Was the hate for Sakura Matou largely unjustified?
Was the hate for Sakura Matou largely unjustified?
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No. She is a whore of the lowest level.
No, she's a blatant ripoff of tsukihime characters except that fate has worse writing when it comes to serious moments and doesn't have a proper build up so her sudden backstory/relevance feels extremely awkward
>Was the hate for Sakura Matou largely unjustified?
Hate her bullshit "victim" personality.
She's just disgusting as a person.
Why was Kohaku's route so good?
Shirou learns the truth about Kiritsugu in the first few days, he reaches a climax as he can no longer be a robot, he feels genuine emotions that are tearing him up as he can no longer bring down the knife. Just like when he threatened to kill Rin IF she got involved when Taiga was being held hostage in UBW, Sakura was someone precious to him already, they were already very close before the story. This creates a different dynamic from the other heroines. You don't see them falling in love, rather they already have stories about each other like in the shed scene when they muse about old events, a broken vcr, themselves as children. Shirou's dynamic in this route ties closest with Kotomine obviously, as Kotomine himself mentions.
Meanwhile Sakura and Rin's dynamics are tied together. Rin oddly comes off as more complex than in her own route since she's no longer playing heroine. She's trying her hardest to be the ideal cold magus like her father taught her to be. this is where her story ties into the past, her choices all revolve around her father and trying to live up to his words towards her. She tries her best to be a cold magus, but she's heavily conflicted with her actual nature, her humanity and empathy. The best she can do is put on a front to her sister and act aloof.
In Hollow, you got a feeling of the characters progressing, something I don't really think you would get with Tsukihime. Sakura and Rin are working toward their future, and build upon their sibling relationship, yet I hardly saw the same with Kohaku and Hisui. Akiha did have some good stuff, thankfully, her and Ciel being my favorites.
Outside of a few good select scenes in KT it was like the typical fandisc, which let's be honest, had guest scenarios just like Hollow.
Sup Forums has canon Inferiority Complex, they don't see themselves worthy of Sakura.
No person who isn't mentally handicapped or wants to get laid would ever save Sakura irl.
If Shirou wanted to realize what it truly means to be a Hero. He should've killed Illya, Kirei, Sakura, Shinji, Matou, rest of the Einzbern Family, and a bunch of other mages.
A true Hero of Justice is one who removes the evil of the world without concern for others. Those who don't side with them and stand in their way is also evil that needs to be removed.
The hate was justified
Autistic permavirgina Otaku/Weebs can accept used "impure" woman.
Explains both Sakura and Kohaku's low ratings. However, their characters are probably some of the more complicated/developed when reading the VNs.
I think Sakura is best for Shirou (the both broken in a way and she's the only one that truly saves him from going down the path of Archer).
I like the Aoko/Akiha/Rin trope more.
IT wasnt. Hisui route was
>tsuki characters
>not fujinon
Jesus, you're dumb.
> Sakura was someone precious to him already, they were already very close before the story.
This makes her being such a non-character in the first two routes even worse.
Also, tsukihime did the same thing with shiki already having a history with akiha and to a lesser extent the maids, yet those weren't boring as fuck.
All the far side routes were fucking great.
getting to finally see shiki *unzip knife* and go full on monster hunter mode against akiha was the climax of the whole VN for me
When is the first movie coming out, again?
No. P0n0sworm infestation is not to taken lightly.
When Heaven's Feel comes out, she will blow up in popularity and it'll feel so good knowing I've been there from the start.
>Autistic permavirgina Otaku/Weebs can accept used "impure" woman.
Saber literally had a child before meeting shirou and tells him she knows how to please a man, meanwhile rin practically jumps on the chance to have a trantric sex ritual and is way into lezzing out with saber
people don't dislike sakura because she's "impure" (although dickworms are a terrible idea and a blatant ripoff of kohaku without any of the things that made her work), people dislike sakura because she's a bad character that barely even exists outside of her own route
tsukihime was planned out before KnK was, even if KnK came out first, so "who copied who" is a chicken/egg situation
End of the year. You won't see it online until next year, though
Go deep throat a Big Mac, Kerry.
Isn't that what people said about CCC?
My Sakurafag status obviously colors my bias, but I certainly don't think anyone who dislikes Sakura is wrong.
I mean has a valid point.
That said, I think the fact that her flaws aren't just "too perfect as a king," or "is a tsudere," make Shirou's decision to care for her that much more emotionally affecting to me. Plus, as she hits all my "protect the thing" buttons.
