here, as well.
They're still the best options our countries have that stand a chance of being elected before they're outlawed.
It's not about the SD, user. It's about Sweden.

Racists defeated again, there are no problems in Sweden, crime has not increased, I even saw it on occupy democrats that Sweden is safer than ever and the migrants have become productive members of Swedish society

Swede-kun needs your help anons, say it with me:


Reminder that even though many of you want Nordfront or someone similar, they're simply too radical for Sweden right now. It's important to shift the overton window to the right by voting Sweden Democrats before voting anyone else.

these reminds me of pic related

What hashtags do we use for general election/Sweden Yes material?

Going to be firing up the bots this week

If you want to semi-automate your accounts (get a script, type in account credentials, hit a button a Sweden-related tweet is automagically posted) you're welcome to volounteer

Keeping the fully-automated bots away from the public though to prevent detection.

Running Selenium to emulate Firefox and Chrome with plugins + each has schedules depending on what timezone the IP is in

SD will win but only if you post "THANK YOU BASED LIBBE" in this thread.


#svpol is quite popular

Need to get an international hashtag going

e.g. #SwedenSOS, #SwedenYES, #SwedenElection or something

#MeToo or #HerToo is also going to be useful around phase 3, when we start dropping REAL redpills on what's going on in Sweden.

Svpol is the usual battlefield, then I reckon val2018 will heat up. There are probably lefty safezones to invade, but I don't know their tags.
After some consideration I went for Moominpappa over the Moomintroll.

I just got kicked for recommending anarchism instead of voting. trello.com/b/NveXXaSg/the-world-as-we-know-it

You didn't get kicked.
You got banned for being a retard.


Is there a poster printing faq? Like can I use a regular printer and regular printing paper for outdoor posters?

For Twitter:
I find that it is mostly full of the same people circle-jerking tame material like what you posted. You get pats on the back, that is all. There are lots of Facebook groups that will ensure your Sweden images gets more viral spread than #svpol will ever get you.

To engage people who aren't already it would be much better to start with things like: Hijacking existing active campaigns gets you much more exposure

Has lots massive groups of 50k+ people with both redpilled people and literal rednecks who will share anything.
Manage to get one of my "articles" in the printed Metro magazine...

I will compile lists of good groups

You’ll regret voting right wing if you do Sweden. Look at the stupid shit trump said about Sweden, there is little to no crime in Sweden, why vote for the right?

Trying with font "Calibri" as danebro suggested. What do you think? If you all like this better i'll change the rest of them too.

(Also: Cropped to international paper size A_.)


Swedish brothers. I beg you/hope that you can be a front runner for getting your shit together, so we in Denmark later can follow!

That’s got to be fake news, you should watch or read cnn, msnbc, or occupy democrats real news. Fox News and breitbart are nothing but lies

If you don't vote MP you're a literal traitor to this country


Left wing socialism has worked so well in Denmark, why vote against it

This is much better, the other font looks like something that would be used in a refugees welcome poster.

What’s JDIF?

idk where that 'free' meme is coming from, its not free, its mandatory and included in the tax


Well, remember that womyn and old people and cucked svens are the target for these.


