Nikki Haley: U.S. to Withhold Funding for UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees Until They Join Peace Process

Nikki Haley: U.S. to Withhold Funding for UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees Until They Join Peace Process

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>posting kike media
No thanks.

>You have to be quiet while we take all your land and genocide you
America is a joke.

I don;t claim to understand anything that happens in Jew land or Arab land
but if the leftists scum and Islamists are pissed, I am happy

>Their land

>defending palestinians when they came to the land when Jews started to settle back in there

>calling for peace process
is this bait?

It's simple, the new world order crew supports division of Israel when God gave them the land and they want to make Jerusalem a literal international capital.

The land belongs to the Jews alone.

spoken like the best goy

yes, the khazar mafia will help you. they only have the best in their mind

god never gave them the land. in fact they were only allowed to return, when they accept Jesus as their saviour.
they hate him, returned anyway and built their synagogues of Satan. they are also not the Chosen Ones. god will punish them for their sins

Take it or leave it. Either way the building you're in is coming down by cruise missile.

God gave them the land in the old testament, it's called greater Israel, look it up.


Found the mad Ahmed.

>the (((old testament)))
>posting a kike link
are you even trying, Chaim?

>ad hominem
>basic kike response:101
you deserve to be dragged down with the Jews desu

We should pull 100% of our UN funding. And we should have done it years ago. The thing that pisses me off about Israel is they get all this attention for when the UN does something they don't like, but nobody gives a fuck that the UN is stealing our land. They're literal landgrabbers. The entire UNESCO heritage program is designed to steal American land and put it under UN control to lay the groundwork for permanent UN Peacekeeping Forces on American soil. Same with their repeatedt attempts at gun grab resolutions. Same with their climate hoax perpetration. We should pull every last red cent out of that organization and evict them from New York, not for Israel, but because they are literally an enemy coalition with designs on conquest of our nation.

why do so many kike shills use my flag

fukkin BASTE

Palestinians were there for 2000 years before the wandering Jews came along.

except israelis have zero relation to ancient israelites ..they aren't fuck jews..they're LARPers

The UN doesn't work for white nations anymore. Its just a bunch of shit skin nations dictating how we run ours and that means OPEN YOUR BORDERS RACISTS!

My grandfather didn't fight Hitler, so the UN could hand power over to developing countries who could dictate our future, while they mass migrate their shitty people here.

>the (((old testament)))
why are you even arguing with me about if Jews have a right to the land if you're not a Christian you moron?

Go and be twelve years old somewhere else

gtfo pol then fag, this isn't an anti-semitic board. Only about 40% of pol according to polls are authoritarian

>Nikki Haley
born Nimrata Randhawa


>this isn't an anti-semitic board
gtfo proxy kike and take your cancer with you.

Haley is a Zionist lackey that will run for POTUS n 2020.

2024 you inferior goy.