Also, her route has all the best "bad" ends. It also helps that the ending considered "true" gives her a bittersweet end without a senpai to fuck. While the "good" end is uh, acknowledged to not be "true" specifically.
Kerry didn't want Shirou to champion justice.
Why does Saber know how to please a man if she never had sex with a man before?
But by the designer's own admission, Wormslut was made to be a Fujinon-type.
She even has the "get stoically raped, then murder your rapist and go on an insane rampage because you can feel feelings again" story beats Fujinon has.
Sakura is also still haunted by the past no matter how she tries to focus on only the good things, or tries to move on. She's been through too much to just move on, especially if she's just not expressing what she's held in for all these years and pretending she doesn't have all this built up. It builds up until it finally explodes out if you don't let it out.
The sisters are always awkward around each other, neither can bridge the gap, but at the end of the route you see them finally let it all out a bit when they fight. Near the end when Sakura finally vents everything she was holding in, and Rin silently just let's her do it without saying anything. Rin doesn't realize her true feelings until a bit too late, but she finally manages to say it clearly. They both made real mistakes, but they are sisters again. Sakura finally let's it all out, she can finally start to move on for real. She's not just holding it in anymore, she's made real progress
If Rin chose the cold hearted path of a magus, nothing would have been solved. She blew up Zelretches dagger already, all she had left was a normal knife. A few days prior sakura had healed from far worse, it wouldn't have killed her.
Yet Rin chose her humanity, she could not be the cold hearted magus. This action saved Sakura's heart as well from Angya, and saved the world. As Sakura tried to rebel against Angya's influence long enough that Shirou could hit her with rule breaker, and finally sever it's connection. If Rin went through with stabbing her, the ending would likely be similar to femme Fatale instead.
This action had meaning within the themes of the route as Rin doesn't choose to be held down by the past, and chooses something new.
I suppose you're right, but that all applies to kohaku too, right down to "I can feel feelings so I have to fuck everything up"
At any rate, being a copy of a copy just makes sakura that much worse, doesn't it? At least kohaku/fujino, whoever came second, has the benefit of nasu going "ok let me try this idea again and improve it" while by the third time it's just being lazy.
>saber had a child
Official story was that she was given a dick from merlin which which she impregnated a woman with. Fate VN shows her virgin vag blood.
>Rin is sexually provocative bisexual
>thinking autistic permavirgina Otaku/Weebs gives a fuck about that
They are autistic virgins because they care if women had a man dick not if they had sexed 100000000000000000000000000000x women or not.
Official story was that she was given a dick from merlin which which she impregnated a woman with. Fate VN shows her virgin vag blood.
After he was left with ashes following a child's view of justice.
He was a manchild and the 4th made him grow the fuck up.
What did Emiya Alter do wrong? Why did he become broken because he removed an evil cult from the world?
>It also helps that the ending considered "true" gives her a bittersweet end without a senpai to fuck. While the "good" end is uh, acknowledged to not be "true" specifically.
Is my memory of the VN falling apart up again?
HF is the only route the real Kiritsugu is brought up as important (like all his circumstances, his nature, his family, his actions); the other routes mention Shirou's false vision of him. Hell, one of the bad endings involve Shirou becoming Kiritsugu II by making the wrong choice just to make this more obvious (all over HF is like "are you going to be like Kiritsugu or not?" via Illya and Kotomine). Not to mention that, by a narrative standpoint, the other two routes don't resolve Shirou Emiya's issues. FSN progresses with every single route: the presentation of the character (Fate), deeper study of what makes the protagonist thick (UBW), and finally resolve the said issues in the climax (HF).
It's even in the Tiger Dojo. Question routes (Fate, UBW), answer route (HF). HF is the one that resolves Emiya Kiritsugu's dilemna by successfully giving his heir the life Kiritsugu actually dreamed of, deep inside. It's a generational story. That's how the three families issues are also resolved in HF as well.
None of this fixes the part where sakura is a non-entity in any route but her own, where she is suddenly the single most important character in the whole story and ties into everything.
In tsukihime kohaku is intentionally hiding in plain sight and manipulating shiki, who both has more to deal with and less of a reason to care about what this one girl is doing.
In HF sakura is just sort of passively ruining everything and is very blatant about it, but it's just not mentioned at all by anyone, nothing odd about sakura is noticed and despite being so close for so long shirou completely forgets about her in order to be a sword autist.
HF simply doesn't work with the rest of the VN, especially since it's the "last" one, it doesn't matter how well written the route itself is, it takes you out of the story in a way that type moon VN is otherwise very good about (indeed that's the main strength nasu has as a writer)
sakura is a badly done character that's easy to dislike.
