Ancaps as members of the right-wing

I often see other right-wingers talking about how capitalism is a jewish tool just as much as socialism.

(((They))) call corporate socialism (what we have now) "capitalism" and blame everything on it, causing retarded millennials to push for more leftist policies.

They know that the further we go from capitalism, the richer they'll get. It's easier to control millions of poor people who depend on your state when it comes to healthcare, education, transportation, entertainment, electricity, food, everything.

They also encourage shit like single motherhood, drugs, gangsta culture, being a slut. Why? Because people with such lifestyles can't live without government assistance. They won't be able to survive if someone takes away their welfare, foodstamps and housing. So if everyone considers that shit "cool" and lead their lives like this, they'll never want more capitalist policies. Because capitalism implies autonomy, independence and consequences of your actions.

Their whole idea is - create a society of people unable to live without the government, robbed of identity and thinking they're free individuals.

Other urls found in this thread:

Lots of natsocs, fashies and other third positioners think that anarchocapitalism would lead to degeneracy.

That's simply not true. Without the state, the cost of degenerates' alternative lifestyles would directly damage the value of people's property and the interests of communities they would live in. Soon we would see a complete return to natural order and traditional values. Nobody would want niggers robbing shit. Nobody would want sluts spreading diseases and begging for welfare with their niglet kids. Nobody would want dangerous druggies on the streets. They would soon be expelled from society, physically removed from civilization, because nobody would want to deal with their shit.

The only reason why people tolerate degenerates right now is because they don't impact us directly. We have a nanny state that pays for their needs with taxpayers' money, and when somebody says something about taxes we instantly get millions of retards screaming "BUT MUH ROADS AND HEALTHCARE"

This is what ancaps mean by "the freedom to do right". Ancaps believe that good men will choose right even if they have the freedom to choose wrong. They believe that a man has the obligation to maintain his own moral standard or suffer the consequences of his degeneracy.

Laws restricting degenerate acts wouldn't be necessary if we didn't have a nanny state that ensures degenerates an "equal opportunity".

Long post in response to all the antifa shills putting on the ancap flag and trying to divide the right-wing. I'm a race realist, nationalist ancap and I sympathize with most of fascist and third position ideologies, with exception of leftist shit masquerading as third position like Strasserism or Peronism.

Agreed. Anarcho capitalism is the true answer to the ever-increasing threat of multiculturalism. Private white communities can flourish and niggers can waste away killing each other far away from civilized society.

My view on this is that Anarcho-Capitalism is understandable in the degenerate society that we live in (i.e why should you be supporting degenerates with services and tax money?). I think because of that, there's some level of sympathy for them here on pol.

But - anarcho capitalism is also harmful to any society which not suffering cultural marxist cancer - hence it's still seen as potentially degenerate, even if it's understood and not despised.

Thoughts? Above is my personal views, anyway

I don't think it's in any way harmful, as it encourages people to group together and live in communities. If everyone is free to live as they please, but there's nobody to save you from yourself the only societies that would survive longer than 30 years would be the non-degenerate ones.

The whole idea behind ancap is to give people freedom to do what they want, but then allow them to suffer the consequences of their actions.

Anarcho-Capitalism may erase degeneracy by some sort of natural selection process, but that is hypothetical and yet to be seen. It's safe to say that it would be achieved more surely by public (State) policy.

That or full fasc. Either or is fine by me.

Why the shit truly hits the fan, no one will care. It will be us vs the tyrannical overlords

Of course. I consider ancap to be the ideal, yet support nationalist movements.

I'm not trying to convince anyone to become an ancap, I just don't want ancaps and fashies to hate each other as they ultimately support the same thing. The difference is in the means.

I don't mind you an-caps because your system doesn't demand global submission (all of the left wing ones & neo-liberal globalism do). There are still severe problems imho with your system but I'm willing to join forces to physically remove the leftists so to speak. After this happens you can rope off a degenerate "nation" to do whatever you want and we could care less.

>REAL capitalism isn't degenerate
Yes it is, removing the safety net does not get rid of the things capitalism promotes, there are thousands of examples of disgusting, detrimental behavior that can survive without any government subsidies. Just look at the top 10 music charts or youtubers for a window into "pure capitalism".

