Senator Mitt Romney CONFIRMED

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Nowhere does it say that


Sure it does. Right where it says Hatch is not running again.


Hatch said he would only retire if Romney were to run. Can't wait for Mitt in the senate this is gonna be good.

You're joking, correct?

So he went from socialized medicine man on the east coast now hes going to be the "party backstabber " just like his traitor dad in Utah.

Maybe John Stewart can keep writing his nevertrump speeches so Trump gains 10 points in the polls again after a Romney speech.

Mormons are worse than Jews....FUCK

I hate those smug, self rightous psychiatric weirdos so much

Stop being a degenerate sheepshagger.

So who's /ourcandidate/ in Utah boys? We can't let the party win undermine the people like this

Soooooo,is this something good or bad?

This. I hate Mormons with a passion, unfortunately I am moving to Utah next week.
Mcfucking kill me

Having that worthless Mormon carcass in the Senate will NOT be good. We can't let it happen.

We have several choices we have:
Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney in the Senate is bad. Do you live under a rock or something?


Go fuck a tree.

He's basically just subbing in for McCain. Who cares, net stasis.


I really don't get how John Stewart thought that was a good idea.
The people who fell for it are already brainwashed into complete submission. They'll holler and cheer and love him no matter what he says like they're trained.
All it's going to do is give an extra nudge to someone right leaning.

Say it with me Sup Forums




It must be stopped. I'm not having that motherfucker in the Senate.

Why Steve Mormons such smug degenerate cunts?

Are you even serious? Remember that video of Romney calling poorfags out?

I'm doing a research paper on Mormonism. It is literally disgusting.

Romney won 72 percent of the vote in Utah. He can't be stopped.

He was 100% right though, 47% of the country will never vote for smaller government because they're totally reliant on government

And Clinton was leading by 12 points nationally. So what? Let's unite against this piece of shit.

I legitimately thought Orrin Hatch was dead


Mitt Romney will not replace Hatch. Cap it

john is a good jew.


I hope a woman accuses him of rape. Would unironically love it and shill for the dems

But that nigga literally had binders FULL of women.

The only person who has a chance against Romney is former governor Huntsman. But he is currently ambassador so he probably won't run. I know it sucks but Mormons consider Romney their hero and they would never go against him.

Romney has been wanting this seat for the last three months and encouraging Hatch to resign.

Trump has been encouraging Hatch to stay, even giving him what he wanted with the Grandstaircase-Escalante and Bears Ears areas, a ride in AF1 and White House meetings.

Hatch is still quitting, Romney will win this seat by a 80% margin and further cuck the President and Republicans legislation in the Senate, especially with that Alabama seat gone.

Nope. Not this. Romney's district will go blue if we don't support him and I'm not even fucking around about this. I don't like the guy either but we need to get our shit together so we can all piss on this blue wave.

We should cook up sex allegations against Romney for his seat run, would be quite karmic.

We need to begin a Utah candidate search, any Sup Forumsacks from Utah around?

I used to love watching Jon Stewart/Liebowitz and Colbert when I was a kid. They were kinda edgy and made you feel like you knew what was really going on politically. But maybe 6-7 years ago I started realizing how shitty that liberal snark stuff is, then I started realizing that people like Liebowitz and Colbert actually hate people like me. Then I got redpilled on the JQ and figured out why. Now I hate them with that hate you can only have for someone you used to like when you realize they've been using you/stabbing you in the back.

Does Mitt feel like a big guy?

Do you?

Hating Mormon's really? Don't these fucks usually have like 6+ white children and teach them not to be degenerates.

I can imagine your pain senpai

Get fucked mitt

This is true as well. As much of a pain in the ass and a cuck Romney is going to be at least he is going to vote for the judicial appointments and possible Supreme Court appointment we want.

>we need to vote for a traitor or else the enemy will win the seat
Better an open enemy than a traitor, Mitt can get fucked.

Do you think the democrats are going to run Misty Snow the tranny against Romney?

Generally yes although the church is starting to get cucked like Catholics.

>mccain dies/retires
>romney maybes runs, if so he wins in a landslide

wow its almost like nothing would change

I realized this in 2002/2003 when Bush sought re-election.

No, he won't. He is only doing this to try to sabotage Trump, he and his pals have admitted as much. Romney isn't even a basic bitch conservative, he is a fully own neocohen tool.

McCain and Flake's seats stand a chance of going blue, so it's bad.

Any R is better than any D simply because of the courts, which are vital.

Where are you from?

Those same "tools" helped confirm shitloads of judges as well as Gorsuch.

No matter what, we do not want the seat to go Dem even if our only choice is a total neocon.

In the end, it's just more rich people yelling at poor people and telling them what to do.

Remember this?

