When history does an autopsy on Western civilization many things will be listed as causes for the fall, woman's and minority rights being on top but also the moral decay of the west and how we constant feel the need to live vicariously through manufactured internet "celebrities" and tear them down as a form of projecting because we all have internal guilt about how empty and shallow and meaningless and devoid of morality we are as a people. People that think they are moral spending 8 hours a day on social media, attacking people they never met who they disagree with politically and feel the need to pretend they care about suicide because it gives them a manufacture moral boost which they desperately need from their amoral lives.
When history does an autopsy on Western civilization many things will be listed as causes for the fall...
Why care about real life if you can live in a digital castle.
All that matters is maintaining our digital castles, real life doesn't matter any more.
If real life events don't convert into digital currency (likes,subs,attention) then they have no value anymore.
There was a trigger warning. They called the police right away. The face was censored. The rest of the video is him overacting because he never saw a dead body before. Logan Paul did nothing wrong. Everyone bitching and whining over this nonsense is just a nu-male virtue signaling asshole.
Looks like a fag.
HE should NOT be sorry
HE fockin BTFO'D that filthy dead gook virgin
Logan "CHAD RAMPAGE" Paul is what every Sup Forumsack should strive to become
He fucking disappointed me with that apology video
he fucked and dumped chloe bennet for the lulz
woah mama
Get out of my country, you autistic mutt.
Bunch of sjw virtue signaling. Stroking their ego by telling everybody how disgusted they are. Faggots.
Stop it user you just gave me a woody. Seriously just sit back and enjoy the ride. Nothing stops moral decay
Fuck off virgin
Logan is a beast and you can't cope with this fact
You guys truly make a sport out of being contrarian. The guy is a massive dickwad and he shouldnt have tried to benefit from someone's suicide. You are all so fucking detached from reality with no real life connections that you think this is normal.
the soyboys who are pretending to be outraged are way more pathetic than anyone on here trolling. None of it really matters, that's what is pissing me off.
Whoa, this might be the first time in Sup Forums history that a woman has posted on here without starting her post: "As a girl..."
>The guy is a massive dickwad
As are pretty much all youtube e-celebs, your point?
No redditard h3h3 fanboy has ever explained why the Paul brothers are somehow more douchebaggy than the rest?
is it because they are successful, good looking, white?
You're also on the internet virtue-signaling, you dumb fuck.
It's not just a sport, contrarianism is an art. I've only said this twice before, and this time I mean it unironically as well, reddit is more your speed
literally nothing happened, hes already recovered
logan paul was one of us all along
>he filmed a dead person
>so sad :(
I refuse to believe that anyone really cares about the dead person. They are only mad at him because he generates clicks and subs for his chanel and generates a passive income because of his video.
No one has a problem with people making top10 lists about serial killers, mysterious deaths and strange murder cases because they too profit from other peoples misfortune. Even political parties (left and right) use the death of other people for their own profit if it supports their agenda.
Yeah he should have blurred out the body or atleast pixelated the face but the act of satisfying the human interest in death isnt necessarily wrong.
It just got him more hits. :/
He should have went up to the guy and said 'Hey, how's it hanging?'
Post pic from video.
Seems taken down in au. Cannot see
Also he waz a fagget looking for bodies and clicks. Dumb fagget.
Logan Paul is a goddamned faggot but a LOL SO RANDUM XXXDD jewtuber hamming it up to a backdrop of a gook swinging from a tree was pretty funny desu.
LL.com: /view?i=302_1514860746
anyone got a photo of the body? i dont really want to watch the vid
People worry too much about what others think of them, this makes people want to be seen as "good", so they will go with what is considered "good" by the people around them, if the media along with 60% of people suddently went full nazi, the rest would turn into nazis, the government would also adapt and go nazi, this is more or less how (((they))) act, honestly it's kinda sad.
They show his body for like 5 seconds and blurred his face. Could be fake or not.
>not sorry for shitty screencap tough
Forgot to mention that this is why people "care" about the dead guy.
That's gud copypasta.
Think about how archeology works - when they dig up today, they really aren't going to be that interested in the content. More in the fact that we stored it on devices that were not only toxic after their initial use, were responsible for destroying whole ecosystems to produce and took eons to breakdown but were so limited in the method of their use.
We aren't writing the Rosetta Stone here.
But heh, pop will eat itself.
> Ewwstralia
>nu/pol/ starts worshiping a complete buffoon
>nu/pol/ starts worshiping yet another e-celeb because it's the edgiest thing to do
Behold, the future of the white race
fucking this
pussy ass bitches
What if I told you we used to, as a society base our morals on the bible and the ten commandments but now that religion has been nerfed and neutered we now base our morality on social media perception and opinion?
>Logan Paul did nothing wrong.