>muh individualism
Will collapse when groups begin to act in their own interests and run rough-shod over you.
(See: jews, organized crime, freemasons, etc)

An-Capism was a nice dream, but we're beyond that now. Feel free to fight with us and discover its flaws for yourself, but don't expect us to join you once the war has been won.

If you think that top 10 music charts and youtubers are so shit without any government intervention you're just stupid.

Still, as I said, I consider ancap to be just an ideal but I'd be perfectly happy to live under a third position system.

See, that's my point - it makes sense when the government is working against you and pushing an agenda that you don't want.

However, if we were in 1934 Germany, anarcho-capitalism would have opposed the KdF program led by the Nazis, and the large-scale construction projects which brought the country out of debt. There's really no sense in that.

I guess the problem is that AnCap is antisocial, which again, is sensible and justifiable in modern times but goes against
the ideal.

>nazi larper capeshit in the op

yeah opinion discarded

Yes clearly the jews hate capitalism even though many if not most of the prominent capitalist philosophers like rothbard and mises were jewish. Or could it be that politics doesn’t revolve around jews?

Then you're my ally, but I encourage you to think more deeply about the long-term effects of the system you desire.

PS literally everything from ancom to neocon is preferable to ancap.

>politics doesn't revolve around jews
$0.02 has been deposited into your account

Last time it was rubles and before that euros. I must the americans pay the worst.

I won't refute what De Besnoit has written here, but know that he has turned full socialist in recent years and he stated that he voted for Jean-Luc Mélenchon (socialist candidate to the 2017 French general election). Also he's pro-muslim. He is being disavowed by the Right.

If you automatically reject all ideologies with jewish influence then I suppose you’re bound to be a national syndicalist/ancom. So, who’s the leftie now?


>implying you can't find a kike who supports both of those as well
I don't automatically reject any of them based on outliers, I reject the pure kike-hives (namely all strains of communism & international capitalism)

Anarcho-anything = retarded

Sorry I misunderstood you on your initial post then. However I would assert that ancaps are worse than even the communists simply because communists want to establish a country which eventually leads to nationalism and ancoms want to level the entire playing field. Ancaps on the other hand want to give large corporations full control of the human society.

>They also encourage shit like single motherhood, drugs, gangsta culture, being a slut.

Nothing would stop these things in an ancap society

Read my post again.

People who practice these things can't survive without government services and support leftist policies.

Good post, user.


People didn't get shit-your-pants drunk, slam opiates, and fuck whores in the old west?

Anyone can fall for those things and people like the gangs big cartells we have today will activly push those things

>communists want to establish a country which eventually leads to nationalism
Only your extra-autism flavor does (and even then only in theory), every other strain of commie demands "workers of THE WORLD" to unite and doesn't respect national borders.

>the human society
no such thing

I'm autistic and don't understand your post, user. Could you elaborate a little bit? What do you mean by "the UNITED STATES".

Please name a single communist country that wasn’t nationalist. They actually invented a workaround for marx’s globalism called ”fraternity of nations”. Human society exists on this planet. Also why do you post a globalist that trashed his country’s economy?


That is not a real word. You are an anarchist. Period. Stop being so pretentious.

>nationalist ancap


>and I sympathize with most of fascist

You have issues. You are an anarchist that is too embarrassed to call yourself an anarchist. You like the complete opposite of your ideology. You anarchists are clowns. Nobody wants you losers on their side.


It's really simple.
Is bartering degenerate?
Were pioneers degenerate?
Were fur traders/trappers degenerate?

The jew shills for a rift between the right and ancap because, outside of Israel, the jew doesn't know how to work honestly. Ancap still requires that one work physically and mentally. Deceit, thievery, and indolence will get you excommunicated and/or shot.


Le globalists are so based! I wish to be enslaved by international corporations because it pisses off le gommunists!

>this is what ancaps want

You must realize that every other commie would say that those nations "weren't REAL communism" right? It's really difficult to form coherent arguments when the Soviet-allies of the 20th century somehow exists in a superposition of communism & absolutely not-communism.
>prominent left-wing delusional faggot breaks it down:

Yes I'm in favor of the nationalism they promoted, but that one aspect basically fills up the "Pros" list for those now-defunct nations.
>not to mention the fact that they only came into existence after wiping out the healthy nationalism that the 3rd Reich had established in those areas.

