I want to clear out something.
Gran and Djeeta is the same person but with different gender.
If Gran now is canon MC, it mean that Djeeta doesn't exist?
So they voluntarily completely cut out one of the most popular female characters in the game?
I want to clear out something.
Gran and Djeeta is the same person but with different gender.
If Gran now is canon MC, it mean that Djeeta doesn't exist?
So they voluntarily completely cut out one of the most popular female characters in the game?
Djeeta should be a MC, just admit it.
>Mfw i cant watch it because the placenta handjob traumatized me.
/u/ BTFO once again.
Will we have to wait 3 weeks for ep 3? Since first two aired last season.
Why you remind me about this, user? Do you wanted me to suffer?
She exists in canon Platinum game.
Djeeta exist, but as an empire's knight
If it makes you feel better, there was an event where both appeared at the same time.
will we see slayers characters in this?
It was joke event.
And promotional event for anime is obviously not canon.
Huh? Tell me more.
that not djeeta though
It's going to be long lost sister or some other shit.
It can't be Djeeta because in mobage player can change character gender whenever he wants.
Does notGran exist too in this game?
Next light character will be Thunderlord Albert.
>The character shown in the latest trailer is a key figure of the story. She looks similar to Djeeta, but is actually a different person.
Well, it all make sense.
Gran becoming star of the anime, and Djeeta will be represented in PS4 game.
Even if not really Djeeta, despite she looks, tastes and smells like Djeeta.
Gran does exist in the game but he got rekt by bahamut and his link with Lyria broke, so the crew is working to fix the between them
No it didn't make sense. It not Djeeta. PS4 game is continuation of mobage, and it reflect your progress in mobage.
So, if in mobage you are Djeeta you will be transferred to PS4 as Djeeta, and this not-Djeeta will be still there.
Which is complete bullshit and fucked up canon even further.
>DJfags will never stop being assblasted about this
It's both funny and annoying.
The PS4 game is not a continuation since they said you will end up in another skydom, not the new one in the mobage, but in an unknown one. And in the PS4 game Gran is in a coma, so it can't be a continuation of the mobage.
How long is the anime going to be? I vaguely remember reading something about the series getting a long adaptation split into like 5 parts but I think that might've been bullshit.
it's 12 episodes
Well, it can't be helped then.
They seriously fucked up by allowing player to change gender like it nothing special, instead of making Gran and Djeeta twins, or something.
I start playing as Djeeta, I played over a year already. And now they just saying that she is... well, just doesn't exist.
Sure, you can play as a girl, but it just purely cosmetic option. Canon MC is boy. You don't like it? Well, fuck you.
It's too bad because Gran x DJ is the true OTP.
As long as they want it to be, they wasted $3 million on a newspaper ad and are giving real gold for anniversary prizes, they're rich as fuck.
Djeeta a best
>Watching a Gran/DJ/Kat wank fest.
Fuck that, Maybe if they actually had some interesting characters. Like Amira or Vira.
I haven't played the game but my understanding is that all the popular shortstacks only show up later on in the story. What's even the point of just having a short adaptation?
The popular shortstacks never show up in the story, only in side content. They won't be in the anime.
Only one of the cows is a story character.
I knew that was you posting in /gbfg/
It just like they intentionally want to make anime sell bad.
>Those preorder rewards
Not a chance.
granxdj otp
Cygames have infinite amount of money, they don't care.
They probably could successfully start a space program with amount of money they have.
90% of people will pre order for bonus ingame items
Just passing by to say that I want to fuck every single girl in this series, in particular the midgets and titty midgets. Thank you for the attention.
Yep, she doesn't exist. Stay mad yurifag.
Nope, she can fuck right off, just like you can too yurishitter.
I'm glad based Gran is purging yurifags one at a time from these threads.
Should've made her a childhood friend character in Gran's village with a crush on him, in the anime.
Ahahahaha yeah no way.
It will sell due to the PO bonus.
Yurifags like yourself can cry all you want, but it will sell and your yuri self insert doesn't exist.
And there's nothing you can do about it.