>Bad Endings
>Has Shirou becoming Kiritsugu II
That wasn't a Bad Ending. It was just a Ending and should've have been a full route because it was right in every way.
Rin not shanking Sakura was the Tohsaka fuckup trait kicking in; Sakura "killing" Rin who showed her kindness snapped Sak out of it.
She was also trying to kill herself in the Rule Breaker scene, but Angry Manjuice wasn't having that shit.
Also, Femme Fatale only happens because Saber Alter was there to tip the scales, both in powerlevels (remember Rin kicking Caster's ass in CQC) and in resolve (SAlter is a stone cold bitch). No SAlter, no Tohsaka fuckups, Rin wins that fight. Rin actually had that fight won, which is why Dark Sakura was throwing a tantrum, giving Rin an opening in the first place.
>type-moon wiki
we need a champion of justice to fix that place
>The final battle takes place in a cave under the Ryuudou Temple, which the original Holy Grail ritual took place. Shirou defeats Dark Saber with Rider's help, and Rin uses the Gem Sword of Zelretch to fight Sakura. Although Rin is able to fight equally with Sakura, she hesitates to kill her, Sakura goes berserk after realizing her sister's true feelings, but Shirou is able to save her by tracing Caster's Rule Breaker. Kotomine suddenly appears to stop Shirou from destroying the Great Holy Grail, but is defeated by Shirou, who then destroyes the Great Holy Grail.
>Heaven's Feel has two endings. In the Normal ending Shirou sacrifices himself to destroy the Grand Holy Grail. Sakura waits for his return at his house as years passes by. In the True ending Ilya appears before Shirou could destroy the Grail, and sacrifices herself to save Shirou. Shirou receives a new body from a certain puppet master, Sakura is able to keep Rider around due to her large amount of leftover mana, Rin leaves to study at the Mage's Association.
Your link says the same thing that my link says. Did you even read your link/own post? Shirou not dying is the 'HF True' ending.
And I suppose you have never heard of iteration?
Fujinon is not a good character; she's all the worst parts of Nasu's tragic monster rape victim archetype, probably because she came first in his head. Kohaku made for a good swerve...in Hisui's route. Sweet fuck-all else uses her characterization from her routes, instead using her lol wacky Melty character. Sakura doesn't do shit for two routes, but they reiterate her character pretty much exactly for CCC, which is great.
You keep tweaking, eventually you'll get it right. It's cool to not like a character, but don't be retarded.
The Type-Moon wikia is entirely unreliable. It exclusively uses dub terms, uses misinformation, and is just all around not a good wiki and isn't quality checked at all. It's why you see no one here use it.
Whoops, looks like I switched the endings in my head.
My bad user.
That's true, but what does it have to do with what I said?
I'm talking to this faggot
Considering they're generally rooted in double standards, ridiculous misinterpretations of the route and general victim blaming, definitely.
That's more brutal than Mind of Steel. You should go watch that Six Flying Dragons K-drama, sounds like a couple of the characters would be your cup of tea.
Your post is entirely irrelevant to this entire thread. The information on the page linked is accurate, so you have no reason to voice an opinion on the page nor the wiki.
Don't forget Ilya steals the show if you're going for the True End. You basically do all the lovey dovey stuff with her, while you fuck the pain away with Sakura as she tells you she's the final boss.
Sakura is a stunt pussy because legal loli wasn't a fad when FSN was made.
She's already gotten to fourth place, so she might very well get into the top 3 if the movies are handled right.
I thought I read something about it initially being meant to branch off into the actual story path, but they changed direction later on in development?
Just hearsay, could be wrong.
>>That's more brutal than Mind of Steel
That's literally mind of steel though, Shirou killing the shit out of the competition.
MoS was always a bad end. What would lead into another route was prioritizing Ilya and becoming her superhero at that point.
>You basically do all the lovey dovey stuff with her,
Did you miss the whole route before Ilya starts infodumping, which is basically all she does once she gets to Shirou's house?
It could've been an actual story route, Nasu had a lot of routes drafted up, but didn't go with them.
A Medusa Route, Shinji Route, Loli Medea Route, Illya Route, and more.
>Mind of Steel
>Bad End
That's a nice April fools.
"FATE" was, originally, planned to have 4 heroines with 4 routes.
