what does Sup Forums think of the iranian revolution going on ? more so what does Sup Forums think will happen in this crisis i believe the saudis will use this to there advantage with the cold war going on i also believe that iran will stop funding the Palestinian revolution for a time to focus there resources on quilling the revolution
What does Sup Forums think of the iranian revolution going on...
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Literally ZOG
Will it fizzle out like Calalonia?
I think we need to support revolutions with a prayer of success -- this may succeed, but the revolutionary guard in Iran is known for it's immmoral brutality.
I wish the protestors all the best.
They'll need it.
not to stary off the topic but i believe catalonian still has the chance of independence thanks to some support of UN members and it still hasn’t fully been forgotten also with the amount of force the protestors are using with large numbers iran will have to change
I support the Iranian government. The protesters may have legitimate grievances but little do they know as soon as they began to oppose the Iranian government they become puppets of ZOG and Israel. How long until we have to start bombing Iran to support them. Libya 2.0 is coming
Smells like bullshit. I wish Ryan Dawsonwould give us a quick breakdown.
Its not happening and i dont support it if iran falls jews and sunni arabs will dominate the region besides it would be ww3
Literally nothing will happen on you delusional idiot. There is no revolution. In week everyone will have forgotten about this. The regime is strong. The protestors don't even have a goal, they just want to ruin things.
Revolution is literally a bad idea it would turn into ww3 for sure
doubt. the numbers are large i see change possible besides the regime doesn’t hold much power any more with how many coups they’ve experienced
>The protestors don't even have a goal, they just want to ruin things.
Yes, then the government strikes back, kills some people and next thing you know ZOG is bombing freedom into them and anarchy will reign in yet another Middle Eastern country
((in noble quest for freedom))
possibly but maybe it’s been long do for another world war redrawing borders and changing the way people see the world maybe open some eyes with the worlds cirrent state it’s blind man following blind man with the one eyed man leading
What coups? The protests 10 years ago was 100x times bigger than what's happening right now and didn't result in anything except a lot of protesters getting killed, just like now. Nothing happened then and nothing will happen now. The government is simply too strong.
Yeah let’s divide and conquer the world, including our own societies, so that Jews can have more power
Yeah I wish the theocratic government was deposed but it's not gonna happen.
the coups that happened during the iraq iran war
((((free the Middle East))))
What are you on about? How is something that happened 30 years ago relevant today?
>Help us Netanyahu!
>The Iranian people love Israel
Reminder that if you possess nukes it’s your holy obligation to nuke the Middle East
the coups that happened weakened military chain of command the reason iran hasn’t done any thing to the saudis is because there military structure is in the trash they can’t do any thing because no troops know who to really follow
al jazzer nuff said
turkey owns nukes and is in the middle east same with ((( I S R E A L )))
Hezbollah and Assad are done for it. No ground troops in Syria means Assad regime loses its territorial gains.
You're clearly in minority here. Literally no experts believe that this will lead to anything other than people getting killed.
Retards like you said the protest wouldn't last a week when they started. Now it's day 6. A dumbass like you adds another week? No problem. The protests will continue until the regime falls or until there is civil war. There are already soldiers stepping down and saying they stand with the protesters.
The protests in 2009 happened in mostly one city. This time it's more widespread and it's challenging the very existence of the regime.
The regime will fall and you're a retard.
>muh experts
Experts are afraid of saying too much in case it's wrong. They've been conditioned to tow the moderate line in terms of avoiding predictions.
This is a revolution. Your regime axis was a house of cards.
You're braindead.
that's very interesting perspective, private. you're now assigned to an infantry battalion btw, go seize that mountain bunker and hold it against enemy counterattack. oh, and it's world war three, so we expect them to use chemical and tactical nuclear weapons, meaning that you'll be doing all this wrapped in hazmat. don't worry about being horrifically disfigured or getting cancer, in the extremely unlikely event of your survival during this mission the african gentlemen we've imported from somalia will surely pay taxes for your veteran's pension
Killed by basij and IRGC. The army (Artesh) will have some defections if the violence increases to hundreds of deaths in the following months.
