You guys would read this if fucking cookies appeared but since they won't here is a breakdown:
1. Dopamine sensitization when given intermittent access to sucrose.
2.Sucrose-dependent animals have a delayed satiation response,
drink more sucrose, and release more dopamine. (AKA get fatter and need it more)
3. Results suggest another neurochemical similarity between intermittent bingeing on sucrose and drugs of abuse
Research evidence that supports the suggestion that consumption of excess sugar promotes the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) both directly and indirectly
Sugar overconsumption induces a developmental stage-specific chronic depression in reward processing that may contribute to an increase in the vulnerability to reward-related psychiatric disorders.
A 2012 study in animals by researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles indicated a positive relationship between the consumption of fructose, another form of sugar, and the aging of cells and linked excess glucose consumption to memory and cognitive deficiencies.

But so what? Who cares if people destroy their bodies and minds for quick dopaminergic fixes?
The medical care costs of obesity in the United States are high. In 2008 dollars, these costs were estimated to be $147 billion.

Take some fucking pride in your body and get your shit together if you have not already. If you take care of your body it will take care of you.

Other urls found in this thread:

How about people stop urging for extremes and everyone find balance in their lives?


>stops eating sugar because he doesn't k ow how nutrition works

it feels good tho
im eating it anyway

>Moderation is okay
Okay so I'll have a bit of rat poison today

If it's bad it's bad

You're under 18. Stop posting here.

Go keto. Sugar cravings gone after 3-4 days. Improved mental clarity (not quite adderall level but up there), focus, and drive. Stay satiated longer. No crashing. Way less irritability.

Lose fat eating fucking wings, burgers, steaks, and butter.

the scarier part is that sugar causes cognitive impairment. The daily r*ddit is linking an article:

but I've heard from other sources this is true

Fun fact, Fructose (one of the two sugars in sucrose) skips a regulatory step in your metabolic pathway.

keto is bad for your liver and you'll never make gains. The true soyboy diet

I know the differences between different sugars. The autistic user (you) who's calling for the blanket cessation of the consumption of sugar clearly doesn't care.
That's completely different and you know it. If you drink enough water you die.
Gimmick diets are gimmicks.

You take that bullshit and fuck right off, sir! This is Sup Forums, logic need not apply. Besides, it all satire anyways.

>2.Sucrose-dependent animals have a delayed satiation response, drink more sucrose, and release more dopamine

Dopamine is a catacholamine;

>Dopamine (DA, a contraction of 3,4-dihydroxyphenethylamine) is an organic chemical of the catecholamine and phenethylamine families

Increased catacholamines caused by increased dopamine production are associated with higher IQ;

>IQ was lower in individuals with the C/C genotype than those with T carriers. The plasmid with the T allele at −824 showed higher transcriptional activity than that with the C allele in a transient transfection experiment using a luciferase gene as a reporter, implying that the T carriers may have higher TH activities and retain higher levels of catecholamines in the brain

>Results suggest another neurochemical similarity between intermittent bingeing on sucrose and drugs of abuse

They give people dopamine agonists/DAT-inhibitors like amphetamine to cause an increase of dopamine as a medicine for ADHD.

Also, Spice causes neurogenesis;

>Cannabinoids promote embryonic and adult hippocampus neurogenesis and produce anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects
>Chronic, but not acute, HU210 treatment promoted neurogenesis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus of adult rats and exerted anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects

'Chronic' - as in, like Spice addicts use it.

Drugs are good for you in this sense. If you want to demonize drugs or aspects of metabolism, single out anti-psychotics (Dopamine-antagonists) and birth control;

>The trophic effect of haloperidol and other conventional antipsychotics does not preclude neurotoxicity and loss of brain volume after long-term treatment or high dosing

Very important for the body to use the regulatory pathways. Skipping steps reduces the enzyme production. This has been going on in food production for a looong time.

Steak and eggs bud

>protein meme is all I need to succeed!

lack of complex carbs

The problem is that sugar is in almost everything. Even if you then only eat small doeses you stack it up over the day.

