Why would you judge poor Muslim womyn for covering up if you’re not gonna judge your own women who do the same, Sup Forums?
One is a choice, the other is not.
Fuck off fgt
WRONG, only in modern times. Nuns were forced to wear that or they would be severely punished.
there there more?
and it's a choice to be a nun so it's still a choice
>only modern times
Further proving that Islam belongs in the dark ages. Why can't Mudslimes change their ways?
The hate Islam gets was never about superficial stuff like that. It's basically because they are tribal savages who are in a state of perpetual war against everyone who thinks differently than them.
Nuns are a voluntary religious order of women. Muslim women are forced to don religious attire or be stoned and or raped.
Taxation is theft
those are nuns in churches not random women on the street. also we have laws in some states like the one i live in that prohibits anything that covers the face. this predates the war on terror and freedom of religion doesnt null it since no were in the quran does it say a woman has to be covered head to toe
we have this law for 2 reasons. 1 the KKK and 2 criminals. even on haloween you cant cover your face legally. even on video its illegal. you make a youtube vid with your face covered your going to jail
Maybe you changed it for the worse, ever think of that?
Btw Shadman's art is crap.
Would be better if made by a Japanese artist
This is a lewd nun thread now
>Nuns were forced
Now fuck off zoomali.
> Sweden
Not surprised at all by that flag. Also, women in countries that enforce the Burqa / Hijab are forced to do that. You can opt in to be a nun and leave if you want with no punishment for it. Everything about being a nun is optional, but their Habit is a uniform for the job, so they have to wear it, you fucking mongoloid.
No, kys
fucking deep m8
One blesses people
The other blows up people
This fucking idiot.
based shadman
>defends Islam
Memes are real.
No. This is now a lewd skellington thread
Source asap
I think I have a nun fetish now.
Fucking great.
Why should they?
And by the way, personally i dont hate that islam enforces modesty like that. (((Modernity))) is cancer.
post more shadshit already you fucking degenerates
I think this is more an exuse to post big assed nuns and shit.
>conscious choice you can end at any time
>enforced through religious norms for women
>women forsaking the world for jesus
>shitskins hiding their looks for their retarded husbands
Pretty simple.
>Didn't already have a nun fetish
>Doesn't also have a hijab fetish
Hans said it well!
We banned nuns so get fucked.
these things are not human
The eternal swede
Look at this oppressive shit, have you even seen Arn Tempelriddaren
Who else got the other Muslim shad work
nuns join an order, mudshit women can't even go in the 'good' part of a mosque
Islam is older than Christianity moron
quick rundown on shadman?
Well great now I want to fuck the moon
At least the nun wears a fucking bra.
You can't be this stupid. It just isn't possible.
>were forced to
fake news
good one
Nuns aren't average women, muhammad.
Lad no one is taking you seriously just drop the facade and join in with the shadposting
Well meme'd my friend.
Not it isn't. Please stop using that flag. It is embarrassing
Christians are subhumans just like mudslimes.
No it isnt you fucking mongrel.
Agree, but still
>modern times
>were forced to
Oh wow, you mean muslims today are on the same moral level as christians were in the 7th century? So progressive sven.
And what times are you living, my dear muhammed svensson.
damn why are they so thicc
>tfw you will never defeat the commies so you can have anal sex with the moon
Read thread before posting repeating comments.
Who cares?
If I can wear crocs they can wear that shit
> Actually believes araps dindu nuffin and it is all the big bad USA.
Holy shit the memes about Sweden are true. Pick on right is you.
And what % of women before "modern times" were nuns?
Kill yourself
I know you don't understand choice Ahmed, it's like when you your nose and your asshole both itch and you want to scratch them both.. no wait, it's like when you want to have sex with the goat and you want to take a shit on a western whore but you can only do one at a time.. oh wait, I guess that doesn't work either. It's like when you break your right hand and can't use it to eat, so you can wash your left hand or you can go hungry.
Begone you heathens
A pedo with problems, don't trust him.
jk he's a family friendly artist that goes around schools teaching about art.
If this is true, it's still irrelevant because one happens to NUNS, who choose to live the life of a nun for the lord, while the other happens to the common muslim woman, who is born into it and cannot reasonably escape it.
>7th century
Try 16th century
Swede please you don't know what you're doing to me
Why is OP so fucking gay.
This is how you draw a hot nun. Shadman's art is crap.
Our women cover up A E S T H E T I C A L L Y
>for the worse
sure, i'd much rather live in a theocracy ruled by mujahideen
enjoy sweden, religious nutjob lol
this 2bh
>Tailed kippahs.
Those hams aren't halal Swedecuck. You can't have them.