There is no "human society" there are numerous societies that are all nominally human but share virtually nothing else.

Pinochet killed many commies and saved his nation from a much darker fate. He's earned my respect even if he didn't deliver his people unto the promised land.

Giving people freedom to to as they please leads to absolute degeneracy like this
The fact that people are more mad about some fag poking her in the tit than the fact that she was parading her bare tits around for nothing but attention is proof ancaps are not right wing and their beliefs do not align with our in any way.

>being paid a wage for work that you choose to do
>being given a shitty place to live with shitty clothes and shitty food for work you don't choose
>breaking free from chainz
What did he mean by this?

Digits check out

Before I even read your post I’ll tell you that your graph is incorrect because pinochet was put out of power around 1988. Guess when the chilean economy started to rise? I agree though venezuela is a disaster but it’s not due to socialism.

this is getting ridiculous all of you believe corporations are more dangerous than governments. any interactions with corporations is voluntary and if they ever decide to step over that line then people are free to defend themselves. it is only when state power gets involved that corporations become dangerous.

I had the impression that people in Venezuela were eating zoo animals, because they are starving and don't even have toilet paper.
Yet on this graph they have 17k GDP.
Have I fallen for propaganda or is that graph false?

I am so free when I can choose to work for company A or B, or alternatively starve. Also I love it that I can choose to either eat food that’s toxic or food that’s toxic under a different brand.

>ancap freedom


graph data ends 3 years ago, the massive downturn was only beginning in 2015

A single worker is totally capable of defending themselves from private mercinaries.

>ancap military

>having a choice at all
kek anything but communism

then start your own company if you think it is a problem, people will buy your own product if it is less toxic than company a or b.

>right wingers calling capitalism a jewish tool
>right wingers

Don't you mean third positioners?

>good people won't band together to fight evil if not only to protect their own interests

>Assuming consumers are rational and informed
Consumers will always choose the cheap toxic bullshit over the quality "expensive" alternatives.

I am only concerned with reality so ”not true communism” falls on deff ears for me. Please note that we are just arguing whether communism is better than ancap or not. All human societies are ultimately human, but yes there are many very different ethnicities. Please elaborate however on how allende would have been worse.

you do understand that it is the individual that is needed to buy the products of the company's that employ those private mercenaries it becomes it bit tough to make a profit when they keep killing their customers.

Degenerate. Sage.

>ancaps actually admit that this is what they think as freedom

then start a website that details which products are safe or toxic if you believe it is such a problem.

He got inflation under control and set the stage for the economy to take-off. I never said he was SOLELY responsible for the growth, but I absolutely maintain that it never would've happened without him taking out the trash.

>not due to socialism
Yes it abso-fucking-lutely was. The free gibbs from the nationalized oil dis-incentivized the development of any other business/industry in the nation. Socialism hollowed out the economy and the tanking price of oil destroyed the only thing propping up that sorry excuse for a nation. Don't you dare try to pass the buck here m8, (((socialism))) managed to destroy a nation which by all regards should've been enormously prosperous.

>tfw you go out of business because you don’t have economy of scales and if you somehow manage to survive le based globalist mercinaries will kill you

As an argument that’s like telling a farmer who’s opposed to feodalism to become a knight.

honestly the level of discourse on this board is so fucking garbage. in what universe are litteral liberals right wing

>socially alienated induvidualists are totally gonna risk 99 % probability death for someone they don’t know

If that happened something like communism or socialism would follow though so...

>implying you can’t produce items in country A and sell them in country B

You are a youngster arn't ya? You'll wisen up some day kiddo and embrace fascism with open arms. Libertarianism is a stepping stone ideology.

Try this figure out what ideals and values are important to you (Aside from freedom) and then compare those values to what we currently have in America. Now ask yourself "what measures are necessary in order to safeguard those values?" You just might find that so-called "freedoms" are the cause of many of your woes and that "freedom" degenerates the things you assign value to.

you do understand that people who own their own guns will band together and defend their fellow man from this company then they will look back and reminisce about that dipshit that tried to go after small business.

I do admit that he got inflation under control but the rest is just hypothesis with no evidence for it. If the venezuelan model was so bad then how come norway which has an even more socialist economy does so well?

