>b-but Trump hasn't done anything!
>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Joe is Joe Christmas Songs
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>WH Vid: Important moments for Pres Trump in 2017 1/1/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/Barron arrive in DC 1/1/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/Barron depart Mar-A-Lago 1/1/18
>Pres Trump NYE Speech @Mar-A-Lago 1/1/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Mar-A-Lago 1/1/18
>Pres Trump New Year statement 12/31/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #44 12/30/17
>This Year @State 12/29/17
>Pres Trump golfing w/Coast Guard members 12/29/17
>Pres Trump speaks to firefighters in FL 12/27/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania 2017 Christmas Message 12/25/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Midnight Mass 12/24/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania taking kids calls to NORAD 12/24/17
>Pres Trump Christmas Eve messages to the troops 12/24/17
>Pres Trump motorcade en route to Mar-A-Lago 12/22/17
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/ptg/ President Trump General - Awoovment In Oval Office Edition
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lots of shilling these past two days
>Orrin Hatch is out
HAHA you ready for my return, DRUMPIES???
Triggered drumpfkin detected
For no reason too. Nothing's happened since the WH has been on break.
Will Trump create this as part of the nu-WPA?
>They're actually attacking Taylor Swift now for not joining le resistance
> Amnesty Don
> le 56% face
> regular Finn depression quest
> occasional TURKposting
Nah, this just a normal week
see you spice wolfgirl...
nice shitpost
anyway, no matter what the demotards or the republicucks do for them it wont change that if you let DACA stay in the USA they will vote at least 90% demotard
Trump....please...I can't take any more tweets's too much...
shills are always bad but its been pretty comfy at least for me by the fire
im guessing the 2018 budget just came in
>there are people who doubt that Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III will drop the hammer once all of the pieces are in place
for shame
>When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.
Heading to Panda Express shortly. Talk me out of the kung pao chicken and Beijing beef
say it with me
awoo a cute
Get the Black Pepper Chicken instead. Way better for you!
He's delusional enough to think some Indio wetback will vote for small government policies.
It's really a shame Steve King isn't the President. He would have deported them all day 1.
Was Hatch a Trump guy?
Do yourself a favor and get yourself a burger!!
actions speak louder than words
so far Sessions has been neither. he didnt even say he would do anything against the democrat corruption. and he has done absolutely nothing about it
He'll never win. Who even likes him at this point? His mother? No chance.
He needs Trump-base to win, and Trump voters hate this faggot.
I'll never forget the garbage he said about the president.
>People vote for him just because he's a mormon
Would they elect a serial killer too if he was mormon even with no message besides wanting to nuke Utah off the face of the Earth? Seems so.
That remains to be seen. Q is clearly getting inside information from someone, but I’m not fully convinced Sessions will act.
Just think about it: part of them are ironic shitposters but I don't think that's the majority - that being said, they waste their time in comfy days of rest after the New Year, spewing post after post of bitter and depressing shit, as if that actually works. It's even sadder when you see shills engaging one another because nobody else will...
He should post that liberals, neocons (dems) only see niggers and mystery meat as their pets. The salt would last us for weeks.
weird, an italian bbq without spaghetti
he said Trump had the potential to be the greatest President in US history
and Trump wanted him to stay on as Senator
and anyone in the world is better than a Senator Romney, he could be a grave threat in 2020 with a primary that would be a distraction
They could make those tickets thousands of bucks to pack in front of the lobby TV screen and her fans would still pay.
.... Really? This shit again?
>muh hispanics will totally vote right wing if we give them gibs
I hope this doesn't turn in to Reagan all over again or else we're done for good.
theyve all got inflated egos and need to be beaten up
That'll be the 4th. I have a free Sonic meal that day
Free panda today
> britcuck that screamed for gun control after each shooting in the US
Fuck that guy
General sandnigger shills posting mutt memes because muh Iran.
Trump tweeted about DACA, driving the wedge between Democrat leadership and their base just a little deeper.
KikeBart wrote concern shill article and retards started flooding in.
Clogroach joined in on the fun by spamming DRUMPF.
>increasing ticket prices means its going bad
no sweetie they increase prices when the demand is high and the tour is going well
nice try benji
ol' leather tits has been BBQ'd by the sun for over 60 years and now looks like jerky
a beautiful disaster.
oof you got me
Not selling out like usual. Very high ticket prices, plus they've put in a system to stop bot purchases. Also selling "priority" to get tickets via side purchases of Swift stuff.
People are blaming Ticketmaster.
>Reading kikebart
why do you post this degenerate shit? how is this cancer politics related?
Nice argument you have there. You know I'm right about Piers, he would offer his own children to be raped by muslims if they accused him of racism
Will Romney be horrible or will he cuck to Trump?
You mean your lord and savior Anon5?
Pic related.
>even after all these years, dumb Sup Forumsacks still don't recognize virtue signalling
I'm guessing US troops will be landing in Syria any day now because of the tomahawk strike, right? And Dems will totally agree to a DACA deal that gives Trump e-verify and the wall, right?
Q is not who PTG thinks he is and is not the savior that CBTS thinks he is.
being serious, what's the problem with awoos? they're colorful and fun. its the /ptg/ mascot, lighten up dude
spine beetles
Did someone say spine beetles?
Isnt he a huge faggot tho, and spews bullshit?
I havent been paying attention though
>implying he hasn't cucked already
Mittens knows better than to cross our guy
Who knows, he is a giant cuck himself that proclaimed he would be against giving amnesty to illegals but changed his tune after he lost bigly. Utah in general wants legal immigration to slow down and wants illegals out, so Romney voting against their wishes wouldn't help him. But who knows, he may just sink himself to hurt Trump because that is what RINOs do.
i just got diagnosed with zika
not even fucking joking
Senator Romney + blue wave.
Not good, Trump's presidency is done.
Q confirmed that he is a LARP, he posted in /ptg/ two days ago
>whats the problem with awoos
nothing except this one is naked
I am disappointed by the replies my post got. I clearly specify that Trump was just shitposting for political purposes yet all the idiots here take his every word 100% deadly serious
he's running
He just hates fun and thinks /ptg/ is a fucking war room or something rather than bored neets and pseudo intellecuals shitposting about memes n shit
Don't visit the pyramids tomorrow.
Imagine he loses. I wouldn't be surprised given how much of a loser Mittens is
He'll be like Jeff Flake. Total neo-con and GOP hack. Expect a lot of moral grandstanding unless Republican voters rebel. Will vote party line unless it's a) something Trump really wants or b) mass surveillance or amnesty
We'd need to run another mormon against Rmoney.
This is illegal in Iran.
>you're on the right track
>keep digging
>relates to the Nigger planet
I almost miss that vague faggot.
Romney or McMuffin will win that senate spot
It's over
doubtful. He's a living legend in Utah. If he wants that seat, he'll have it
He won't. He is wildly popular in Utah
Screengrab pl0x
He is a larper (sort of) he is getting inside info from someone. But he also talks out of his ass most of the time. His trip code was hacked 2 or 3 days ago btw. His password was “Matlock”
Are Mormons the niggers of "white" people?
Nunes report when?
no, they're the khazars of white people
Let's look at the silver lining: liberals will spend millions and lose.
>password was matlock
confirmed boomer larper
And he'll win with 75% of the vote. Say it with me fellow 'pedes: SENATOR MITTENS!