>only yurifags would lime Djeeta as the MC
>over half of the playerbase uses Djeeta as the MC
Charlotta best harvin
>anyone i disagree with is a yurifag
It looks nice, but its kind of bland.
Charlotta is cute but she's definitely not the best harvin.
This is factually incorrect.
Last time I checked the anime isn't called Djeetablue Fantasy.
This Djeeta character doesn't exist.
Granblue Fanta''Jita''
You can thank me now
You got that the wrong way around.
Don't give it (You)s please.
I wouldn't have minded Djeeta as MC. If only she didn't dress like a harlot.
She does not give the vibe of a protagonist. Perhaps a cosplayer on a good day.
mfw there is a universe with dj as MC
its super otome as fuck
>If only she didn't dress like a harlot.
>Every GBF thread on Sup Forums is a Djeeta shitposting thread
What, so she gets treated like shit by some handsome pretty boy prince archetype and loving every second of it?
Because that is what happens in the game.
Eh, that's the issue with Gran in the current anime though. He's a completely generic protagonist. They seemed to fear to give him any kind of uniqueness to replace his silence.
Didn't this shit already air some time ago? What happened with earlier try if they're rebroadcasting it now?
In game Gran/Djeeta is horribly generic as well. They have no personality besides a
"Say yes to new crew member"
"Say yes to new crew member but with spunk"
during "choice branches" in fate episodes.
>Not using Gran and Djeeta as twins
Missed opportunity. The only way they can redeem the anime is if they adapt some of the better events like Platinum Sky.
They barely have any lines in the game though. The dialogue choices aren't even that common, especially in the main story.
There was a lot of space to give Gran a more unique personality in the anime, but it seems like they fear actually giving him anything unique since it'd go against his silent nods to everything in the game.
This thread is lacking of luchadors.
How would they have gone with it? JRPG are infamous because of their personalities.
- The kid, goofy grin and upbeat personality
- Hot blooded fighting guy
- Broody McAngst guy
Take your pick.
its mostly because kazuma stands out too much, so some people have risen their expectations
Right. Which makes giving Gran an issue since every single person has a different idea of how he thinks or feels. Gran and Djeeta are nothing more than blank slates for the player to self insert, otherwise changing their names wouldn't be a thing.
>a jrpg adventure anime with an interesting world and nice character designs
>it's 12 episodes
Just play the game.
so the first 2 weeks are last season's preview?
how disappointing.
The game is generic, what did you expect? This is just an advertising.
The fact that there will be no Cog or any other R/SR/SSR I like is what saddens me the most.
It will all be about Vira and her fucking psycho lesbo antics.
I hope they end the anime right before that annoying cunt ever shows up and never continue.
The less of that piece of shit the better.
Anime will end before Albion and that's the final nail.
Vira is by far the most popular character in game.
I started last month after being told it was the best time for a beginner. It's a decent time waster I suppose. Orchid is the best and cutest girl, I'm glad I managed to get her.
>He thinks that they're going to cut Vira when they already animated a battle of her and Kat fighting
They'll probably stop before the Celeste arc
>placenta handjob
Citation is needed.
Now post your ID so I can sneeze on it!
Yeah I got back into it recently.
Better than Kat at least.
You really don't want to know user.
user please, stay pure.
A dumb forced meme.
I'm not interested in the game, I just stumbled upon this and thought it looked promising. I'll still watch it and probably enjoy it but it's a shame there isn't going to be a whole lot. I hope this boosts interest in classic jrpg anime rather than the modern Tales of stuff that's a little too out there for me.
Why do the nips love eating shit so much?
There's not a single redeeming quality about that piece of garbage.
>better than Kat
>better than anyone
Is this official stuff, or something like a doujin?
look on exh
Why hasn't this game been localized?
Sure, why not. 15668174
Because it has a self english patch already?
I'm just telling you that because the game does in fact have an interesting world and nice character designs.
Yeah over half, by like 10%. You sure showed him.
The anime will probably only cover the less exciting part of the main story which wouldn't really tell you much about the game's world and you'll miss out on a lot of characters.
>Orchid, Naru, and Jeanne
Meme doujin