Wrong. You want to increase the cognitive effects of the same amount of dopamine, not rely on agonists. Your argument implies that we should be taking adderall and masterbaiting because it produces dopamine.

/SIG/ come back please!!!!1111

It all works around the base but you sound like you have found a nice routine.

>t. sugar eater


>dude just control your heroin addiction

I've been 95% sugar free since 2013 or so, and I've often pushed this idea here on pol and elsewhere. I am convinced that refined sugars and the foods they are used in are the single greatest health threat to Earth.

Have an apple instead. Stop being good fucking goys. There's a reason soda in the market is cheaper than bottled water.

I mean his assertions are not inaccurate but his conclusion is not something most would recommend.

Refined vs natural...
I haven't eaten refined sugar (or any processed foods) for years and I'm still alive. I eat what I like but I make it from whole foods.

Except you need sugar to live you stupid fuck.

All those fucking stupid memediets stem from some retard's inability to accept death and the desire to live forever by somehow "eating better", as if removing an element you need for your body to function properly, such as salt, sugar, gluten, meat whatever the fuck.

Just eat what's fucking natural for humans to eat and don't eat in excess so you turn into a blob of fucking fat, is it so hard?

Facism is not welcome there.


>uses memeflag

neck it

I'll check it out

>I'm too fat to stop eating!

You get all the sugars you need from whole foods. All carbs are sugars. If you eat bread or pasta, you're consuming sugars. If staying strictly natural, fruits, honey, maple syrup, and so on. No one needs refined sugars to survive.

OP doesn't say "stop eating refined/processed sugar"

>simple carbs are essential
nigga, please

Double chan sucks ass

I use maple syrup and honey to sweeten things. Tastes pretty good.

What is ketosis. If you ate zero sugar, (which is almost impossible given all fruits and veggies have some), your liver would release ketones to eat fat cels and excrete sugar in your blood to refill glycogen and other areas requiring sugar

Its why you lose a metric shitton of weight on atkins, you are constantly consuming youe fat cells to stay alive. Its also why you cant workout hard at atkins without hitting the wall

t. Someone who losed 60 pounds in a litte over 2 months

I'm eating speculaas right this very second and you are a faggot.

You must absolutely stop eating sugars AND refined carbohydrates, like grain, potatoes and corn products. There is so much evidence against refined carbs it's mindblowing how bad they actualy are for your health.

So you finally learned about the sugary jew.

And sugar is bad for your pancreas, hmm which one heals itself.

When you are on ketosis you arent drinking alcohol so prehaps its a net gain for most people

Nigga you're retarded. Sugar is necessary for proper mitochondrial functionality. It is key for producing energy/body heat. Of course overconsumption is bad.. which is the case with anything.

OP's a faggot

Ivan is right

Chemicaly and hormonaly it's the same shit. Stop eating sweet stuff and everything containing sugar(spoiler: everything processed has it) and watch your body react. It's like quitting smokijng, even worse, but after couple of weeks you feel better than ever before.

you know, in contast to vegan arguments that are mostly based on statistics, the whole sugar thing is mostly based on biochemestry. We know how digestion works, we know why we're hungry, why we need this and that, and why sugar (or fructose) is not necessary for survival (spoiler the body treats it as a foregin substance and has many of the characteristics of alcohol)

>fruits and vegetables

Thats where you should get your sugars fat boy.

Sorry but you are retarded, all the sugar you need cones from veggies. Fruits on occasion. About a teaspoon of sugar is all your body stores in the form of glyogen thw rest gets pumped into fat cells via insulin.

If you are fat and you cut sugars significantly, your body will begin consuming those fat cells for sugar

Thanks, Johny

Yea sugar is some bad stuff, i tend to avoid it when i can but it's pretty omnipresent in everything.

>stop eating fruit! It has fructose!
>stop eating meat! It has glucose!
Ok Monsanto.

remember that time that guy took small doses of poison daily to become immune? and then when he tried to kill himself with the poison it failed.

