Volume 12 delayed from its April 18 release date.
If only WW knew how deadlines work.
Other urls found in this thread:
When is it going to release, then?
Was a date given?
Its moved back to unanounced date.
So no.
i fapped to yukinon yesterday ! why does yui conquer most of the doujins ? i know she is hotter but yukinon is cuter !
Please be fucking joke
release in 2023
translations never
Kneel before your goddess Yukinoshita.
As for the sauce.
It was listed here as a LN to come out on April 18 but now it was delisted.
So it might actually not be an April fools joke.
Is it really Watari? Gagaga also removed two other novels besides OreGairu from April and May release lists yesterday
It's April 2 in Japan user, definitely not April Fools thing now
True,but this is assuming the worst.
Wouldn't be the first time Oregairu got delayed.
>the day the cover was supposed to come out
>gets delayed
At least Yukinofags will have a few more weeks of relief before getting BTFO. Yui's win will be the sweetest. The finest wine is aged. I promise not to make fun of you dumb fucks when it does come out.
Before there were apologies and new date given.
The sad thing is,i know this is b8 but there are people who actually think like that.
Who do you think that is?
Stop making these threads. It's best to just leave this series alone until volume 12 eventually does come out.
Seeing Yui, Hayama, or Hachiman on the last cover will be worth it since I get to see Yukinox8man shippers flip.
The don't teach you to write in elementary school? I know you can't read too well given you think a Yukino end is even possible.
Out of date. That picture is out of date. WW wrote a happy end in ANOTHER.
This pic gives me goosebumps every time.
Good, bad, actually, i don't care anymore.
I decided long ago to boycott all other works of W-Fucking-W!
I hope all works of him go bad, sell worse, and that his next deadline is the date of his career.
Yes Yui will find her genuine love, and Hachiman won't mind since he'll have Yukino too
>Yukinofags actually like the VN
You guys don't even like the show or the characters besides your ship. Yukinofags who ship Yukino and 8man are Irohafag tier cancer.
Go away Yuipollfag.
Go away Yuimlpolfag
At this point it's easier to believe that the Yuifags who post nowadays are shitposters as opposed to actual people who believe the things they're typing.
The level of stupidity and denial one would have to achieve to reach such a mental state is beyond what I think any normal human is capable of.
Was there any thread in last year without fucking yuipollfag? From the way he shills here and in saekano threads I actually believe he might be retarded.
The guy has no life. He posts in every single fucking thread. It's ridiculous.
Does it occur to you that more than one person can disagree with you? I bet there are plenty of different people you have called "yuipolfag"
There is hope for Yui. To say it can't happen is naive. WW is delaying this for some reason and that reason is because there will not be a Yukino end. Even if there are doubts, which there are many, we shouldn't jump into absolute declarations.
Can't have a good day without seeing the delusional Yui fags.
You lads already got Another,why the fuck would WW make the same girl win twice.
Look I'm sure there are still a few level headed Yuifags who post but look at this shit Do you really think this is a Yuifag? It's far easier to believe it's a simple shitposter.
Hayato x Yukino OTP
You're replying to Yuipollfag. That's what he does. At first he says some insulting shit, people call him out for it, then he gets incredibly defensive and backpedals like a bitch. The only way to stop this is to stop making threads.
Protip: Stop making and bumping these threads. If you already need to post, then just sagepost.
A couple of those were actually me. I do like Yui and she is my favorite character in the series. You can say what you want but I am a Yuifag above all else.
Even if Yui doesn't get her Hikki I will be satisfied that she is happy. I would believe she would forgive 8man and Yukino if they betrayed her.
qualidea code delayed it but it was worth it for such masterpiece
Case in point:
>A couple of those were actually me
He doesn't even deny it when you call him out on it.
Yes, a poster isn't allowed to make more than one post.
Ya know what, I don't fucking care anymore. I regret ever watching this because it's always the same. The author never finishes it and it just dies off.
At least when last volume comes he will admit his mistakes.
Yui Yui
Stop bumping the thread cancer.
I see that you don't like this series. Why come into a thread if you're going to be mad?
