Other urls found in this thread:
>not /spa/
Shit thread, bro.
Sup Forums fucking hates Sup Forums and Sup Forums fucking hates Sup Forums and that's why they are meant together. perfect merge.
>Sup Forums fucking hates Sup Forums and Sup Forums fucking hates Sup Forums
>Their taste still overlap like 70%
Tsundere like my polinesian cave drawings.
No, merge us with Sup Forums
/ak/ is the only logical option.
>Everyone wants to merge Sup Forums with Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>Not /tg/ or /jp/ to complete the cycle
Sup Forums has constant Sup Forums threads.
To similar
>implying they aren't already merged
>not Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Merge /vp/, /e/, and Sup Forums
>not /jp/
Anime and Video games overlap too much, why do you fucking think that is? It's because it's the go-to hobby of virgin autistic losers who have never kissed a woman, much less leave his room and/or basement.
>Sup Forums
Sup Forums is the worst fucking board on this entire website.
I'm going to kill myself if we merge with them, honestly.
That's because at least 40% of a
Sup Forums crossboards Sup Forums, though they wouldn't admit that.
Go back to if you want to be there
That's such a fucking claim.
I don't even play videogames.
>/atv/ - Totally Tubular
Best memes, though.
People who stay only Sup Forums have a different (and better) taste than Sup Forums.
Not only in anime, but also in games.
So what's the verdict on the new boards?
/can/ is basically Kemono Friends: the board and it's surprisingly fun.
/fitlit/ is fun to read too.
It needs to be Sup Forums, we have a long tsundere history with Sup Forums.
Fat fucking chance
/mlpol/ is as bad as you'd think it to be.
/vr/ is as close as I go.
/mo/ should just stay together.
Than you're part of the 60%
the 60% that's cancer.
But that means we'd get flags.
Just create /abcdefggifhhrkmoprstuvvgvrwwgiicr9ks4svipcmhmlgbty3acoadvanaspbizcglckcodiyfafitgdhchisintjplitmlpmunnewsoutpopolqstscisocsptgtoytrvtvvpwsgwsrx/ already.
/jp/ is the obvious and best choice for an Sup Forums merge.
Sup Forums used to love Sup Forums
what happened?
D-don't even joke about that user.
/jp/ is a boring as fuck merge, it's literally just making something that once was.
Ultimately pointless.
They became too full of their boogeyman Leddit and newfags
>implying we aren't merged yet
>Sup Forums is the worst fucking board on this entire website
This, I honestly don't know how they manage it, had this impression since 2009. It's so bad that Bane is the only good thing ever to come out of it.
What the hell? Sup Forums always hated Sup Forums for shitting up Sup Forums with casual shit and general shit posting (green text threads and feels guy shit). Unless you just got here in the last few years or something
Console wars went full whack, plus newfags and then gamergate.
Onizuka did his best to tear the wall between us down, you could give it a day at least.
Nothing wrong with flags.
Good; maybe it'll actually contain them.
you'd think that boards like Sup Forums or /trash/ would be worse but no, Sup Forums is just the biggest hellhole
>long tsundere history with Sup Forums.
More like just tons of anime images whenever Japan was playing in the world cup.
>implying we haven't merged with them already
Sup Forums deserves to merge with Sup Forums
Sup Forums + Sup Forums is the true choice, you know it
>anything but Sup Forums + /fit/
What the fuck is going on, who got merged with who?
Sup Forums is the best choice for Sup Forums
Sup Forums should be merged with /lgbt/ and encourage tranny comics and e-celebs threads
Like this?
Sup Forums with Sup Forums or /tg/ would just be nice friendship. Sup Forums with Sup Forums would be fucking hilarious, and everyone would shit on the the spics and SEA monkeys infesting this board. Sup Forums with Sup Forums would be us flooding Sup Forums with moe to drive out the reddit that's been shitting up the board for half a decade. Sup Forums with Sup Forums would just be ugly, and would only serve to encourage actual pedophiles.
shut the fuck up and give me /jap/ so I can talk about which 2hu i wanna marry
Cry more faggot.
What the fuck? I didn't notice there were new boards, they sound useless. also
>giving my little cancer anymore ground
destroy both
Sup Forums shouldn't merge with any board
Make it happen hiroshima
This, Sup Forums must remain pure
Sup Forums unanimously agree that Sup Forums should merge with Sup Forums to purge the moefags out
>Sup Forums wanting other boards to get shat on as well so it's 'fair'
Cancer through and through. Should've made the Sup Forums url redirect to whatever the mlp subreddit is.
>all boards get along fine and have fun threads
>except for Sup Forums and /mlp/
I want [a/jp] dammit
it needs to be Sup Forums
if it's not Sup Forums, I'm going to cry.
>Sup Forums should be merged with /lgbt/
Maybe, but I'm feeling left out, goddamnit.
>mfw /mlpol/
I forgot that place existed
Sup Forums unanimously agrees that you should go back to Sup Forums.
dear fucking god mlpol is even worse than it sounds
[a/jp] would've been good when there still was an Sup Forums or a /jp/
If you want to see garbage then just go to /mlpol/. I don't know why you'd want a 'le ebin joke merge' to further degrade what little quality this board has left unless you're a stupid crossboard faggot.
Sup Forums hates Sup Forums but Sup Forums hates everything up to and including Sup Forums
There isn't going to be anymore merges Sup Forums
Nobody wants us
That's the reason it would have to be /spa/ rather than /av/.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums would just shit on eachother instead of finding common ground for the day.
Why has Sup Forums's autism toward obvious outsiders waned in recent times?
no we should merge Sup Forums with /m/ ! why is Sup Forums separated from /m/ anyway ? mecha is a genre why can't we have threads about giant robots here ?
Fuck /m/
Go back to your containment board
I'm willing to bet that the reason Sup Forums wasn't merged with anyone is because we'd be the most autistically enraged over it, second to Sup Forums.
If it truly waned the mods wouldn't hesitate to merge us with Sup Forums or something.
We welcome change and openness; for we believe that freedom and security go together, that the advance of human liberty can only strengthen the cause of world peace. There is one sign the admins can make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the cause of freedom and peace. General Secretary Hiroyuki Nishimura, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for Sup Forums and all weebs on the internet, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate. Mr. Nishimura, open this gate. Mr. Nishimura, tear down this wall!
>/m/entally handicapped
Sup Forums's tried so hard to hang on to "board culture" that it's stagnating.
When moot banned naruto spamming he put a bullet through the soul of every user who self moderated. It was literally the beginning of the end. This season's Sup Forums-core shonen anime lineup is really going to make this board unbearable.
Who else here from Sup Forums?
/jp/ is a slow board anyway, nothing would change besides some boats and 2hus
/lgbt/ obviously has to merge with /qa/ though
That makes no sense. If it was stagnating then you'd see the same anti-crossboarder posts over and over again. Instead they're declining in frequency.
People got older, new people stopped caring.
goddamn I hate meta
I wish we could go back to a time before this tiring self-awareness
Who /v but has been in a since 2008/ here?
mecha already merged with automobiles,and anime/cute with animals.
I think judging by the majority of content of Sup Forums we should merge with /e/
Merge /k/, /t/, Sup Forums, and /i/ goddammit.