You ready for the Season 3 announcement tomorrow, Sup Forums?
Gundam IBO
Maybe this entire second season was an april joke and we're getting real episodes starting next week.
Can't raise the flag if everyone is fucking ded
I just want it to end already. This season showed signs of improvement but somehow its ended up feeling even more aimless than the 1st.
Mobile armor awakening
Colonies Rebelling
what about Mikas child?
Timeskip with Atra's baby as MC
Or Gali Gali
I LOVED it until they suddently decided to abandon their initial plan, forsake McGillis and simply try to disappear. I mean, on the one hand it's completely reasonable (to some extent) to choose this path in order to save the remainants of Tekkadan, but on the other hand I just wanted Mikazuki to go berserk and ending this show with a bang
Lieutenant Octo Anaalé when?
But everyone is dead
>Either a downer ending that will piss off lots of fans or season 3 that feels unnecessary
Both are weird outcome
Atra has a ham in the oven, user.
The child of a gundam, the true ironblooded orphan.
I had a generally good opinion of Season 2 and have been defending it up UNTIL the end of the Mobile Armour arc. Everything after that just went back to feeling lackluster.
I'm hoping for a timeskip with Mika and Barbatos fused, and atra and Mika baby as pilot mc. Maybe Mc dosnt know that pops is in the gundam only that said gundam belonged to dad. Think this would make the whole problem of turning vegi go away. Kinda like gali and ein.
The whole "let's get em dad!" Thing could get kinda cringe which is why I think not knowing that your father is confined in the gundam you pilot would be better
The extermination of the space rats will be glorious.
I never would have thought during s1 that id actually be rooting for gjallahorn by the end
Someone genuinely wants another season of this pointless shit? Sunrise is making another UC series right after this, give it up.
Why would you root for generic corrupt military organization?
There's fucking no one to root for in this show.
The only proper ending is Mars transforming into giant Mobile Armor and murdering every named character.
No but I am ready for based Choco Char to not only have survived, but to also be the leader of Neo-Gjallarhorn.
>What's that dad? You want me to murder the shit out of some space pirates because you're bored?
>There's fucking no one to root for in this show.
The show has been shit since season 1 so what does it matter either way?
I'd rather have the spin off manga animated.
Will not happen, quit spreading fake news and head back to Anime Suki
>Everything after that just went back to feeling lackluster.
I lot of the episodes after McGillis acquired Bael have seemed like the writers are killing time until they can figure out how to wrap up the series. I think a lot of the events that happened in recent episodes (e.g. McGillis' death) weren't originally planned in the way they played out.
I feel like the opposite is true. McGillis' cool fight was the only decent looking mecha battle in the entire series. If it were a rush-job I feel like it would've looked just as awful as the rest of the series.
Well there is the possibility that the fight had been planned for a long time in advance but the context of the events surrounding it were either changed or unconfirmed. It just seems like the plot has been meandering around for the last few weeks with no clear goal in sight.
Barbatos looks so cool in action when they bother to properly animated the battle scenes. Imagine what he'd look like with Thunderbolt-tier animation.
Choco died, there's nothing else to see there
Normally I'd be satisfied with a well executed downer ending (it's been a long time since we had one of those in a Gundam series), but I don't even think we'll get that given the track record of IBO. S1 managed a decent if lacklustre finale, but S1 had the benefit of improving towards the last few episodes. S2 has just been getting worse.
That animation sequence here looks fucking awful.
You can see a pure human pilot with a bright future mop the floor with vile bloodlusting animals.
Awful is relative. It's a damn sight better than what we usually get from IBO.
>S1 managed a decent if lacklustre finale, but S1 had the benefit of improving towards the last few episodes.
>>Either a downer ending that will piss off lots of fans or season 3 that feels unnecessary
Even if they made the 3rd season the best damn Gundam series ever, people will still not watch it.
>lacks fluidity
>doesn't feel like an organic sequence at all
>even can make out key frames
Its better then what you normally get in IBO but its still pretty bad.
>S1 managed a decent if lackluster finale
>Char died, there's nothing else to see there
The last few episodes of IBO S1 were definitely better than anything else we got in the rest of the season.
>Its better then what you normally get in IBO but its still pretty bad.
Of course - that's why I said that it's all relative. Barbatos looks good in action because he's a somewhat unique Gundam and I'd love to seem him in action with objectively good animation.
Why do you think that?
>The last few episodes of IBO S1 were definitely better than anything else we got in the rest of the season.
Please god no, let it end.
The last characters I cared about died last week so no thanks.
Well what do you consider the "highlight" episodes of S1 then?
Sunrise didn't even bother to do an April Fool joke for this unlike Classicaloid and Heybot.
How bad it was to the point I dropped it after the Space Debris/Dorts act for awhile and rewatched AGE just to wash the bad taste from my mouth just to come back to it to see how much of a trainwreck it was.
The best part was the first three episode legitimately.
She just accidentally opened her tomato soup can no problem.
I see what you did there
Is this the first gundam series where the protags are humiliated, blamed as the villains, and then all killed?
That was 00 S1.
