>white people are used in Korean media the way niggers are in ours
mages u dink
>white people are used in Korean media the way niggers are in ours
mages u dink
I think Asian countries have always had a white people fetish.
Ooga Booga, where the chink women at?
that dude is hapa as fuck
as much as i hate race mixing im not against this
I've never seen a black person used in media like this
This, he's basically South Korean
The difference being that idolising superior races makes sense, all races have done this toward the white race and for good reason
Literally every country that isn't western European or North American does this.
Having light skin in general is looked up to in 95% of the world. Only the anglosphere has a hateboner for whites and a hardon for tanning and dark skin. You know those pictures that say "Come home, white man"? That's literally any country that is fully developed but not white. Even in Japan, which is notoriously anti-foreigner, is ok with whites so long as they're not david-kun.
Cool i guess?
I would never date an Asian girl, but they're cute as hell.
>you will never be used in media to seduce Korean lolis
Why are we still here.
at least Asians have a legitimate reason to fetishize us seeing as how we're the master race
the nigger fetishizing in Western media is purely forced and disgusting
>Said the literal hapa
Women want the biggest dicks they can fit. That means white in the case of asians, and, you guessed it, blacks in the case of whites.
too soon man
>Mfw we always use white people as villains.
>Yo Hol up
>"sucks air through nose"
>Du bist saying these azn bitches want my white dick(TM)
what k-drama dis?
What do you mean
No, just Russian.
Yeah, but the difference is niggers are fucking disgusting.
>*gets an education*
>*finds a job*
>*pays taxes*
>*reads the newspaper*
>*raises kids*
Blacks literally have average sized dicks. Stop buying into Jewish made propaganda you dopey pothead
Wh*te people are blacks compared to Asians
>asians don't commit crimes, whites do
>asians don't live off welfare, whites do
>asians have honour, whites are just greed
>white people are chavs, asians are not chavs
>white people act like blacks with rap, asians don't
>asians don't form street/soccer gangs, whites do
>whites do things like weed and drugs, asains don't
Wh*te people truly are subhuman, and I say this as a fellow right wing nationalist white male.
>the white guy always dies in the movie
>at least Asians have a legitimate reason to fetishize us seeing as how we're the master race
I feel you man
>master race
smelly dumb white scum
>white people are chavs, asians are not chavs
>asians don't form street/soccer gangs, whites do
> dyel soyboy lanklet
> superior
They just like effeminate boys in different colors.
Show your flag coward.
This comic was definitely made by a leftist cuck who hates his own race (white).
Prove me wrong.
There are a couple real qts there and they dont look surgically altered like every single other decent looking asian out there. What nationality are these and are they in fact natural or have i been fooled?
The red head is specifically very beautiful.
A Chinese tourist gril walked up to me when I was cooling on the corner and said I was cute and whatever. Is this a part of their master-plan of colonizing Iceland?
>t. knows nothing about asians
Korea like most of Asia was third world before whites came. Whites are the opposite of niggers.
Gorgeous huwhite genes.
>literally all of south asia and china prove this leftypol kike wrong
>brown eyes
pick one
Let me guess, you blew your chance at establishing a Nordic/Asian hapa master race dominion?
Sucks to be a black with an average sized penis. Women must be disappointed when they see it. At least with whites it's expected.
>and I say this as a fellow right wing nationalist white male.
>smelly dumb white scum
>asians are superior to whites
"muh dick nigga white master race 1488"
The final red pill is knowing that the Jews are promoting white male/Asian female couples in order to undermine Asian societies.
I find Asian women very beautiful, but I refuse to date them because I'm not a filthy race traitor.
>leaf next to meme flags
hapa is the future
delete this
This assumes that the people complaining about white-black race mixing are the same as the ones with yellow fever.
I'm not interested, I'd rather have a Norsk jente than an Azn qt.
This user thinks gooks don't form gangs and whites do. Asian gangs are alive and well. White gangs are just larping as Nazis
They can not keep us down, brother. We will out-shitpost them to victory.
They think the day of the rake will be the end of us. But we shall be the ones that hold the rake and use it against them.
We shouldve given you to the US instead. Brainlets electing Justin Trudeau, Daddy is ashamed of you.
show your flag
tfw your flag is the superior meme flag commies get fukt
Who are they, right girl is pretty hot
cause women fetishize dumber and stronger men than their ilk
nana - afterschool
Hehe good one
so much more superior than whites
They willingly do it. While in the west it is forced to show we are not racist.
You're comparing asian immigrants to white native population.
You can get the same result, except for white people, if you compare white immigrants in Asian countries to the Asian native population.
Those stats are literally meaningless.
The delusion of that image is incredible
Asians are subhumans
>Brown eyes
>a nigger been used as a nigger
Whats Iceland like? And the language, is it weird?
on one hand they have iq and arent really bad to mix with like retarded proto-human shitskins, but on the other hand the children will be left leaning elliot rodgers with no connection to any race
mixing is bad
Kim Doyeon
fuck off gook lover
Icelanders all look Asian. Look at Bjork. They look Mongolian with Blonde hair.
When I saw the first bird I knew she was going to eat it
I want a blow job from her now idk why
Pls no. Canadians are kept in their northern cage for a reason.
Fucking snowbird fucks. Every year my state is flooded by zillions of their white liberal boomers who come to escape the cold and clog up our streets. Unironically day of the leafblower when.
Mongoloids are subhuman rice insects.
you're not clever
fucking kek, nice one leaf.
>we were kings among other things
Why are Asians so damn ugly?
they usually are
I read somewhere its just TV, when u actually go out streets are filled with average women who look uncomperable worse. Cuties like on this gif are super rare.
this merchant is getting more retarded every repost
Based chinks.
hey at least the chinks aren't going to go extinct
Where's the Russian cuck how hates hapas?
none of them are white
turks had the right idea about killing Armenians