I selected too many shows to watch this season. Can someone tell me which ones of these are guaranteed to be shit so I can preemptively drop?
I selected too many shows to watch this season...
All of them.
You can always safely drop anything by Trigger or JC Staff.
>Seikasuru Kado
>Full CGI shit
Where is Tsugumomo?
Are there any yuri shows this season?
Clockwork Planet looks utterly mediocre.
J.C. Staff haven't put out anything great since Flying Witch, so I wouldn't hold my breath over Alice to Zouroku.
Tsuki Ga Kirei looks straight up like Your Name cash in.
Where did you here this will be bad?
SukaSuka, Sekaisuru Kaido and Clockwork Planet.
Deen just did Rakugo. They have a pretty wide range of products from absolute shit to masterpieces
Sakura Quest is going to be garbage, take it off your list.
Out of everything on there you pick Clockwork? Fucking Sup Forums
>Slice of Life about 5 grils
It'd have to be REALLY bad for Sup Forums to drop.
>Watching Xebec
Are you a horny teenager?
Sup Forums hated Hanasaku Iroha.
You are literally stupid to ask for other's opinions. It's the funnest moment in a season to watch them all and later drop them one by one gradually.
It's not ecchi
While the show didn't look like shit, Rakugo ain't your average Deen anime.
As I said it'd have to be REALLY bad.
Rakugo wasn't the masterpiece I was referring to, but it was a solid 8/10
Even worse then.
No we just shitposted about her being a slut without absolutely no clarification in the matter.
i know the concept may be foreign to you Sup Forums cucks but Sup Forums can watch pretty much anything and everything of all genres. Scary I know.
Can't really do it in advance, because I have to wait until you pick your favorites. Then I'll know which ones are shit.
>Sup Forums is more willing to eat shit
>y-you cucks
Lets see your garbage list
I wonder if Warau will be any good.
What masterpiece has Deen made, if not Rakugo?
Already guaranteed to be anime of the season.
Berserk is the only thing that will be good.
Angel's Egg.
Trust and Betrayal, Simoun, Ichizon
Sakura Trick
>hollow advertisement for the manga
>one punch meme
>not shit
good one
Warau is going to be anime of the millenium.
>J.C. Staff haven't put out anything great since Flying Witch, so I wouldn't hold my breath over Alice to Zouroku
You know it's the same director, right?
Not with THAT animation.
There's nothing that even remotely implies that I think that it's not shit.
You appear to be mad about something, calm down, friend.
Actually no, shit, nice.
Strike 2.
>Director: Shingetsutan Tsukihime
Have fun
Really? I liked it.
You can drop notMerlin's show.
You don't always find the 4 leaf clover on the first draw, user. And besides you're a grown adult watching cartoons done on slave wages, you're not impressing anybody with that. What, you think you're big kid because your cartoon has gore or power level ass pulls every now and again?
>judging a director on a 10 year+ old VN adaptation and not his more recent work
That's dumb.
Drop LWA
>Drop AOTS