Episode 1 of season 2 is OUT! We space whales now.
Shingeki No Kyojin
What the fuck
>That ED
Marleyans did nothing wrong. Fuck Eldia.
>only 12 episodes
>kabeneri S2 will most likely be 2 cours
>probably get a S3 before SnK
Endgame right here, brothers.
what chapter does historias dad attack the city? I wanna pick up where i left off
>Space whales
Gundam SEED, Macross 7 and AoT confirmed for same universe.
>yfw Isayama references a western meme
He really is a westaboo, christ.
And they had lesbian loli sex?
>what chapter does historias dad attack the city? I wanna pick up where i left off
Mid 60s. I wanna say 67.
I can't wait for AM to happen.
>Marleyans get assblasted that they too don't have magic alien powers
>kidnap shifters and turn them against the Eldians
>act like cunts for hundreds of years
Yeah, real sympathetic.
Fuck off, you insufferable cancer.
>Titan Eren will never ride Mule Titan into battle
Did we ever learn anything more about Mule Titan?
Get a load of this buttblasted fag
You were pretty fine with the shitposting in the last thread. Don't be a cry fag.
I lost my shit when I saw the animals in the opening, I really hope we get to see Kenny this season, I loved that guy.
Feels good man
The Japs love that meme though.
Weren't the Marleyans originally repressing the Eldians before Ymir got acquired the Titan powers? Or am I misremembering?
Why though? It's not the first time I've seen it referenced in a manga or anime.
>4 years for only 12 episodes
>there is enough manga material for 25 episode 3rd season
>another years of waiting
>Eldians use their devil jew powers to take over the world.
>Set their mindless thralls on innocent humans.
>Get BTFO and forced into walls.
>Cry about being oppressed and how they dindu nuffin.
They deserved what they got and worse.
As for now SNK Season 2 is anime of the year.
We don't know anything about the Eldian/Marleyan relationship before titans got involved
That ending is catchy but depressing as fuck.
>that will never be animated
Feels bad man
Armong has an ugly button nose
There's not really much else worth watching this season to be honest.
I could have sworn that it was at least heavily implied that the reason Ymir used the powers in the way that she did was because her people were being oppressed by the Marleyans.
Wait for 2020
What does it mean? Are they just gonna do the 12 titans or whatever as animal forms? I'm confused.
>Why though? It's not the first time I've seen it referenced in a manga or anime.
It's easy to understand across cultures and pretty funny when used right.
I take it you're a kike.
You mean is full of spoilers
Pretty sure it's a symbolic "everything has a heart" thing.
Can't wait for next episode. It's one of my favourite chapters.
Attack on Animals
>I'm against shitposting when it doesn't cater to me!
Mighty shifting power rangers
There's gonna be a series drop-off in viewership. The threads here already feel far less active than they were during S1, despite Sup Forums's growth in population since then.
Fair enough. It's just so rare that Western memes catch on in Japan, I was surprised that it was that one that succeeded.
Maybe it's their way of telling us that we will will never get an anime adaption of the chapters where that stuff is revealed.
>Eren will never ride a whale into battle
I hate how they draw Reiner so ugly in anime.
>Armong nowhere in the OP
>All that EM
I can't wait for Arminwhales to commit mass suicide after the EM kiss.
Nah, ED 2 had things like that, with every "side" of the 104th on one part of the wall
He could just ride his fags.
Yes he will, he has Armin.
I really was into the opening with SHINZOU WO SASAGEYO but that hack Araki ruined it with his jurassic shit
How active was it during Season 1? I didn't join the fandom until late 2013.
The meme is literally known as gaijin 4koma, sure it's pictures of westerns looking dudes but the meme itself is straight from nippon.
More like
>Holy shit the boss is checking up on us
>being an anime only fag
Did Ymir find out about who Historia really was before or after boot camp?
user, that meme is definitely Western in origin, regardless of what it is called.
Sasha glory days ahead. Then years of wait or an imminent death. Hope pixiv drawfags awake or editor-kun needs to lock himself up to Isayama's WC again.
Poor Nose-kun, why is nobody in Attack on Titan capable of facing death with dignity instead of crying and screaming like a bitch?
How many chapters did this episode cover?
Leave Eren and his mommy kink alone
Same user from before, I read the manga and that ending has too many hints to what "really" is going on
This was dumb there's no way you watch this without laughing
>Did Ymir find out about who Historia really was before or after boot camp?
Before. It's the reason why she joined the military, so she could find her.
EH will be canon.
>Implying Eren doesn't want to fuck his mother.
>facing death with diginity
Maybe its their first time dying or something and the realization that their whole life is about to end into nothingness.
Have you died before?
Why is the vast majority of SnK fan art so shit? I've been following this franchise since 2013, but my SnK folder remains composed primarily of screenshots, manga captures, and memes.
>reaching this far
part of chapter 34 and 35
Imagine being one of the few plot irrelevant guys in that boot camp class. Everybody else goes on to do interesting or evil things, but you simply settle down for a quiet life before dying from a titan attack at a young age.
>Have you died before?
Yes. 2/10, would not recommend.
Because you're a Shitkasafag and all Shitkasafag art is bad art.
Ironic is that Mike has the same voice as Avdol and dies at hands of Dio/Monkey Titan goons.
All Ymir knew was that Historia was an outcasted bastard child of one of the wall families. She didn't know about her being a lost princess or didn't know about the Reiss being the royal crown. She didn't even get to hear her last name before she left.
I can't wait for Isayama to throw more shit into your delusions.
>No manlet.
>No Armin except for the dumb Gesumong scene.
Already shaping up to be the best season.
>Armong whale butthurt
Show me an example of good SnK art then.
There was one moment, but at the end she didn't die though.
That meme started here around like 2008. Way before the nips ever even got on it.
u wont
>Shitposter high on sugar
Makes sense
Then why was she so fascinated by her based on such scant information?
Definitely would not be able to handle pregnancy.
>triggered by fanart.
Why are Armongwhales so pathetic?
She was suicidal though
>facing death with dignity instead of crying and screaming like a bitch
Only Farlan Church had those balls and that was in the spinoff manga. The anime made him die like a bitch too.
She's literally Armin with long hair.
Kissu the Hisu.
>All this shitposting
I want to throw up. Threads were never this disgusting.
>Shitkasafats finger pointing
More like
>has the wall been breached? I'm totally a soldier by the way
Joins us. We're fun.
i want to breed with the queen!
You mean EMwhales.
What sub groups are doing this worth subscribing to?
I need to set up my RSS feed
You must be new because when this shit was airing a few years ago, this whole board was full with SnK threads and the shitposting was 100x worse.
Because their past is similar. People wanted them dead, simply for being born.
Your just delusional. This season will be about EM relationship. Even sawano said it will be the spotlight plus they had Erens flashback early to emphasize the theme of being able to protect Mikasa for once.
Why the fuck are we getting a single cour? I swear I will flip my shit if Kabaneri gets two cours for it's 2nd season