Also Lafter's constantly fluctuating breast size sure was FUN.
First two already happened to Shinn.
There is no child. Nobody gets what they want in this story. Kudelia is talking to vegetable Mika in the preview.
>that dusk falling
T-they're totally gonna survive this, right guys?
>the true ironblooded orphan.
WILL ATRA DIE? Please no
Never watched Gundam cause zero fucks,wondering if is something like
>Same plot ad infinitum
>Characters switching sides for the spite of it
>Armor plot
>People going full Col. Kurtz and doing nothing but talk
>Other random BS
The only people who genuinely expect more are the ones posting retarded fanfictions.
Who's ready for Twilight Axis
>Never watched Gundam
>starts with IBO
Poor you
Looks like a fat lot of crap but IBO already brought things to such a low level anything will do.
I never watched them,have no intention to watch IBO,too lazy to open a new thread so I'm just asking here.
This show is 2015's April's Fool joke.
Just let it die already, stop wasting seasons on salvaging the unsalvagable. Hopefully whatever they do next will be better (though looking at their track record for all post-00 seasonal gundams its not a good bet).
Build fighters was good.
00 is a good place to start.
Wasn't that just a season-long advertisement for gunpla? (moreso than usual)
Everyone praise 00 and I barely remember anything from it.
Was it really that good?
Maybe I should rewatch it.
May as well go with IBO if they don't care about mecha action.
Char's Counterattack.
Season 1 was great bro watch it now if you love gundam.
It is like gundam valhalla.
It has some good moments in the first season.
>Same plot ad infinitum
The only common theme between each Gundam is war and space.
>Characters switching sides for the spite of it
It does happen.
>Armor plot
Of course. Though it's usually just one or two characters, usually comic reliefs. Otherwise it's more of an everybody can die series. Especially IBO.
Once in a while sure. But the series never stops altogether for the sake of a 12 episodes long flashback for instance.
>People going full Col. Kurtz and doing nothing but talk
Not really, though when it comes to IBO that's a rather frequent criticism.
There's 0080 but 0080 is actually good.
Here's the (You) for that low quality bait.
I remember everything being pretty solid in 00 with my only complaint being that Celestial Being somehow kept their massive technological advantage secret for 100 years
Why was Hush shafted so hard? We never saw any real improvements in his skills and he was Mika's servant for more than half the season until his stupid death. Why did they even bother with him?
It will be a movie, and I hope the retarded shitposters sudoku themselves.
he reminded me of the manga protagonist, too bad everyone got okada'd
>Why was [Any IBO character] shafted so hard? We never saw any real improvements in his/her skills and s/he was Mika's servant for more than half the season until his/her stupid death. Why did they even bother with him/her?
>Why did they even bother with him?
Feeds into my theory that there was a major change in direction during the second half of season 2 and Hush's character development was one of the things that got left behind.
Better than starting with Age or Greco.
>We never saw any real improvements in his skills
He went from being useless to being able to take out grunts!
Now that Macky is dead I really stopped caring for the show. His ballad shall go down in my personal gundam history as one of the best.
Fucking Gaelio.
If anything, if it gets anything more I will already have won.
Yo, haven't been on Sup Forums in a while but I'm looking for something new to watch.
I have a huge nostalgia boner for Gundam Wing. I watched SEED and thought it was very forgettable(though the OST still holds up). The last one I watched was 00 and I considered it... meh? Had it's moments, cool designs, but most characters were bland.
Do you think this show would be good for me?
>mika has a daughter
>she is a lesbian
>it's the first sjw gundam
>directed by Mari Okada
>His ballad shall go down in my personal gundam history as one of the best.
Why do people keep saying this? It was just a fairly standard Char clone arc, except he was a rent boy as a child.
The madman had to be put down for his own good.
He truly was too good for this world.
Maybe Okada believes it's a brilliant trope subversion that truly makes you think.
Looks to me like you only liked Wing because you watched it as a kid and don't really like Gundam. Don't waste your time with this franchise.
its mika still a cripple
He was fun and his death scene was beautiful.
Him dying feeds into my theory that he was the typical rookie character who looks up to the MC, but then dies in battle
That's a super common character type in mecha anime though it would've been nice if he had at least been killed by a named character
Fuck you he will rise again, for he was chosen by Bael the very sould of Gjallarhorn and Agnika Kaieru,
Nah, I do like mechs, and I do like Gundam in general, I just thought the most recent ones were pretty forgettable.
I still had fun watching them at the time, just when looking back on them I don't think they were good, just entertaining enough, and I guess that's what I want.
The main thing really are the characters, if those are good I really don't care much for the mech designs or the pacing and so on.
Is this show just a trainload of standard gundam character tropes or does it have some more refreshing ones?
Hello newfriend if you want to see an actual SJW anime you should check out Earth Maiden Arjuna
It features everything you crossboard normalfags love to cry about
It's very different from the usual fare, if that is good or not is up to you a lot of people hate it and think it is the worst gundam series ever.
I thought it was allright, but untill recently the only gundam I had watched was G-gundam in 7th grade and wing in kindergarten.