Is Portugal the future?


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"British women''

> British women

Oh I am laffin

The only way to live in modern society anymore is just to laugh at how absurd it is

>Keijo is real
dog bless

Reminder that because 'British' is an entirely legal concept now, anyone can be 'British' and this works to (((their))) advantage.

I'm british.



>Is Portugal the future?
fuck, I hope so
I'm Portuguese and i plan on moving there once I'm out of college. already have a dual citizenship.

>t. Brazilian

maybe they where british
"oi ya bloody wanka dont you dare insult meh burkini ya hoighty toighty tosser"

nah, 'murrican
fuck this consumerist hellhole. every time I went to Portugal I was really disappointed in how America compared once I got back

>british women
>I was born in france does this mean I'm french now?

Please, don't give a shit about us and don't talk about us.

I sure hope someone is the future because my country is kill

white Portugal is about to die, maybe more 20 years, Lisbon is almost lost to migrant invaders from afrca and brazil. Reconquista 2.0 soon

>British consider that woman to be the same race as pic related
>Americans consider that woman to be white
This is the issue with race, its too broad and arbitrary.

>n is almost lost to migrant invaders from afrca and brazil.

They will never expect us.

No, it's full of Portuguese.

The ideal would be PNR at least reach t parlament soon or our demographics will fck us up, france or the uk too.

Based Daddy.

If there's no other path, we never needed to be many


That beautiful flag, i think it's forbiden now at least in sport events

1st to reach almost everywhere

>Keijo is real
Sorry for all the Alberto Barbosa memes. You guys are the saviour of Europe

I don't like them, they are CDS tier, sure they are not as treacherous as old CDS was but they're not much better.

our biggest problem was and still is the braindrain, if shit hits the fan abroad we only benefit from it. We have over 3 million portuguese spread around the West, more than half of that are in the 24-40 age bracket.
There was never a shortage of people and natality went bellow desirable values after the 90's were over (i.e fake prosperity ended, crisis started one after another).
fix the economy and things become normal again, the problem however, is that EU will (invariably) bring us down (you can thank Mario Soares for that), we are completely exposed on that front (that's why Paços Coelho sucked ECB-FMI-germany coalition at every turn, and also because he was clearly unprepared for his role)

nice digits
unfortunely it was a bunch of ugly girls bumping into eachother, but respect for their dedication

and the last to leave

It's already too late for that, even with our economy in good shape, the numbers are against us, people here and in the rest of the west don´t have children and are being replaced by non europeans. Without a real natality policy for native whites and the stop of the influx we are done.

>they are CDS tier

Cds claims to be against immigration and multiculturalism? i don´t think so.

>Media and their fairy tails

our numbers are fine. Unless of course we keep keynesian economic models (especially if we execute them poorly like we have done for the last 50 years), which require exponential population growth to sustain (even Keynes said it was unsustainable long-term).
Mass media manipulates/extrapolates data so to scare people into partisan positions, partisans are easy to control.

>Cds claims to be against immigration and multiculturalism?
well, PCP was always against both of those, do you think that is relevant considering everything else?
yeah, I thought so. PCP also had openly anti-gay positions until that meant losing votes (check Álvaro Cunhal, he's still a hero for commies).
PNR manifesto is too socialist for my likings (also too utopic, but that's a diferent story)

CDS serves the same people it served the day it was funded: lawyers
in the early days of the 3rd republic people though they represented the old bureaucracy and voted hard on them (as oposed to the short lived salazarist parties), but they were fooled.

CDS never did anything else besides helping law employees and maybe retired people gibs, everthing else is a ploy to gather votes/power. They don't really have permanent stances on anything, they go with whatever works.

tl;dr: both of them are shit

pretty gay. burkinis are sexier than whorish bikinis with thongs

>our numbers are fine

We are being replaced pal, wake up.

>well, PCP was always against both of those, do you think that is relevant considering everything else?

What? PCP is a internationalist party that sees no problem in our own replacement, they even make lawss to increase that

Don't know much about Portugal, but their threads are nice, it could even top South African Boer threads


Who would've thought that Portugal of all places would make anime real?

British women lmao

>No, it's full of Portuguese.
Yes please!

Truly our dearest ally.

>your pic

Why are Americans so obsessed with deciding who is and isn't British? As a Brit myself, these women are just as British as I am.

Actually she was a very nice woman. Her being British is almost secondary to her being Indian though.

Just reply with le 56% and leave them be, it seems to make them mad

>no terrorists in the water pls

roflmao. My goddamn sides

It was Nigella Lawson lol

spotted the paki

My ethnic background is irrelevant to this conversation. I was born here and grew up here in Britain.

I am British, as are the women in the OP story.

