Best Seacat?

Best Seacat?

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You posted her.

I like her even tho i'm not a lolifag

Obviously Erika

I want to hold her tight and pat her on the head



Yes, I still prefer to deito LUcifer.

Best seacat is Rosa.


>no 07th party/April 1st announcement
How much longer do we have to wait

You know it.

Erika is a close second.

Initially I just wanted to dick her but that user in the picture makes some good points. Maybe wiving her isn't so bad either.

Every thread until we reach the Golden Land

Does anyone know anything at all

Erika is unapologetically the best. The ending proved the family ranged from stunningly incompetent, to outright pieces of shit, so the world is better off without most of them. At least Erika is up front about her bizarre proclivities and actions.

Dlanor is next, but for me largely because they decided to cast Miyuki Sawashiro in any of her voiced versions.

Why is George, Jessica and Maria bad? I understand why the rest of the Ushiromiyas are shit besides them.

SJWs hate George because he's supposedly a Nice Guy or something, the worst thing that any human being can possibly be.

The manga is a gold mine for reaction pictures of Erika.

He did go into being a Nice Guy and ended up changing himself, so I don't know why people would get mad at him at that point.

He's a manipulative man child.


Tumblr considers being a Nice Guy about on the same level as being a serial killer, so it's no surprise he's considered irredeemable.
I like George a lot, though.

Tumblr's opinions about everything is meaningless. George has his faults but he isn't anywhere the asshole the rest of the family is. His only fault is not even knowing the gender if his fiance


Top right reminds me that I always have wondered what Kinzo thought of the grandkids. Did he consider George a respectable successor? Did he care about them at all as babies or toddlers? (Except for Maria, they were all born before the death of Beatrice II, where Kinzo really lost his mind; George was three or four when that happened)


Jessica has got to be one of the dullest human beings ever written, given she never suspected a single thing was wrong, so for her it's more like a mercy killing. Someone that dumb just probably should not exist or be allowed to propagate, it's better for the species as a whole. Maria is a child so yes she's mostly a dindu, George is largely one of the reasons the entire debacle got to the point it did, and no amount of penance is really going to salvage that.

I can only assume since they were the offspring of his offspring he didn't give any fuck about them.

*mesomesos your path*

Ryukishi promised us a Third Night.
Get on it, Kishi.

Which youkai wud u fug? I want to bully Sumire with my DICK.


WTC 5 update

>three months since announcement of development on new years
>on april first while 07thExpansion party was ongoing the website changed to pic related
>disappeared earlier and old website is back even though website news say it just got animation added

More details:

From Twitter users attending the party
>The title gives too much away, so he wants to keep it a secret until just before it's released.
>The codename for the new When They Cry is 'The next ____'.
>The setting is not a closed circle but an open world.
>He is currently working on the feel of the world in order to develop the sub characters.
>Since it is a global story, foreign characters will likely appear.
>He's wondering how abstract to make it and whether to lean towards entertainment or something difficult to understand that will have people arguing on message boards.

I think Higanbana might be the most fuckable. Sexy personality, a complicated bad girl with some traces of decency.

Was it rape?

Thanks! This part has me the most interested:

>The setting is not a closed circle but an open world.

I think Ryukishi might have found Umineko's "48 hour story that takes place within a single mansion" a bit suffocating and difficult to write for (I did find its extremely localized nature a bit stifling sometimes, even if it did also make the Rokkenjima mansion feel more homey), so it's not surprising that for the third series he would take the exact opposite route and give himself as much breathing room as possible. The more scalable a story is, the lower the chances of getting bored and the more difficult it is to write yourself into a corner.

I bet it's going to have a lot of stuff he learned from his experience of writing Rose Guns Days. Foreigners, global story, bigger scale.
As a When They Cry this could indeed be extremely interesting and would explain why he said that it's going to be different from Higurashi and Umineko.

Bern and Lambda are coming back right?

I hope Bern comes back so that someone can kill the evil bitch.

I've been meaning to finish Rose Guns Days, I read seasons 1 and 2 during late 2013 and early 2014. The adventures of the Wandering Dogs in the first parts of season two were nice, and I loved how important and badass the Primavera members had become during the timeskip. Ryukishi really does make wonderful stories.

I hope Bern comes back and has a fun and lovely time because she is a cute, good girl.

i hate erika but i love her so much

>t. inexperienced virgin brat

If it's a global story, maybe we'll get some cameos from an older Higurashi cast.
Maybe the story takes place in 1990 and we'll see a mid-twenties Keiichi, Rena, Shion, Mion, and an 18 year old Rika and Satoko.
Screencap this post.

All the points he raised are true, though (point number two only gets half credit since there's nothing too amazing about a 33 year old being attractive).

You haven't played season 3 and 4 yet? You should since it gets even better. Made me realize that Ryukishi is still an amazing writer and hasn't lost his touch at all after Chiru's not so pleasant parts.

