start in July
New Game! Season 2
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I always get excited when a manga I read gets an anime but I never end up watching past the first episode.
They should call it Newer Game or something. New Game! Season 2 sounds retarded as fuck.
Or, you know, New Game+!
That you, Mugino?
>not New Game+
How could they fuck this up so badly
They don't play video games.
>start in July
Jesus. I expected next year
That's reserved for the sequel.
This is just a continuation of the same work.
>new game
It's the season of homosexuality. Very excited.
Yeah that's way fucking better than what I came up with.
How the fuck did they not name it that?
But will it be more gay than S1?
If you look at the webpage linked, you'll notice it's "new game!!".
Aoba cheats on Hifumin
Will Nene be even more annoying than before?
I want to make sweet, sweet love with this boy.
Wait, you guys aren't memeing right? Is this real?
But (he) doesn't have a penis
I sure hope so.
Check the date
It's joke
>Tsubame and Momiji
2 cour confirmed
Nice, more of the same?
Why do japs love to add exclamation points to new seasons? Makes me wonder if Keijo!!!!!!!! is a sequel of something, but we didn't notice the first seven seasons.
Nene is going to become Japanese Phil Fish and dyke it up with Ahagon a lot.
Can't wait until this cutey shows up.
Is that even possible?
Yes of course.
But isn't she a cunt
>I will only agree with threesome one time
It's boring seeing the same scenes you already read.
>they actually waited for April Fool's to end before announcing this
Nenecchi has found a new friend?
What's going on in this thread?
I bet she does mean blowjobs.
I like her friend's tits.
So does Aoba
Summer keeps getting better.
What is Aoba going to do to that bear.
>April 1st
Yeah, OK
This was announced last year you baka.
She's gonna get drunk and torture it.
As a penalty for such a wonderfully gay season we have to put up with next to nothing for Spring.
I want to LICK Hifumi's anus!
>it's still April 1st in this baka gaijin's country
Maybe I should finally finish it.
Hifumi wants Aoba to LICK her anus.
Nene's game!
My nutbladder was not ready for this.
>New Game S2
>Tenshi no 3P
Best Summer ever.
>you will never be a girl and work at Eagle Jump
The fuck is this. A bunch of edits?
Although I liked NG, i dont think a S2 was necessary, specially when Dogakobo could have given Nozaki-kun or Love Lab a new season.
This is why you should never read the manga first.
Are these Nenechi's "friends"?
Wait. Since they finished the game, what the actual fuck are they suppose to do now?
Make a New Game.
They make a new game.
make more geimu
why would u just kill an innocent bear like that...
Aoba is a sadist.
It's gonna flop and hifumi will be blamed and go into depression.
>Make a New Game.
It all comes full circle.
>snip snip
I-is that the concept for the game Aoba is going to head?
Jesus Christ on a bike, how horrifying!
the last bd was released a week a go, where's the ova?
It will be out this month. Yesterday was the last day to claim your copy if you bought all 6 BD/DVD volume.
That game was made by the bad Aoba.
Hope the OP will be as good as season 1's.
It should've been New New Game.
Oh well, excited to see more Yun and Nene.
Why is she so fat?
Nene ruins the whole show imo. woulda been so much better if she never showed up.
I'd like to see an edit of that shirt with the navy seal pasta.
who's the sexiest new game?
I personally want to mate with Hifumi.
This show literally has walking rape bait. How is this even a question.
The fat one.
/fit/, please
I want to mate with her impersonally.
Tough question
How will the relationship between Ahegaon and Nene develop in s2?
How has no one said Hajime?
Third base
We have more sense than that.
Why would anyone need to state the obvious?