Utah is comfy as fuck sempai


That sort of attitude is why the Right loses. It isn't even pragmatism, because these faggots can always withold their vote to demand more kikery. These sort of people have to be purged from the part entirely.

Yeah, what a shitshow. And people like Romney were totally on board with that stuff, in the general and with the delegates in the primaries.

I always figured he was a senator.

Nominate more Roy Moores and see what happens to your movement.

It gets beheaded.

We can stop him.

There was a lot of anti women bullshit pushed against romney in 2012. we can use that and tie him to trump

No, we need to support a candidate who will back Trump's agenda in the primaries ASAP. I don't care how long the odds are, this man can't be the Republican nominee

Roy Moore was only an issue because of this sort of faggotry. If Trump hadn't been trying to trade favors with McConnell in order to try and keep McCain and Flake on board for one bill then Mo Brooks would have won the primary.

Roy Moore is a warning on the merits of that, you can't nominate a shitloard or someone who cannot aquit themselves well in a campaign.

Nope. Traitors don't get votes

Then make sure to back the candidate who can acquit themselves well. Giving that seat to a RINO for 6 years could be catastrophic. Utah needs a pro-wall candidate, I know there are enough Mexicans there to make the whites hate them

How much kikery can they fit into one video?
>"I'm not asking you to vote for Hillary Clinton. I'm only asking you to vote in such a way that she could be declared the winner."
>Hillary Clinton considered competent and qualified despite all tenure being ridden with scandal, corruption, and destruction
>believing their own bullshit as an excuse to subvert the will of the electorate college after losing an election fair and square
>actually believing that people will compromise on their principles for a bunch of pathetic faggots' "respect" which will immediately vanish in the next political debate of the day
A bullet in each one of these kikes' and shabbos goys' brain.

>Dem even if our only choice is a total neocon

In those term, it sounds like you don't even have a choice... You don't.

>soviets manage to kill and bury 22 thousand polish officers in couple days with nagant pistols only
>implying Germany with it's super industry can't kill and burn few million Jews in 4 years

when will I learn to check what thread I'm posting in before pressing post button

Utahn here.

At the very least, I doubt Romney's going to get far this time.

Ever since his run for the presidency, people around here have been getting a real sour taste in their mouths when they talk about him, and Trump's won over a lot of mormons with his stunt he pulled in SLC and praising the church's humanitarian efforts. I'd more expect Huntsman to actually have a chance, riding on his small support from Trump, but on the other hand, he's been on the "Muh Russia" train.

However on another note, we've all been expecting Hatch to resign very soon. He's been in there for far too long and especially with Chaffetz stepping down, people were looking at him to do the same.

In that case, we need to immediately take out McMullen, Mike Leavitt and Mia Love. They've both been pretty against Trump in one way or another.

Reyes, Liljenquist, or Stewart I need to research more but they seem promising if any of them decide to run.

>Hatch said he would only retire if Romney were to run.

Other way around, but Romney is almost certainly gonna run now.

>can't nominate a shitloard

Bullshit. Gloria Allred won that election purely on lies, forgery and massive election fraud.

Actually scratch who I supported. He was for increased immigration checks and all that, but I found a bunch of articles from Liljenquist about how Trump has too much power and needs to be "moderated", and how he doesn't like him messing with Obamacare, so scratch him off the list.

Deidre Henderson, however, also looks she might run. She worked with Chaffetz and seems pretty solid, vote-wise. Haven't seen much on immigration or Trump policies yet.

Sean Reyes is also looking pretty good. Verbally pro-Trump, he's even taken down some human trafficking rings.

Chis Stewart is from Congress and is for getting rid of the Obama-era stagnation. He's more neutral on Trump but he supports his bills to get them through.

what is this and what is the source

That is the only "evidence" presented against Judge Roy Moore. A signed yearbook. It is a proven forgery. The accuser and Gloria Allred even admitted that it was forged, but the mainstream media refused to cover it before the election. The forger and Allred belong in jail.

Roy should sue them all.

He is going to try to impeach Trump and become the GOP nominee for 2020. His win in 2018 will be a big victory for the nevertrump movement.

It would be better if utah goes blue, it would suck for a while but it would crush forever the nevertrump movement and leave cuckservatives with no choice but to vote Trump in 2020.

Exactly, these chucklefucks need to be gotten rid of. Letting your agenda be held hostage by them is worse than being blocked by the Left, because at least you can focus the base's anger against the Left. People like Romney need to become pariahs in the GOP.

>Ever going blue in the next 50 or more years

Even when we weren't all for Trump in the beginning, people absolutely despise the likes of Hillary and Obama and their party. Especially after taking all that land for the feds and then poisoning our water with the Gold Mine incident.


Fuck off we’re full