Anyone else want to rape Yui? I feel like she would probably enjoy it so I wouldn't have to feel bad afterwards.
>unanounced date
Does this fucker even planning to release the goddamn volume? How many years have been passed since Vol. 11? I just wanna see the end after all this time.
Almost 2 years
Yui is for gentle loving only. Look at how soft whe is. I want to hug her while she caresses my hair.
but today there really is news and so far gagaga hasn't put out alternative release date nor apology as they have done for oregairu in past. so if you don't like it, find another thread
would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives but they'll never take IROHA
Are there any actual Yahari fans left? How much of an asshole do you have to be to leave your fans hanging for two years? I get that he's trying to get established with other works like Girlish Number and Qualidea Code, but he'd be better off finishing Yahari and using that goodwill to help his other series. No one wants to follow an author that can't finish his stuff.
he even promised to finish it, and near end of last year tweeted to fans to wait "just a bit longer"...so he really has a matter of honor going here. Now if it's publisher being douchebags when he's already submitted work then that's another matter, his hands would be tied by contract.
He does this all the time. Ignore him.
If the publishers are being assholes then the ending won't be a nice, friendly one.
Loner end confirmed, maybe even a HayamaxYukino end.
well, can anyone load the replies to watari's last tweet (that wasn't retweet), it was on Komachi's birthday March 3. When I try to do it I get twitter server error " Twitter may be over capacity or experiencing a momentary hiccup", I'm curious to see what Japanese fans are saying or if that account really is flooded and replies can't be loaded
Unless I captured wrong tweet, I don't think anyone cares anymore.
I got some stuff but only through March 3rd.
I know 2ch threads are pretty pissed or apathetic to this bullshit. I think he is writing the end he wants and this delay is either executive meddling, waiting for an anime deal, or WW buying time until no one would care about the end regardless what it is. What I don't understand is why make ANOTHER.
Because BDs
HayamaxYukino would be the shittest ending ever. Their personalities are extremely incompatible. Even a loner end would be better than this since it actually would fit his character. I don't see any way of properly writing HayamaxYukino without major asspulls.
Well yeah, obviously, is saying that WW could write either of those as an act of spite against his publishers
Will Yahari be the next Haganai?
All WW would have to do is say Yukino still loves him and her opening up lets her be able to express it. Hayama might be in love with her too.
Yukino is very compatible with Hachiman and there are very strong hints she is in love with him, not a Yui misunderstanding, so I think in a vacuum they would at least go together. In fact I would go as far to say that WW has done everything possible short of her saying it that she is in love with him. These circumstances are very weird and I am not sure what to make of them. Judging from 2ch a HayamaxYukino end is discussed but isn't popular and not discussed often; they are obsessed with the tittle. It isn't as popular as in the west, that ship. That would make the romcom wrong as fuck though.
I used to think that Yui will get so JUST that people who care about her will riot, which would explain ANOTHER. But I am not sure what is going on. Most japanese posts are either waifufagging or spreading bullshit so they don't know shit either.
I don't think he has been dissatisfied with them before and I am not sure he wants to commit career suicide. Maybe he wants to do another series and his hands are tied.
If he was just going to produce a friends end or a simple Yukino end he would have done it by now and no publisher would stop him.
I don't actually know how he feels towards them; I was just explaining another user's post
I still believe he's a hack for other reasons though
>even a HayamaxYukino end.
It is this. Yui wins the Hikki bowl and Yukino and Hayama reunite. It was hinted at in ANOTHER. Yukinofag autistic screeching is delaying the inevitable.
I believe this. There's no reason why Watari would delay the last novel if it's just a generic Yukino or friends ending. It needs to be something controversial.
Holy shit you people are actually discussing this as if it's a possibility. This level of retardation is impressive, even for Sup Forums.
News flash. Watari is still a slave to his editor and editors won't approve something unless they think it will be successful. It's the reason why authors almost never pull blatantly anti-fan move with their works.
Boku tomodachi or whatever that shit series was pretty much managed to piss everyone off.
Hitman reborn did the same.
Pussyfooting around without and resetting everything to zero is asking for a dead career.
The LN/anime about swords smithing, heroine got raped and people burned books.