Someone's new

>The all world is british

Spoken like a true cuck


I know you must feel bad for being a TurdSkin
pic related >YOU

>I was born here and grew up here in Britain.
*Deep breath*
>My ethnic background is irrelevant to this conversation.
*Psychotic Sam Hyde laughs*

I've been growin up with my friend Paweł. He is now British too and i don't like this faggot anymore

Lel reminds me of last year when they were drone bombing ISIS
>newreader: two British men are among the dead
>me: *interest piqued*
>newsreader: muhammad abdul and ismail jabullah, of Bristol...
>me: ah I see two "British" men

you're a fool, if you want to indulge in doomsaying be my guest, you're already lost anyway.

>What? PCP is a internationalist party that sees no problem in our own replacement, they even make lawss to increase that
confirmed for underage
I bet you don't even remember tovarish Odete Santos (there's a reason she is low profile now). You probably don't know about PCP origins nor their allegiance (pro-tip, they're not even related to Marx, despite their claim of being Marxist-leninist). PCTP/MRPP is close of what PCP stood for (except for the manic paranoia), they even tried terrorism during Salazar years.

Hell, even the devil incarnate, Mario Soares, was against immigrants (he was PS father, in the unlikely case you don't know him). He was also against retornados (quite a few were mixed race) and was responsible for their plight (just like in rhodesia, they lost everything, most went to USA and Brazil after being rejected in Portugal).

Portugal is not the united states and certainly is not the UK or France, we dodged WWII only with deceit and political pragmatism, we also payed a great price for our arrogance afterwards. But you can be sure that even our political trash knows how to fool bloated bastards (the only worry is BE).


ill always have respect for them because of their having the balls to stand up to the global zionist prohibitionists that play such a huge role in destroying the family unit.

Sorry but where did I state that I was a "TurdSkin"? If you must know, I am white but I was being deliberately vague because THAT DOES NOT MATTER.

What matters is that I was born here and grew up here, that's what makes someone British. The fact I'm white doesn't make me anymore British than anyone else.

>What matters is that I was born here and grew up here, that's what makes someone British.
> The fact I'm white doesn't make me anymore British than anyone else.

Nooo, you dont want this. Our marias have mustaches, the weather is terrible and there are SJW's running everywhere. Just stay where you are. Our country is horrible

Come back to reality, how many legislation ps and pcp in the past years aproved to portugal receive and give citizenship to even more immigrants, several, them and Be too. This is not even debate issue it's a fact, even psd and cds cooperate with them, or at least don´t have the guts to say what pnr say's -it's against it.

I've seen some cucks in my time, but you take the cake. If you are not White, specifically of Northern European ancestry, then you cannot be British. Others are interlopers brought in with globalism and allowing them to masquerade as Britons is laughable. Much like a Chang who can barely speak English calling themselves Aussie lmao.

only welsh, English, Scottish, and irish can claim to be British as they make up the british isles sorry but pajeet isn't british

If people ask you "where are you from originally" it's a clue that you're not and never will be accepted as British.

>Dean, who suffers from bipolar disorder, was wearing three quarter-length leggings over a normal swimming costume whilst Hina sported leggings and a long-sleeved top.
This is what is considered a burka these days? I'm also not allowed to swim in my jeans, and you don't see me crying about it.

kek this

I think this guy is trying to steal the most fucked poster award from the fucking leafs. Leafs, will you stand for this?!

kys you used menstrual napkin.

Hi Brit here
Go fuck yourself.

our constituion is socialist/comunist, any law we make must (I'm not joking here) not be outside socialist ideals.

also pcp working with ps is a recent development, they used to have a rivalry due to sindicate influence, same for psd (dunno if they are still active, probably yes). And this is something you seem to miss, there is no such thing as ideology in our politics, you have caciques, you have pretty faces and you have puppetmasters.
the PSD/PS divide (or GOL/GLRP if you want that way) was always for show

>or at least don´t have the guts to say what pnr say's -it's against it.

if you even dare to step of the line you end like Sá Carneiro, don't forget it. If PNR managed to somehow build a government, it wouldn't last an year before emergency elections (or outright president nominating a new government without elections)


>Keijo league

Brazil's national sport?

You're fucked if you think that.

Based Portugal. Bring back the Monarchy and the flag

Oh my God. Listen to the crazy loudspeaker prayer thing in the background.