I don't know what that is.

Umm fruit sugars are also sugar and just as bad you brainlet.

>ketoacidosis is good for you

Nigger even my nearest Lidl adds sugar too the plain oat packs. I don't buy it of course, everyone knows sugar is bad but no one cares.

Nah, you're retarded. Learn to read then come back. Obviously consumption of natural sugars from fruit is enough for what I was talking about.

What will kill you is artificial sweeteners and processed crap such as fructose, which is used heavily in soda.

>Wrong. You want to increase the cognitive effects of the same amount of dopamine, not rely on agonists. Your argument implies that we should be taking adderall and masterbaiting because it produces dopamine

The dopamine goes through three stages;

1: Inactive inside of vesicles,
2: Released from the vesicles, active at the D1/2/3/4/5 receptors,
3: Sequestered into the cell where the DA is inactive, and metabolized into dopaquinone and norepinephrene.

If the Dopamine transporter is inhibited, the dopamine can't be removed from an active, extracellular location - continuous dopaminergic transmission.

DAT inhibition is the basis of amphetamine/cocaine activity;

>Dopamine transporter down-regulation following repeated cocaine

>Marked inhibition of mesolimbic dopamine release: a common feature of ethanol, morphine, cocaine and amphetamine abstinence in rats

Fresh, uncooked Garlic is a good MAOI. I eat raw cloves.

I only smoke weed/salvia anymore. I've done something and I'm blissful at all times now.

Certain social situations, drugs and foods destroy your dopamine. Food is filled with all sorts of spices and additives that do all sorts of things. It turns your body into a mess.

I mostly eat meat and dairy. The spice was something I won't need to do again for a long time. In a few decades, I hope technology/the law has evolved and I can get fencholine, etc.

>Carbohydrates are a common source of energy in living organisms; however, no single carbohydrate is an essential nutrient in humans.[32] Humans are able to obtain all of their energy requirement from protein and fats, though the potential for some negative health effects of extreme carbohydrate restriction remains, as the issue has not been studied extensively yet.

Fuck off faggot.

Actually fruits are dangerous too, ESPECIALLY juices, those are pancreas killers.
You see, selective breeding made fruits too sweet for our bodies, we didn't have time as a specie to evolve. Don't eat too much of them, and by that I mean a couple fruits/week. Bud'te zdorovy.

Sucrose, Fructose, and Glucose are all forms of sugar.
Fat people aren't fat because they eat too much sugar.

Well no not really. Fruit has a lot of fiber which makes it easier for the liver to handle the fructose. Pure sugar however, has no fiber

Yeah pretty much everything processed. Consider making your own bread. This summer I was working on an avocado farm outside Santa Cruz and the farmer made all his own bread and mayonnaise for avocado sandwiches it was delicious.. Everything we ate pretty much was produced on the farm.

Yeah I've tried the sugar detox and felt like shit. Raw honey and maple syrup is a lot better than processed shit. It's not like I use a cup of it either. I'll use frozen bananas and homemade peanut butter for "ice cream" every once in a while also. I'd rather eat that than white sugar and crap that's premade.

>your body will begin consuming those fat cells for sugar
nope, for ketone bodies, putting you into ketosis, which feels absolutely godlike. I'm in ketosis for a year already and I've never felt better in my entire life.

>you guys would read this if fucking cookies appeared
What did he mean by this?

>don't eat a shit ton of fruits

Duh. The point is refined sugar is a poison that your body does not need, ever.

Blissful? I've only experienced that a couple times in my life I think. Content usually but blissful is pretty remarkable. Do you meditate?

Go vegan. It literally solves all these problems.
>Muh B12 and BCAAs
You can get all 9 BCAAs from Beans, Peas, and Rice. Also, Quinoa if you want to look fancy at the check out line at WalMart.

Seriously, even if you didn't go full vegan, you could supplement a vegan diet with 2-3 servings of salmon a week, and you'd be the healthiest person alive.