Iranian government is worse than any Jewish bank could be to the Iranian people. Part of the reason people are so pissed is because a bunch of small private banks picked up and disappeared with people's chequeing accounts and government officials were in on it (hence the outrage over corruption). The no rothschild bank meme is a joke, at least they wont fucking run away with your life savings. At this point Bitcoin is more stable than the iranian banking infrastructure (some were offering 26% interest rates). I'm helping a bunch of my family move their assets around, and a huge chunk of it is going to crypto.
With not much left to lose, many more people are willing to die now protesting which is the worst thing for any regime. The Iranian government was pretty good about keeping the people satiated just above the line of "give me liberty or give me death" but the bank fiasco and unemployment have pushed a lot of the younger adults over the edge. There's already a few militias that have formed and managed to get their hands on some weapons, as well as material for IEDs. This will not go down as easily as 2009, especially now that we don't have Obama standing behind the government trying to pass his fucking deal. Expect more happenings to come.
1 week has gone by and the protests are on exactly the same level as when they started or less. In other words, they aren't gaining, probably losing protesters. And it's just young poor people with nothing to lose, they aren't going to lead to change. Besides, they have no clear goal which is what's important if you want to make changes. Who will take over if they fall? There is no one.
fuck those dirty poor
>the protests are on exactly the same level as when they started or less
You're retarded. More cities are joining in. Stop reading propaganda from r/syriancivilwar from idiots who can't read simple tweets.
>they have no clear goal
Removal of religion/clergy from the government and the end of the mullah regime. That's the clear goal.
>Who will take over if they fall?
The Iranian spirit.
((((Regime change in the Middle East))))
Randomly your entire country needs to read "the goulag archipelago."
Half way thru it just now these kikes are worse than you think.
It's clear to me that this is all wishful thinking from your side. I'd like what you're saying to be true but it's very much likely not. Especially the last thing you said. If the regime actually falls then there will 100% be chaos and history shows that what comes after is not at all what people would have wanted, perhaps worse.
Revolutions just don't work. Change has to come slowly.
this. it's probably a false flag to invade iran
It's not wishful thinking. Even the regime doesn't know what it's doing. There is a report that they've been saying in a meeting "God Help US". They're just praying for their lives and waiting for all the protests to die down. But now the IRGC is also promising to crush them. It's a confused regime, like a predator that was wounded and now the other predators in the forests are closing in, making sure they'll take every bit of meat of its bones.
Iranian culture and history is compatible with democracy and Western thinking. What will come afterwards will be a quicker path towards a full democracy.
>Revolutions just don't work.
History proves you wrong. Sometimes they fail and sometimes they succeed. Start reading this list and make your way to 21st century. There are successes in that list as well as failures. en.wikipedia.org
Ww3 will turn the earth to slag, iran sa and israel shoukd duke it out while trump stays neutral
The protests onky went on like 3 days the media replays same old footage its already dying down
>will be a quicker path towards a full democracy.
why is it so important that iran becomes a democracy?
Jewish banking is the worlds biggest threat besides nukes
Media claims they are protesting to become a secular state, yet Iran is 99.4% muslim,so it doesnt make any fucking sense.
Probably its staged protests along with hired snipers from PMCs to cause social discord hoping it will spark a civil war.
It wont happen since Iranians dont hate their DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED goverment.
And getting thousands of mercs into the country to pose as rebels like they did in Libya and Syria will be a harder since they have more control on their borders and they share a border with Russia, so they will get support easily.
I wish you're right.
This is what I've been noticing as well.
Stop asking dumb questions. Go live in a dictatorship if you're not sure.
Just another PSYOP by Mossad to remove any threat to their hegemony in the Middle East and because the media is controlled by Jews, Amerimutt’s will gladly do Israel’s bidding.
Yeah, juden. Not that islam is any good, but right now jews have to be dealt with first.
This is bait.
>Stop asking dumb questions.
how is it dumb? democracy is a platform for sjws and feminism
Suck my uncut cock you fucking wahhabi shitter.
Really? Japan is not experiencing that and they're a democracy last I checked. Perhaps it's a cultural thing?
>Japan is not experiencing that
nigga, you serious?
Not that I'm aware, care to elaborate?
What Revolution? Is a foreign coup by Sunni and Zionists.
Overthrowing iran will tip the geo political balance of power and will be catastrophic for the world, the world cant be the same. Its literally insane to think otherwise.
Iran is meant to be secular. They were the beacon of prosperity and intellectualism for the longest time in the Middle East. The time has come where the people are taking their country back. The fact that the muzzies have taken control and held it for this long is mind boggling to me.
