Was Julian Assange just snuck into to the US?

Julian Assange tweeted this. Last night US Customs and Border Protection immigration processing computers went down at 7:30pm to 9:30pm. MIA's song Paper Planes has some lyrics such as:

"I fly like paper, get high like planes If you catch me at the border I got visas in my name".
"I got more records than the KBG"

Julian's tweet is potentially a key to a crypto wallet?

Has Assange just been brought to the safety of the US?

Computer outage >> archive.is/2fECc
Julian's tweet >> archive.is/470KN

Other urls found in this thread:


bump for I want it to be true

Trump is getting him a pardon but he's dropping some fail safes in case Trump fucks him over.

But what's more likely is he's an attention seeking faggot who never delivers and is just doing this to stir shit up.

Looks like 2 Xbox store codes

>safety of the US


Julian Assange is going to get a pardon and become a living legend very soon.


Pardon? He hasn't even been charged.


Give us the 650k, Juliaaaaaaan

give us something Julian.

He will never be free. Someone will always be looking for him.

>he's an attention seeking faggot who never delivers and is just doing this to stir shit up


You know he's fucking rich from crypto right? He'll hire the best security money can buy. Also with the Rothschilds taken care of soon the entire Jew World order is coming crashing down.

Meh, he was the only person left in the UK with any balls.

You realise his financial assets have been frozen and stripped from him? He relies on donations from visitors and his legal team is funded by legal aid.


that's not a crypto wallet adress, too long for a BTC wallet and too short for a XMR address

He's getting PARDONED. BTC can't be frozen either dipshit.

not to mention all those cryptokitties WL was pushing before christmas, kek.

what is a cryptokitty and is it worth money?

He's going nowhere shill, and yes his BTC can be frozen, good luck cashing it out without a computer or a bank account. Dumb shit.

And no, he's not getting pardoned, he's a dead "man". lel.

He dead baby boy. He dead... hahahaha!

>t. Jew shill
Do you guys ever get bored of saying the same dumb shit over and over for months on end getting consistently proven wrong?

Never Jew nigger

You have to be charged and admit guilt for a pardon.

No you don't.

I don't think this is true. Didn't Ford give Nixon like a blanket pardon? This discussion came up before.

I think the consensus was that they need charges to extradite him but the pres could actually pardon him to waive off an investigation.

>Has Assange just been brought to the safety of the US?
safety? last i heard you had senators going on record saying he should be assassinated

Nigga he's hanging out in Detroit

Muslims are faggots.

Britain is full of Muslims.


who is he talking to when he posts these little cryptic messages? im starting to think he does it all for attention and loves the Sup Forums fanbase of conspiracy nuts

If Trump delivers, he'll die a hero

He's putting it on record.

Ask Dana Rohrabacher


Proof of life or Assange is dead. Physically not seen at a window for ages. All his interviews are green screened and fishy.

Oh yeah this guy is dead too

He was at the balcony here

Although October 2016 a lot of fucked up shit happened, he was absent for a long time, lawyers died, wikileaks posted weird shit and failed to update pgp key and a huge police presence outside the embassy, he has failed to address any of this.

Assange never delivers? Without him Hillary would've won you fucking idiot

It's like some kind of virtual cat that's actually a crypto token if i understood these right.
But yes, you can sell them

Fuck off Julian you beta faggot. Go get cucked by Pamela again you fucking poser.

I am willing it to be this way.

Is it just me or can anyone else smell something in the air?

The sweet smell of the mega happening approaching.

It's like the Chinese used to say that depending on the wind direction, they could smell the horde of mongols approaching for days in advance..

Epic happening... ETA less than 2 months...

What about even simpler.... All i wannna do is take (((your))) money

executive order????

>man practically single handedly saves the entire universe from the first woman president and last U.S president the world will have to endure
>isn't already a living legend
this earth is gay as fuck

Why does it matter? Assange is obviously a CIA nigger (or whatever intelligence agency they have in Australia).

>archetypal fake background involving hacking into the Pentagon and DoD as a teenager, once caught only had to pay a small fine
>has never leaked anything that was not already known in a general form (mostly about government surveillance)
>receives constant publicity by the (((media)))
>Wikileaks is allowed to operate without having its domain seized or even twitter verification removed, when it is supposedly a national security threat

Stop being so gullible.

>is potentially a key to a crypto wallet?
oooor it's an md5 hash of an upcoming release, like it has been for the last, oh I don't fucking know EVERYTIME.

>good luck cashing it out without a computer or a bank account. Dumb shit.
I fear for Great Britain people like you can vote without feeling the smallest need to do a 10 second duckduckgo search.


I kind of think he was. Something about tweeting MIA right as you leave seems so Assange to me.

He's not verified on Twitter and MSM calls him a Russian asset.

hows arab cock ?

Bump for JA

>Assange is obviously a CIA nigger
Hi obvious CIA nigger!

Yeah, people keep forgetting that part. All the AG would have to do is grant him immunity and he would avoid charges.