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the rats are abandoning the sinking ship

Oy vey!

Fuck him. I hope he gets sodomized by a gang of illegal aliens.


now drink your self to death in shame jewboy

As seen hitching a ride out of D.C.


who cares, some kike did a thing such mu duck OP

Jew out
Jew in

Why are you still here Q faggot?

Even with him out, we will never get that seat this year.

Do you not understand that after Mueller exposes all the corruption America will fully support him?

This is only the beginning.

With this Feminazis established the precedent that it's enough to be male to be purged.

If accusations was all it took Trump wouldn't be President. Use some critical thinking.


They'll put someone worse in his place once the appointed rep retires or runs again, it will be a freakshow of virtue like Virginia was.

Critical thinking says Trump was unique and in an opportune situation against a universally disliked opponent and that lightning only strikes once or twice.


What accusations? Allegedly grabbing "side fat"?

Things changed since the 2016 election you retard. Pay attention.

I don't know who this is, quick rundown?

Congress had a fucking slush fund with taxpayer money for sexual assault allegations.

In the post-Weinsten world Trump wouldn't have won.

Weinstein hired fucking Mossad agents to follow people around and probably assassinate people.

is it the same crime to kill a formerly sitting congressman?



W.Einstein and a few others were bad guys but now they are removing people for complete bullshit. It's a Feminazi purge.

No. It's a purge of corruption.

You're a feminist moron.

Does this mean he isn’t in Gitmo?



That letter reads like the resignation of the Sophomore Class Secretary.

2017 accusations =/= 2016 Accusations

I feel bad for Bill Cosby

No, user is right. They've even tried parading out Trump's accusers again, trying to make it all stick, to no avail. Those that are resigning are doing so not due to bullshit accusations, that's just what the general population is being shown. It gives a plausible reason for them to resign without admitting to breaking major laws. There's a lot of kabuki theater going on here, and until the dust settles we probably won't have a clue of what's really happening, if at all ever.
The public can't handle the truth...

wasn't expecting him to actually do it

ok so I'm honestly surprised he actually resigned.

I was sure he'd pull some kikery and not do it.

Have you not been paying attention? They've been pushing Trump's accusers for the last few months again, and the shit ain't sticking. Nothing has changed in that regard, baseless accusations remain the same, and get treated as the same.


Buh bye

Hahah what a fucken loser. He resigned and there is no attention towards him anymore. He could have stayed and nobody would have given a shit. Suck shit jew. Suck on Alinksi flavoured kosher cock.

eh once you say you will resign
and everyone called for you to resign
you kinda gotta resign

No really, he had supporters urging him to stay. He could have weaselled out of it quite easily. he comes from an entertainment background so he can use that to his advantage. Think of all the famous musicians who have retired only to return the following year for another tour.

>Office of the Governor
>MLK Blvd.

Jesus Christ that place is fucked up.

Now it's off to MSNBC for "Lifestyles with Frank and the Gibbon"

Or, you know, photographic proof. That helps too.

Some Democrat senator who groped some bitch while she was sleeping. He said he was gonna resign so they'd have a moral leg to stand on the with Roy Moore accusations.

that gif is perfect


The backlash would have been really bad if he had stayed after swearing to step down. Especially in the midterm election year. They probably made the smarter choice.


If he had not done that, sure then maybe he could lay low, even with all the women telling him to resign
But he promised to resign so he has to

>they are removing people for complete bullshit.

institutional pedophilia is bullshit?

Great. Now can we please stop sending literal clowns to Congress? Actors, writers, anybody involved in the film and television industry is literally less qualified than actual prostitutes.

lol......hillary didn't want to face him in 2020.

So she got him removed......

why are we letting these jew rats resign who spread their vicious lies to children. Not even our children are safe from their lies, these Jews should be killed not let free to live among common and decent folk.

This resignation makes me sick knowing this hooknosed jew will be free to endanger more children exposing himself to them with their jewish lies from the holocaust to stealing the land of the people of Palestine.


one genuine accuser is enough


>implying it matters

His replacement has already been chosen, there's no special election

Stick with that laissez-fair attitude and they'll be snipping your foreskin off next.

Look at the bottom row of teeth. What a fucking disgrace. Get braces or get dentures you fucking degenerate.

The guy in the pic is retarded but let's try to keep presumption of innocence alive.

Their is literally photographic of the FrankenJew putting a sleeping women in the titty twister. And it didn't come from Gloria Alred.

I just wanna say one thing user. Thumbs up on pic related. Memetastic.

Adios Amigo




How long until mudslimes have this dismantled or turned into one of their indoctrination centers.

And Hatch?

bump out of interest

Yet Roy Moore is still out. Accusation is all you need to ruin someone's life, user. Go accuse your Priest of touching your child and see how many people grab pitchforks.

christianity is already a mudslime religion

It's already too late.