The first part would be temporarily playing either Saber or Rin, the two would meet at the middle part, and the last part would proceed into 4 routes...... or like so, it was made into a very confusing plot. The first of the scrapped routes was, the well-known Ilya route. The Caster route has completely extinguished, but the plot regarding a cooperation with Rider is continued in a portion of the actual game.
If there was the Ilya route, there would have been a choice in the 9th day of Sakura route which would have chosen to be not the hero of justice, nor Sakura's hero, but Ilya's hero. Unfortunately, the possibility has disappeared in the actual game.
I don't know what made us think it would be a good idea, but going into Fate/stay night we had this crazy idea to have a far, middle, and zoom version of every single sprite in the game.
By the time we were finished, we had over 3600 images just counting the character sprites alone. It was totally ridiculous, and there was no way we could possibly use them all. If we had kept them the game would have taken up four whole discs, so we tearfully went through and deleted everything that went unused.
Next time, let's shoot for a little more optimization. I'm thinking a nice, simple game that you can beat in two hours, how's that sound?
>a bad end
IIRC it specifically leaves out any wording/implication that it's bad per se, but it's been like ten years now so fuck if I remember clearly.
Yeah. I had no qualms with any of them. Which one was your favorite?
It really helped demonstrate why the Nanaya family had managed to compete with those monsters for so long
>those tattoos and lingerie
Mind of Steel is "kill everyone you have to to save others", whereas user was more like "kill everyone who seems to be a potential threat even if there's another option."
Mind of Steel Emiya Shirou wouldn't do the latter; it was all about doing what was necessary, not going all in on Exterminating Evil or whatever.
You're thinking of Sparks Liner High. MoS is treated like a bad end, and you're called an idiot for picking it.
Sparks Liner High and MoS were never going to be full routes, I believe. That might be conflating two concepts: the idea that Shirou becomes Redman in a worldline where he's (romantically?) attached to a doomed Ilya, and the fact HF was a kit bash of Ilya's aborted route and Sakura's.
Fun facts about both: the apocryphal explanation for Redman got us the Sword Dancers doujin, which probably got us Kuro (lewd nee-san Ilya playing at being Redman). The kitbashed route is why you need Ilya affection points for True and to not die, and was going to have the scene in Fate where Ilya ties Shirou to a chair and straddles him turn into a full blown H-CG. There's concept art of Ilya in garters for it and everything.
MoS is
>win the war at all costs
which implies killing the shit out of all the other masters.
Not him, but mine was Kohaku. Akiha second.
I'd say Akiha had the best endings, but Kohaku rapped everything up in a very satisfying way.
Fate route also mentions a good deal of the real Kiritsugu, it's from there that Saber states that Kiritsugu only talked to her 3 times during the 4th war (Shirou assumed it was the 3 command seals) and that he was ruthless and treated everyone as a tool including himself.
HF reveals on Kiritsugu actually feels more unnatural because the game just decided to throw that out early on in the route because you had gotten that knowledge from Fate already, the only natural reveal was why Kiritsugu blew the grail although by Fate reveals about the grail being tainted it had already become obvious why he did it.
Does this sound like Super Robot Wars to anyone else? Seibah's Super Route, Rin's Real Route.
I remember feeling thoroughly cucked when that scene didn't turn hard ecchi.
>Fujinon is not a good character
>Saber tells Shirou the truth about his father at the end of Fate route
>Saber tells Shirou the truth about his father at the beginning of HF route
What did they mean by this
Ah, cheers. Maybe I should reread at some point...
>Deleted everything that went unused
>Didn't save it all on another disk to release later.
Holy fuck Nasu and Take just triggered the shit out of me.
Heaven's Feel did feature Shit Going Down much faster, so it was sort of necessary. Not sure what you're confused about.
>I'd say Akiha had the best endings
Logically Akiha's routes were very fitting in a "taboo love that can't work because of outside circumstances" so they were really good, but I wanted to see her get at least one happy ending. I know the end where Shiki kills himself is ambiguous, but I wanted a definitively happy one.
Kohaku's was my favorite as well since, as you said, it was satisfying. Doing that and then Eclipse felt just right for the tone of the VN.
I remember that scene in the Zero Hanafuda where Kariya and Tokiomi talk about how smoking hot Sakura will be like when she is older, even prettier than Aoi with huge knockers, and Sakura looks on at the two with the best look of disgust you'd see on a 5 year old.