Anyways good that you posted that graph because it provides a nice juxtaposition between chile (laissez faire) and spain (technocratic state capitalism) between 1960 and 1990. Notice which one is clearly superior?

is like you don't realize that humans are social creatures that want to gather together and form communities. meaning they will socialize themselves with values or risk being ostracized.

Btw if you want an example of socialism in latin america look at cuba. Completely surrounded and economically sanctioned yet they are in the top three in literally every metric.


>National Socialism is a left-wing ideology

>National Socialism is a left-wing ideology

>National Socialism is a left-wing ideology

>National Socialism is a left-wing ideology

People are risk averse and small business owners are never going to try their luck against professional corporate mercs.

again if there are countries then their are borders so i doubt they will let the private mercenaries of foreign companies into the country.

Funny thing about ussr, the people wanted it back but our dear friend george soros made sure that it doesn’t.

Capitalism should be a tool, secondary to the nation. It should not become an ideology in and of itself.

Country A becomes ancap, country A becomes a slave plantation for production of goods into non ancap country B.

>meaning they will socialize themselves with values or risk being ostracized
I agree with you to a point. But ask yourself, why isn't that the case now? We have accepted degeneracy as a social norm right? Where is the ostracization? In a libertarian society why wouldn't this simply happen again?

you show a great lack of faith of your fellow man in your community if you think they wont band together and help defend you like you would for them.

>don't talk to communist poster

>communists aren't people

I don’t trust that other people will take an insane risk for strangers. If they would, why isn’t there a ancap revolution against the US government now?

because degenerate behavior gets rewarded by the state where as if you ran a charity i doubt you would help someone that would not change their ways.


Good thing I’m not a communist then.

Here is the solution

Yep, there's a reason why (((globalists))) are socialist. Socialism is necessary for zog to have control. The problem is that larpers know that hitler-kun was a socialist and they're destined to larp as based nazis so they'll make excuses and try to call out capitalism. He're a tip, hitler was fucking retarded even though he noticed (((things))), he ran his country into the ground and was a drug addled degenerate.

Goes for too

Communists get the rope too.

>"Bolshevism was a rightwing deviation, Trosky made the same points up until 1917"
>"the essence of socialism was always understood to be - the core of socialism was understood to be - worker's control over production. That was the core."
>"When he (Lenin) took power, he reverted to the former vanguardism, and moved at once to eliminate the organs of worker's control.
>"That meant he was moving to destroy socialism."

Is Chomsky right?
Were the original socialists right?
Does true socialism demand less government interference in cooperatives?
Was Bolshevism a scheme to associate socialism with failure and cronyism?
Is there a positive correlation between the size and power of a government and its loathsomeness?

people still have hope that it can be changed so they are not ready to take the final step which i approve of since the fallout would be disastrous but i would be willing if their was no hope of change

And why wouldn’t the same happen in ancapistan?

Communism is Jewish
Its just redistribution of non Jewish wealth to jewish wealth.

you mean that a statist who tries to take control by force wont be opposed by an armed populace?

That’s why stalin purged most of the jewish members of the original bolshevists, armed the enemies of israel and issed so many orders against jews that I’m not even gonna list them here. Communism, very pro jewish indeed. You know solzenytschyn was a communist to his death btw?

Degenerate behavior is the result of promoting consumerism and individualism. These are the natural values for capitalists. Even if the state were to cease to exist these values would be pushed by corporations probably even harder than they already are. The corporations would brainwash you via corporate media like they do now. You being a consumer is the ultimate goal. Your freedom is usurped by the power of media alone.

Why would the people oppose a private corporation but not oppose the US government?

National Ancap? Could work desu, Ancaps don’t like the state, don’t seem to have any problem with a nation. Depends if you believe you can have a stateless nation.

That depends if you think that a ancap country could hold off a major power like Russia or China for conquering them...Personally, I don't.

you do understand capitalism involves only voluntary transactions if the transaction is not satisfactory then they would refuse same with media i doubt you would let your children watch media that will indoctrinate them.

people that are interested in defending their community of course.

No I don’t either but I’m not an an application so I won’t make that argument. I’m NatLibertarian or NatCap. Ethnonationalism+Paleolibertarianism. Think similar to Enoch Powell.