This is the type of "discussion" the Oregairu fandom comes up with. These threads should just get nuked on sight immediately.
This series is dead already. Studio Feel took a shit on the source material. Watari delivered the finishing blow with another and that visual novel.
Why does the Saekano LN continue to focus on Eriri and Utaha when Megumi is responsible for most of the money?
How many of you think season 1 > season 2?
is this the final volume? Who is looking to win this? Give me a quick rundown.
>Topping the charts several times
>Retarded huge following in both west and east
>Couple of awards
Sorry that you are this delusional. If they announced a movie for the last part, it would be a success. That´s simply how popular this series is. Now if it crash and burn after that is another thing. But you are straight out retarded to think this series will die before the ending is delivered.
It looks like no one is going to win.
The people who are there for Megumi are going to stay because they know she'll win eventually. The people who are there for the rest need to be thrown a bone every now and then to stay interested.
It also helps that Maruto is a good writer.
See there are actually logical explanations for these things. Not everything that's not immediately understood is justification to create a legend or myth to explain it. That's how we end up with stories of Zeus and Bigfoot or in this case the anti-fan troll ending.
If you've seen the anime you've seen every volume adapted, so make your own prediction.
But the adaptation is awful.
>Another trash harem with beta MC that is annoying as fuck
>Good writer
Nice try
Saekano is shit, don't even pretend like it's not.
He wrote WA2.
That shit is overrated as hell as well. I don't know if the VN is better, but the anime was shallow as fuck. You folks must have some pretty low standards when you throw around the term "good".
Since when did people think WA2 was good? People only remember it for the shitty drama triangle.
It's literally the best high school romcom out there. At least Maruto actually finishes his shit even when he's doing series composition for the anime he's working on.
I thought you were suppose to support your claim, not making yourself look like a fool.
The fuck am I reading? I read it like you honestly believe that. No ironyposting.
List what school romcom you have seen and read.
If you can't appreciate WA2 then I must ask what do you consider to be good romance? Can you name even 1 series that meets your incredibly specific standards?
Iroha best girl
a shit
Name a better main heroine than Megumi.
you've got to be shitting me. megumi is the blandest piece of shit imaginable
Chihiro, looks aside.
Nodame Cantabile
Spice and Wolf
Opinion disregarded.
The point was that she was bland normal girl thrown into a harem LN setting. Did you miss the entire point of the series? This is coming from someone that thought Saekano was trash, but even I could see understand why Megumi was the main attraction.
God you Yukinofags are funny
>b--but she is popular. There will be burning books!
>The m-must be something else for why this has been delayed two years. It couldn't be because I won't get the end I want and the publishers know that.
>HayamaxYukino can't happen! 8man won't end up with either Iroha or Yui you cancerous trolls
>loner end won't happen, it doesn't fit my headcanon. 8mana and Yukino love eachother despite 8man never letting us know his real feelings and Yukino not saying anything near that effect. Don't listen to the plot point about her dependency.
8man and Yukino was set up from the beginning. If you can't see that you are delusional.
Nobody is even talking about Yukino in this thread. What are you on. Is this a meek attempt to rustle someone's jimmies?
So what is you explanation for this clusterfuck of a delay. It won't be a clean end that is for sure. A Yukino end is only possible if everything but them is burned to the ground. A non-Yukino end would cause a backlash and that is why it hasn't been released. WW wants his end, not the feel good bland Yukino end. My bet is 8man loner/Yui and YukinoxHayama/leave the country before anything conclusive happens and 8man never sees Yukino again.
Their growth was set up from the beginning, not romance between them. Yui has been the romance heroine and there is far more setup with her and even Iroha. When it comes out you guys are in a world of disappointment and a touch of rage that you spent years shitposting in threads about this series.
Read towards the top, ignore the Saekano shit.
Oh, you're Yuipollfag. I apologize for replying.
Do you remember when you spent months insisting that Yukino and Hayama would end up together in ANOTHER? I haven't seen you acknowledge that you were wrong.
I am certain that some folks won't see reality if/when volume 12 is released. I am not saying there will be a Yukino end but I do know that someone in this thread will be wrong.