>Concept are of Illya in garter for it and everything You mean
Worst far side route
Nasu: "That's right, when I finished writing the Saber and Rin route all in one go, part of me thought the game wouldn't be settled unless I flipped it over. As the theme of Fate/stay night, if we assume the Saber route to be posing a question, the Rin route is the answer and the Sakura route is a practical application. In the beginning there were plans for an Illya route, but if we were to add it, the game would have wound up being incredibly huge. So we had this plan to release the Saber route and Rin route as "Fate/stay night", and the Illya route and Sakura route as "Fate/other night". But when we thought of the 8800 yen price, we decided we should include the Sakura route after all, so in the end, we decided to combine the Illya route and Sakura route into one route. So, although it had been finished during 2002, we took more time to reorganize the plot in January or February of the following year."
Prove me wrong.
Which Kara no Kyoukai chapters are the best and worst?
Not including her or Sacchin are Nasu's greatest sins.
They had the opportunity to do it with Fate/stay night: Realta Nua if you think about it. Same with the retcons introduced with Fate/Zero.
Guess they were lazy?
Selfless hero or selfish idiot?
This one.
Honestly Kariya did nothing wrong and was a true Hero.
He knew his father was a fucking shit, he gave up on his true love to protect her and she fell into the wrong hands, he tried to save Sakura, and was close to winning.
If he had only did what his Grand Order Singularity counterpart did, Team-Up with Iskander and Waver to raid the mansion/save Sakura, get rid of his Command Seals, and probably used Berserker to kidnap his ex-Love. He would've been golden.
4channers if they tried instead of being KV NEETS
Zouken's main worm literally resides within Sakura's heart, so you can't kill Zouken without Sakura dying in the process.
Saber didn't told him at the end of Fate, it was about halfway IIRC was after defeating Rider, the stuff about the grail was at the end with Kotomine both in the church and in the temple
It did at certain parts but they had a shit ton of days where nothing happens but this:
-News in the morning about the shadow's victims
-random stuff during day
-"Sakura stop working you're sick"
-"Senpai I'm fine!" messes up gets carried to room
-night patrol to try to find enemies that would curbstomp them if they did find them.
-arrives at home "Senpai let's fuck"
rinse and repeat.
I feel like HF was intended at first to be 2 separate routes 1 where Sakura was the main focus and another where Ilya would be. Sakura would remain sick during most of her route and only turned Dark at the end of it only to be saved.
Then if you choose Mind of Steel you'd probably get the Ilya route with Dark Sakura being a reanimated Sakura (probably by Kotomine) and Ilya would be the main focus
They probably though it might backfire on them Shirou fucking underage looking Ilya even if she's older than Shirou so they probably joined both routes.
C u c k
Fujinon is primarily a monster of the week, since most every antagonist in Rakkyo is a monster of the week, given how things are set up.
Fujinon is rather egregious about this, as she is introduced with no setup and thrown into a situation elicited to garner melodramatic sympathy. Rape/sexual abuse of a woman is a cheap literary trick and that is the entirety of Fujinon's character until the clingy kouhai stuff comes in with Mikiya. Her going on a rampage because some punk hit her with a baseball bat while fucking her is a deus ex machina required to jumpstart the story. It would be a reasonable, if contrived catalyst if the underpinning philosophical concept of LSoP was chance or having one bad day, but it's about vulgar displays of power. Having it be triggered off screen by Araya makes it an unacceptable contrivance.
As a character, she exists to be the dark reflection to Ryougi (the wolf in sheep's clothing), but Ryougi doesn't have to confront anything negative about herself; since Fujinon at full power is considered nothing more than a rampaging beast. Ryougi doesn't even get her murderboner denied, since she gets to stab the appendicitis used to justify Fujinon's flareup. After that, Fujinon regresses into a childlike state, becoming something that needs protection without any agency. A moeblob, if you will.
And that's the problem: she has no real character agency. She exists for sentiment, is involved with the main characters due to galge level contrivance, is driven by plot, and gets shuffled off without imparting a lesson or doing much of anything but property damage.
Who said anything about killing Zouken.
If you don't kill him, he'll just kill Sakura from inside and then kill you.
The book version of Fairybitch, Murder Investigation Pt. 1 and Paradox Spiral are great.
Murder Investigation Pt.2 (fuck you Dullahan) and book LSoP are eh. Movie LSoP has the absolutely fucking gorgeous Broad Bridge fight, though.
HF is the route with the most eventful days, actually.
>Raided the Matou Mansion with Iskander and Berserker
>Saved Sakura
>Cut off Command Seal arm and have worms from within you swarm it.
>Take Sakura far away from Fuuka.
>He'll kill Sakura
Where is he going to get a person to replace her? Rin? I highly doubt the Toh's are going to give her up.