Why is American TV so fucked up? Every other TV show or commercial is nothing but blacks or other POC in it.. Only white girls are featured. Is this happening in other countries as well?
Why is American TV so fucked up? Every other TV show or commercial is nothing but blacks or other POC in it.. Only white girls are featured. Is this happening in other countries as well?
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But do whites still watch TV? I literally haven't watched tv in years....I thought it was basically only a nog medium these days.
it's 2018...nobody watches TV you stupid nigger
this thread would have been a perfectly legitimate topic in 1983.
Not anyones fault youre an angry manlet virgin u faggot
>Redpilled white man
>Watching electric synagogue
Pick one, my boi. Let the nogs and the rest of them have their propaganda.
The only people that buy the garbage they sell 0n tv is white women and poc.they. Know thier audience it’s a good thing
Same thread different day. Fuck off racist.
Don't be silly. Just because you don't watch TV doesn't mean there aren't millions of poor and stupid whites watching the Jewbox. Worse than aiming for 40%+ nigger and Amerimutt representation (with a curious lack of Mexicans and other mestizos relative to their population) in (((commercials))) and (((TV shows))) is the blanket encouragement of sexual degeneracy, hedonism and miscegenation, which has been happening for at least half a century now. Fucking kikes, man.
fuck off you good goy, get the circumcised kike cock out of your mouth and wake up
Only niggers are stupid enough to still watch TV, if they want to apeal to those consumers of course they're gonna air black people on their commercials, so they can identify with them the same happens here, nobody watches TV the only people that watch TV are indios watching soccer and old woman watching novelas
Spics and immigrants watch tv too
Yes. Yes it is. Jews and blacks in old cartoons (the one we watch for christmas) got removed but otherwise, the black manxswedish girl thing is done here too. and if not black, they settle for an arab.
While I do not watch TV as all but one provider of TV is owned or made by jews (and the one that isn't is kinda shit) there's still christmas shows and some other things. Not to mention that normies, neo-cons, lefties still watch TV.
i need to consult my rabbi
I made a thread on this topic earlier and no one replied, glad to see you could make it happen OP.
American TV really is fucked up. It's a tainted SJW shithole where nothing outside of degeneracy is permitted. Every single show on American television has to deal with death, violence, sex, and/or drugs. My mother watches this shit called the real housewives in which they are literally normalizing prescription drug use.
Cunt 1: "Oh girl I have such a busy day today...I have to get my hair and nails done, go meet Jim for lunch, file this paperwork, go pick up the dry cleaning, ugh.
Cunt 2: "GUURL! I would need at least 3 oxycodones to get through that kinda day!"
It's fucking disgusting to me how this shit is normalized and accepted. How the hell did it get this bad? Why am I the only one I know that realizes American "entertainment" is nothing but glorified degeneracy?
You arent the only one though. Stop being a woe is me im so alone faggot
Where I go bowling a T.V. plays in the background and I notice the same things. It might not be as bad as you have it but its noticeable. Also cut your T.V. subscription, its nothing but garbage
In addition to this, I think the CNN NYE Special perfectly sums my accusation up. CNN, the supposed NON-FAKE NEWS NETWORK, got this faggot Andy Cohen and everyone's favorite shilling faggot Cooper to host the NYE special. It was just one big degenerate pointless mess...
I said only one I know, as in real life, faggot.
>Why is American TV so fucked up?
Gee I wonder (((why)))
>Every other TV show or commercial is nothing but blacks or other POC in it.
I think you're exaggerating a bit but I have noticed it
If you seriously don't watch TV solely because of agendas being pushed then you're an autistic fag. Might as well stop consuming any media of any kind (including Sup Forums) since there's agendas being pushed literally fucking everywhere.
Protip: It's because white people don't watch TV anymore. They watch YouTube and play vidya.
Just as soap operas died because the housewives left for work, white TV is dying because the white TV viewer has left for NEETdom.
Thank you for your valuable contribution, Nigel. I hope every woman in your family gets raped by pakis and enriched with sulfuric acid.
A lot of people watch TV still, but they are mainly older. I think maybe the crucial thing is that only poor faggots watch commercials anymore due to DVR. The old boomers have their comcast box and record all of their shows. Poor blacks with just an antenna are stuck watching them.
Of course marketing departments are fully SJWed as well at this point. Any purple haired xir with a 2.5 gpa can walk in.
How is it that people still respond?
Your average "white" in London.
Where do you think you are, nigger?
It's how the master maintains control of its golem.
Who watches TV anymore aside from cunts and niggers? They seem to do it to make niggers seem more human-like so they can "sell" them as "just like you". If I see too many niggers in a video or movie I turn it off or refuse to watch it at all. Niggers and cunts seem to NEED to watch TV since they have no clue who to be on their own like every male of every other race does naturally. So they "adopt" some persona or brand from what they see on TV, similar to a little grade school kid playing and pretending he's Superman or Indiana Jones or Hulk Hogan or whatever. Only non-nigger and male kids grow out of it; cunts and niggers are not capable of growing any more mentally in that way. It's why both groups get retard checks from Uncle Scam.
jews control mainstream media
various shilling factions
I think a study was done showing they are more influenced by advertising. Kind of like how any commercial with a white dad the guy is a moron and the wife knows everything. That to appeal to the demographic who will be more likely to buy their shit because TV said so.
that webm is fucking terrafying
This was in 2004.
what the heck
If I turned around and watched that shit running at me like that I think I'd die of a combination of startlement and histeric laughter.
lol i miss this show
>Watching the broadcast Jew
>Why is American TV so fucked up?
Pic related. Hollywood is Jewish culture being rammed down your throat. If you consume TV, Movies, or Porn, you may as well just open a data pipeline straight from the Jew to your brain. Anti-gentile/anti-white narratives are constant in these media. STOP CONSUMING THEM. STOP ABSORBING THEIR MESSAGES.
You need to get like this user >I literally haven't watched tv in years....I thought it was basically only a nog medium these days
or McFucking kill yourself. Anyone who still watches a lot of TV in 2018 is defined as non-white, same for people that have to see the latest movie.
>If you seriously don't watch TV solely because of agendas being pushed then you're an autistic fag. Might as well stop consuming any media of any kind (including Sup Forums) since there's agendas being pushed literally fucking everywhere.
>Might as well stop consuming any media of any kind (including Sup Forums)
There's a huge difference between one-way-street cultural transmission, and two-way-street networked cultural transmission. One of them is elite kikes pushing memes that are beneficial to elite kikes. The other one is real people just like you, exchanging ideas(and insults, and shitposts). You can even create original content and upload your OC image to Sup Forums or the forum of your choice, you can upload your OC video to YT or wherever. In other words, you can participate in the creation of culture and the collective editing of culture. One-way-street mass broadcast media is the handing down of someone else's culture, and you can either take it or TURN IT OFF
So, don't be a fucking retard. Participatory culture is not the same as "we decide, you fucking take it stupid goyim" broadcast kike culture
I was sure it was a kid until it turned around.
That think looks eerily human