Serious Question:

Serious Question:

If characters are drawn with predominantly white/european features, or are flat out Aryan like in Full Metal Alchemist for example, why do people screech about whitewashing? I mean I can understand the hatred of that Death Note movie or of GiTS doing it, but what about characters like Goku who are in universe aliens?

>why do people
It's not "people", it's SJWs.
Sane people don't do that.

Son Goku was designed as a more humanized form of Sun Wukong, a mythological figure from China, so it is pretty much normal that he looks Asian.

But user he doesn't look Asian

Look at OPs pic. In fact, most characters in DBZ don't look Asian. 17 and 18 look asian? Bulma? I always saw the world of DBZ as incredibly varied, just look at characters like Hercule and all the kids Gohan went to school with. In universe Goku is an alien with more features in common with certain characters. He looks nothing like Yajirobe or Tao Pai

there is nothing predominantly european about massive eyes, lightbulb shaped heads, impossibly small noses tiny, and pointy chins. You are honestly just delusional. The reason anime looks the way it does is because it's supposed to be unique and attention grabbing.

if you look at a profile view of an anime character they tend to look more like black people, with the portruding mouth/chin and rounded foreheads. From the front they look like whatever the fuck. they look more african in profile view than they look european

Wait people are screeching whitewashing about the Death Note remake? Aren't they actually adapting that one into a western setting? GitS I get since they just made all the Japs white but kept the setting.

>whitewashing Death Note
Honestly a bigger problem is L being the type of man who wears fucking shoes, what the FUCK

doesn't git take place in china

>Wait people are screeching whitewashing about the Death Note remake?
Not really
Sup Forumspol/ was mad because L was black though, of course.

I don't think people cared enough about the Dragon Ball adaption to complain about it. In fact, I had completely forgotten it ever happened and was racking my brains wondering what you were on about. Fuck you for making me remember it ever existed.

Because it is more important to have something to complain about than it is to have a valid complaint.

Saiyans are how asians view themselves. They can evolve and become white like super saiyans or they can devolve and become niggers like oozarus.

>anime characters

Only dumbasses think this. It's pretty clear when a character is supposed to be white or black. Big noses or big lips. If people really dont think Light or Goku are Asian theyre retards

You're arguing based on the presumption that the artists actually give their characters ethnic features. Most don't, other than maybe some stereotypical stuff (e.g. American = big nose). The few that do typically have a more (semi-)realistic style, like Urusawa or Ootomo, and Toriyama definitely is not one of them.

>or are flat out Aryan like in Full Metal Alchemist for example
I can guarantee you, once the upcoming live-action movie comes out, there will be complaints right here on Sup Forums about the actors being Japanese. The opposite happens too.

People complained when a Halloween skin "white washed" a character on Over-watch, totally ignoring the fact that it was just make up on a vampire costume.

Now, you are telling me you are surprised people would complain about something like this while knowing next to nothing about DB / DBZ, nor caring about it, even?

It's ok to imagine most anime characters as being white because they usually have white skin and diverse features (which asians don't have).

Because SJW's actually believe that anime are "neutral" and everyone just self-inserts their race, instead of the completely obvious truth that anime characters are drawn to look caucasian.

Which is why it's so funny when you point out characters drawn to look asian or black.


Must be nice being able to go through life putting anything and anyone that challenges your preconceived notions in the same box that can be ignored at one's leisure.

>instead of the completely obvious truth that anime characters are drawn to look caucasian.


So on the left you've got a western woman who's probably a model and on the right you've got the ugliest Asian woman they could find a profile picture of. Real sincere comparison that.

They're cartoon characters, they don't even look white, they look like cartoon characters you fuck.

most asians look like that though

Goku is an alien though

And most westerners don't look like the one on the left.

>they look like cartoon characters
Only correct answer. Most characters in anime don't look Caucasian but simply like cartoon characters. Ever seen someone with natural blue hair? Or eyes that cover 30% of their face? Besides who the fuck cares.

we was cartoon characters and shit

bullshit. anime characters for the most part share facial features/bone structure of the majority of westerners

I recommend going outside once in a while and look at the people there, not just the ones that were paid to be photographed or filmed.

i recommend taking a long hard look at the most common trait that asians share and how often it is represented in anime

Toriyama doesn't even make his Chinese stereotypes look like Asians.

You're just as bad as niggers that claim tanned characters are black, stop embarrassing yourself man.

excellent response my tomodachi

>that last panal

my dick

>white people think anime is about them

Some exceptions not withstanding, they're pretty much not represented, because there's simply no attempt at representing such things in the first place. Practical considerations (how easy it is to draw, how expressive it is even from a distance), appeal considerations (being different enough from the competition to stand out, but similar enough to not chase people away) and creativity matter more than realistic facial bone structure. It's why this blob of a shape can become a face by putting a sticker on it.