Fuck yeah!

portugal used to be such a powerhouse. what happened?

you are not british either muhammed

>I was born and raised here, that's what matters

>wear skin colored burkini
>wear bikini and wig on top of it
problem solved

why? What happened? Desconheço a bandeira por completo.

austrian retards with an addiction to the spotlight

they blew our fucking navy to bits against agressive waters because they though their ubernavy was invencible, they also emptied our coffers which was not very nice.
In exchange they kept having spaniards dying for austrian ineterests which is amusing enough

It's the portuguese legion flag, considered a fasciist symbol, but in reality they adopted it from the Aviz Cross

That is literally the very first video I've ever watched by her. I usually ignore the youtubers or whatever they're called these days. Was pretty good.
>Being british means you have a British passport.
"So, am I Chinese if I have a Chinese passport?"
"Why not?"
>You're not Chinese!

>British values is tolerance, and only tolerance
>Now get the fuck out of here with your questions, or I'm calling the police!

flag of the order of avis
also the flag of legião portuguesa - the hardline nationalist branch of the GNR (obviously paramilitary)
salazar put them toghether to be easier to keep an eye on them (he didn't trust them, he didn't trust their sympaties with the nazis to be precise)

nonetheless they remained loyal and disproved any suspicion of treachery. As such is a fascist symbol and 100% haram

This. also i think the majority of our volunteers inside the Blue Division in the wwii to fight against the communists were from that organization (the portuguese legion) they were paramilitary gr inside the Estado Novo regime.

The first winner of Bake Off here was also a Muslim and no one gave a shit. Maybe it was because she was the only one who could cook constantly good (plus, Arabic desserts)

I've been in most of Lisbon libraries and couldn't find Fernão Mendes Pinto' (Japan) Peregrinação anywhere. Only have a monstrous pdf version. Don't you read it there, dad?

please elaborate

I always thought the british ultimatum, replublic of portugal and 25 of April were what fucked Portugal

>The fact I'm white doesn't make me anymore British than anyone else.
Yes it does. Skin color determines your culture and nationality. You won't find many blacks here calling themselves "American", they call themselves "African Americans" because they see a fundamental difference in their communities and ours. You will never see them paying respects to our history, and don't give a shit about our culture. The only people who do push this bullshit are white retards like yourself who have been brainwashed by the media into believing we're all the exact same. So when you preach this retarded cultural Marxist bullshit you are asking for your country to become destabilized and eventually destroyed from within, along with your culture. Faggot.

God bless Poland.

You only think this because you masturbate way too much and your brain is getting too much dopamine.

Some claim that the british ultimatum gave power to the grow of the republic in our country, and the subsquent fall of the monarchy, yes.It was an act of treason by you.
What fcukd up us is the past decades, multiculturalism, immigration and we have destroyed our industry, because we were already muh rich and just stopped producing, nonsense policy and now we are paying the bill.

Can't wait to start using "british" as a racist slur!

Habsburgs took spanish crown through a very lucky chain of events.
From there they divided their "empire" into two dinasties: the spanish having everything west of the HRE and the austrian branch "owning" the concopotion that was the Holy Roman Empire
Now the HRE was a pathetic relic from other times and was extremely susceptible to outside power bids, so the spanish habsburgs kept the french busy while the austrians tidied the house (except they failled and droped the project in favour to using the rich pannonian land)

During their reign over spain they spent metric tonnes of gold and silver (that came from america, but also china) in frivolous stuff while also giving more and more power to the local factions (which were already powerful to beggin with).
Again, by "blind" luck they got the portuguese crown and all the riches from india (to give an idea, when the brits captured the main ship of the portuguese fleet from indian trade, the spoils left for the english crown were enough to pay for the 30 years of war against the spanish, portugal had one of those every half an year, plus many others)

What did the austrians id with this? they spend it bribing the factions to keep themselves in power, they also lend to austrians and sink it in a plethora of other places.
furthermore they used the portuguese designs and sea knowledge and spread it over the empire, in particular the lowlands (since they were excelent shipmakers and traders), and spend a huge amount of riches to build a rather huge and powerful navy capable of anihilating the eternal anglo
since the spanish army and navy were a mess of nepotism, not only the admirals were bad, but they were extremely obidient, the spanish king ordered to fleet to go to the british isles no mater what (there were tempests expected, also there are some no-sail zones inbetween). When the already damaged fleet reaches southern england they get trashed by the clever tricks and expert seamanship of the brit navy.


Good job Portugal.

it was not just an humiliating defeat, it was a terrible waste of funds and manpower. The brits launched a counter-atack but it was easely repeled

Anyway, while spanish inquisition was persecuting (softly, gently) the dutch the king had the brilliant idea of financialy ruining them (by blocking them access to iberian ports)
and suddenly they became feral, and toghether with the brits teared the spaniards apart, and thanks to that beating we became free (but catalonians did not), at the price of losing most of india to the UK and the indochina ports to the dutch

from there we had a treacherous royal family (but it was the best we had), a city razing earthquake, several country-razing rebelions and a republic that outdone every and single one of those terrible events.
we started history anew in 1934