Fructose is a natural sugar moron. There is no difference between syrup and processed sugar. Processed just removes the "unwanted" elements (ie flavor, citrus) to make bonding easier.

Just because manufacturing companies are assholes that don't properly label sugar content (by separating natural vs additive) doesn't mean processed sugars are bad.

Sucrose Good.
Sucralose Bad.

You need to mention how carbs fuck up gut microbiome, which leads to low serotonin levels and all sorts of problems along that.

So you're saying I can't supplement fiber? As if some how because sugar can be processed that fiber can't?

you're a fucking retard. that's why you're gay because you're retarded and no one could ever love you so you're alone and turned gay because you're so lonely

you need saturated fats for energy and essential amino acids. Also, your gut microbiome shouldn't emulate the cow's one. Humas are omnivores, deal with it.

huh word I'll look into that thanks

that's exactly why they are fat.

What are you even talking about? Do you know what fiber even is?
Since I can't answer your question here is a tl;dr video for you personally:

>ketosis is the same as ketoacidosis
Come on user, it's like you're not even trying

No it exactly isn't. I bet you're a BMI worshipping faggot.
>not an argument
Fiber can be supplemented just as sugar retard.

>tfw when in ketosis and smell horrible

How the fuck do I cure this? I've already showered 2 times. I've even started to eat carbs to stop the smell but it's still on my body.

This. Learn the difference. After I put my dad on strict ketogenic diet+intermittent fasting he went from being overweight and looking miserable to a slim gentleman who looks 10 years younger than before. Keto is prooven to work for 90% of the people and it actualy makes your cells to repair, you reap benefits of fasting without faasting, basically.

OP is NOT a fag shill.
Sugar is poison.
i stopped all sugar/carbs and I dropped 25 pounds and feel better than I ever have. This is a redpill, Faggots.

it's not about supplementation """retard"""

I had a teaspoon of sugar in my three cups of tea a day. I don't drink pop, rarely eat sweets. I'm not giving up my tea sugar though.

>ketoacidosis is good for you
ketoacidosis is when a diabetic has a sugar spike
IMPOSSIBLE if you dont consume sugar.
oh and kys leaf fag

you don't, that's how keto people smell

A use a tablespoon of honey in my morning oats and blackstrap molasses in my coffee. Am I going to die?

>not an argument intensifies
Then what is it about? Nothing? You're arguing about what form the chemicals enter your body instead the moderation of it?

I ate sugar in excess my entire childhood, and even though I have cut down and don't even put sugar in my coffee anymore, I am still demotivated and depressed every day. Is my brain chemistry forever fucked?

Have you considered eating something that affects your odor like garlic? Can't eat that cuz it has sugar but something else.

>No it exactly isn't. I bet you're a BMI worshipping faggot.
Dude, I know biochemistry, sugars turn into fat really good, they also damage cell proteins, mask mineral defficiencies(that's why when you supplement them on keto, cravings go away), cause insulin overload that causes premature aging and polycystic ovaries.

But I still don't think that alone is enough to live healthy. Remember to get up from your chair once in a while and do some exercise.

>meme diets are good for you
>wow I'm tricking myself into starving a certain supplement because I was too stupid to do it before!
Yeah they work on dumb people.

yeah, tomorrow you're gonna hit by a car

Well, of course. And don't forget to take 200 mg of dried magic mushrooms. Because they apparently make your brain grow new cells and shit. Google it.

Idk man I crushed workouts while on keto. Stepped down some weight but could go for and hour and a half - 2 hours easily including cardio. I've never had that much energy in my life. Thinking about going back as a new years resolution because I've gained 15 lbs since then. I know resolutions are normie tier but whatever gotta have some reason.

>not an argument
God damn foreigners love parroting shit without any critical thinking involved.

Eating too much sugar is not the reason people get fat. A person can get fat from eating to much sugar due to a medical condition.

A person does. People do not.