Where are the Japanese people?
Are you braindead saudis and jews failed in syria tried to start shit in lebanon and failed now they want blood in iran . No war for jews and sunnis!
this is a tough cookie
Why would a country with 99%+ muslim population become secular?
>Salman has the strong backing of his friend Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s son-in-law and Middle East envoy. Trump’s hostility towards what he calls Iran’s “rogue regime”, and his wish to see it toppled, are no secret.
What is a surprise is the sudden eruption of the protests, which had no obvious internal trigger. Trump and Mike Pence, his vice-president, voiced hopes Iran’s “oppressive regime” would fall, ignoring the fact that Hassan Rouhani was democratically re-elected as president less than one year ago.
and here
because they want gay rights like japan, obviously
>being an actual bootlicker
They have a supreme leader, that throws anything democratic straight out of the window.
So what if they’re majority Muslim? That doesn’t mean they don’t want separation of church and state
I don't doubt it but try convincing the guy who just lost his home and hasn't been paid at his job in 5 months that the joos are the real threat. In terms of suffering, they won't see a difference, and at least the jews won't force islamic bullshit down their throats.
>The protestors don't even have a goal
The fuck are you talking about you cum guzzling swede? The goal is to dissolve the Islamic republic and reinstate Reza Pahlavi as the Monarch of Iran.
and here
It’s a popular revolution. Iran is not some shit hole country like Libya or Egypt. The people of Iran are highly educated and have existed as a liberal secular society before so I have no doubt they will be okay, most likely better off, after they get rid of the regime. The current regime is incredibly suppressive and has kept Iran from reaching us fullest potential. After the Muslims are gone I have no doubt in my mind Iran will soon be the most powerful country in the Middle East again.
(((2009 Iranian Protests)))
democracy everyone
It was secular at some point, that muslim population also was converted by non permanent means.
That guy was talking about SJW and feminism. I have nothing against gay people being gay. How are they being a problem? I thought you guys liked Milo and he's a flaming homo but hates SJW and feminism.
>The goal is to dissolve the Islamic republic and reinstate Reza Pahlavi as the Monarch of Iran.
According to whom? That's just your interpretation.
But this time we have the CIA shilling hard for protesters.
>I have nothing against gay people being gay. How are they being a problem?
*look at flag*
Hope they will be liberated like they used to be in the 70s
>They have a supreme leader, that throws anything democratic straight out of the window.
So? There are A LOT of countries like that, why push for a regime change in Iran other than being a filthy jew that doesnt want them funding the NON-TERRORIST organization called Hezbollah?
Look at Saudi Arabia, they dont even have elections and their regime is 10x more opressive than the Iranian one.
Not to mention they fund wahhabism, mass migration to europe and are building a shit ton of mosques in the west.
Iran at least keepts to itself.
But hey, you are a fucking jew, of course you want to destroy Iran.
Yep they are smarter because many persians are white. Its not popular the 79 revolution was one of the worlds most popular. This is obviously foreign backed thus its not popular. Its already dying down. Iran is indeed not backwards they are fiercly independent and resist jews and saudis i think we need a revolution in a true terrorist state like saudi arabia.
You’ve obviously never been there. Iranians are Muslim the way Americans are Christian. The vast majority of them can care less about their religion while there are a minority of fanatics. Also some of the chants in these protests are along the lines of “down with Islam and the Quran”.
You were they one who claimed they had democratic elections. He just disputed that fact and now you just go on with your campaign of calling people names. It's clear that you're not interested in facts.
1. Not a revolution
2. These "protests" are much smaller than 2009.
3. Pro-government marches happening currently are over 10 times larger
4. Wanting a revolution means helping the Jews
5. Supporting a revolution means you support the inevitable swarm of migrants that will come from and through Iran after it gets destabilized like Libya from a revolution
6. gas yourself kike
What a even more un popular monarchy that was apuppet for us and jews, he was so unpopular something like 80 to 90 percent of the pop revolted which is unparralelled in history
The goal of the (((communists))) to rid the world of religion is so that (((they))) can later implement Judaism world-wide. Judaism for the goys means your job is to lick the dust off the chosen one's feet.
>And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I am the LORD: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me. -Isaiah 49:23 KJV