What was so bad about Chiru?

You should get on that. In my opinion RGD's final act is the best part, other than the rushed ending. The mafia world that had been building since the beginning comes tumbling down in the most severe way possible. It's got minor spoilers, but if you want watch the last opening and you'll see the tone shift. It's really well done.
Part 3 it's pretty good too. It's kind of joined with part 2 in my head.

That's not even a question.

Episode 6 is still Ryukishi's most flawed work in my opinion at least. I was also a goat who didn't get shit so my opinion on Chiru shouldn't actually matter

Actually nevermind. Maybe the spoilers are a bit much, I can't tell.

>no love
>best anything

*goosesteps past*

Nah, I wasn't able to gather anything from the opening spoiler-wise. My memories of Rose Guns Days aren't quite clear enough for that since it's been just over three years.

It looks great, though! Rose Guns Days seasons 1 and 2 had plenty of great action scenes and exciting parts, but it looks like 3 and 4 really ramp up the character drama and intensity. Climaxes are one of Ryukishi's strong points, especially since his writing is so hotblooded and passionate anyway.

His climaxes are great but I've always really enjoyed his SoL scenes.

I'd have some tea with him, if you know what I mean.

Erika is best Not-Rika

Any stories like Umineko that don't have a typical storytelling format? It doesn't even need to be meta stuff, just weird or uncommon story formats in general.

Gravity's Rainbow

Definitely, I've always loved everything Ryukishi-related.

It's interesting to see his writing style change and improve between Higurashi and Umineko. In Higurashi, many of the SoL scenes were purely character-driven fun, while in Umineko every scene serves some kind of larger purpose. Not that there's anything wrong with pure SoL, of course. Sometimes it's nice to spend 30-40 minutes reading about characters you love having a water gun fight.

Higurashi also had some humor that I found tonally inconsistent with the rest of the story (mainly some of the Angel Mort stuff), whereas Umineko was sometimes lighthearted and upbeat but never banal.

Ange is best Erika.

If you're looking for visual novels, Kagetsu Tohya from Type-Moon is one to consider. It's really, really different from most visual novels. It's almost more of an "open world exploration" visual novel, though it is a sequel to Tsukihime which has a more typical VN storyline.

Some of the Liar Soft games, like Forest or the Seikon no Inganock come to mind as well.

I'm the best Erika, though.

That's a cute girl.

>the pynchon meme

>Did he consider George a respectable successor?
He didn't. The very first introduction we have of Kinzo has him bitching about the flaws of everyone in the family.
He says ''George doesn't have what it takes to be a man'' and that's pretty on point.

>Did he care about them at all as babies or toddlers?
He said Maria was obscene to the eye, but that's not overall a criticism of her intelligence, just that her autism towards mysticism made her a brat.

*run around the school to strip her naked*

Do you think Klaus would've killed himself after the bubble burst in the late 80's?

>But, um, I am furniture...
>Maybe that's true. And furniture has to listen to what people say.

Wow, that's actually really disturbing once you understand what furniture really means to Shannon/kanon.

He would've seen it coming.

She's just small, her body is like bern, schrodinger's cat, we'll never be able to know if there's any boobs in there or not because it changes all the time

Well, a good man is literally all you need to fix Rosa and Maria's issues and get a healthy family working again.

How can a girl be so best, Sup Forums?

So you fell for the ''lol i'm actually 213182312 years old'' meme.



The Stupid Goats Reading Seacats blog said something similar. That was a great read, even if both the blog owners turned out to be pieces of shit.

Nice legal loli

By being shit at everything else.

Also Hanyuu / Featherine. It won't be a WTC series without them


Damn WTC5 sure is looking good

>even if both the blog owners turned out to be pieces of shit.

They abandoned not just the Seacats blog, but their own personal accounts with no explanation or warning. Way to abandon a lot of close friends, jackasses. I have no tolerance for ghosters, they need to all be rounded up and set on fire.

I want to fuck Lambdadelta!

I think people under-emphasize Ryukishi's SoL talents. Just like with melodrama where characters overreact in the situations they're in, many authors and writers create unfunny or boring slice of life moments where characters are unnaturally laughing and it feels disjointed and pointless.

In Ryukishi's SoL scenes I always have a big dumb smile on my face and I feel like I'm having fun with friends just by watching them. It makes the serious or climactic scenes contrast all the more because of that.


Who were the owners again? Was one of them Akatokuro?

I used to read her blog sometimes, and didn't she say she had some real life things going on? In the end that's more important, and I'm sure she still kept in touch with her friends.

Hai, her and yumetabibito. It's been about two years since all three of the blogs died. It's forgivable if they did keep in touch with their friends behind the scenes despite ditching their blogs, but otherwise they are bad and should feel bad.



The answer is always no, you annoying erikafags

I wanna smash fat detective ass!

Then who is?


You are correct.

/RED/Best Umineko song right here/RED/

Sex with Erika.