He posted the video.
is joke lolz an hero?
my mistake, turns out he's just another (((white))) celebrity
I would believe you, I actually had history lessons in school, too bad that a system like this can be abused easily by who is on the top.
You're right, I don't care about the dead person. What annoys me is that he was so fucking disingenuous about it when he was so obviously just trying to click bait. It's one thing to make tasteless fun of dead people on Sup Forums where you're in an anonymous echo chamber in the arse end of the internet, but he should at least have the dignity to not try and use a dead body to generate fame and money in such a hamfisted way with his name and face attached.
what the fuk
The guy is dumb as hell, he could creat a whole backstory to pretend that it was his friend, providing the location to police and all but without showing the body, fake some tears and take a break by saying that he is too sad to make videos.
Not fake, emergency services arrived
The TV show cops has shown hangings before. No outrage then
>Western civilization
Another Kremlin "West is degenerate" thread
Why does Putin spend so much time and money trying to turn the West against itself? Is that how Russians pretend to rise up, by destroying everything around them?
You have to see that you are part of the problem. Better for some one to see that they will be nothing but clickbait in death then some one to be awarded a dignity trophy for being mentally broken.
he's white but he reminds me of my old high school bully, who ruined my life and made me fail out of high school
fuck this faggot
At the very start of the video he says it is not monetized. Also, at the very end of the video he tells people to get help if they need it suicide isnt the answer etc etc
He's literally like 1/8th Jewish at best, for Christ's sake if Sup Forums's definition of a Jew has any validity then Jews are way more than 2% of the population.
Logan's dignity you halfwit.
Pretty much spot on what I said earlier today to a friend. All we can do is laugh and watch.
A poor excuse for making a tasteless video and a canned throwaway epithet.
i don't trust anything actors say
they are by their nature schizophrenic
>implying he wont make money from the new subs and publicity.
As per usual in this society of late is that when people make mistakes we can’t just point it out and accept an apology. No we have to pile on and pile on pressure and criticism and call for their complete destruction until they retreat never to be seen again or finally just kill themselves all for the sake of our virtue signalling and want to make our own noises regarding ethics when in the end we become part of a more insidious, macabre and evil destruction and dismantling of a human being.. fuck that leave the cunt alone now, he’s had enough.
>they are by their nature schizophrenic
I don't think you know what that even is.
They are dishonest by nature though because they made a career out of pretending.
Watch Steven molyneux's video about him. It really makes you think. Inb4
>hurrr stop posting steven
The fuck you're doing?
Copfag here. I've seen several dead bodies before. Freshly dead, and week old stinkers.
My first reaction to this was "What the fuck, he's never seen a dead body before?" But then I got to thinking about the reality of this sort of thing. In Logans defense, everyone has different ways of coping with these things. Some people freak out. Some people laugh and make morbid jokes. Some people are completely unaffected and others have a hard time dealing with it.
His reaction, while completely retarded, is not entirely uncommon. But then again, he's a vine celebrity so naturally literally everything about him is completely retarded so fuck him. He didn't have to be an attention whoring autist and put it up o YouTube. I don't know if he was following the "any attention is good attention" school of thought or if he was really that tone deaf as to think this video would have anything other than a negative backlash, but his immaturity is obnoxious at best.
Literally oven material
he's SO funny.
I know his brother Paul from his shitty rap video but never heard about Logan. He made international news in big newspaper(Germany, GB, Russia) with his little forest video so it boosted his fame big times.
His fans also didnt have a problem with the video (600k likes before it was taken down) so i think it will be normal internet procedure: post edgy video - shitstorm - everything back to normal after a few days + a couple of more fans.
Kike Paul.
holy shit you are butthurt
Non-mutt here.
is this faggot anyway related to ourguy Ron Paul?
at least he's honest about being an attention and profit whore unlike all the other faggots on youtube
>increases suicide awareness
>makes millions off initial video
>Gets worldwide attention from the controversy
>gets millions more in ad revenue with the apology video
True ubermensch
stop whining
almost an exact copy of pewdiepie's apology for saying nigger
logan paul = bluepill
pewdiepie = redpill
ewww ur gross.
That's called being smart, the reason he's ubermensch is his blond hair blue eyes.
It's because they intentionally try to profit off of doing shitty things to people. Like filming a dead person, damaging other people's property, doxxing people, getting their middle-aged dad to make out with a teenager. They are literally niggers in white bodies.
>sits around and plays videogames
he's a jew
As technology evolved rapidly, humanity did not. Humanity doesn't know how to handle the new tech and becomes dysfunctional as it becomes more ubiquitous. When immersive realistic VR and AI comes, we're fucked.
That hair looks gross
les gay de naissance son a plindre
je les invite a qiter se conportement
pour leur bonneur eu la jois de la conversion
Under Hitler 1/2 Jews or less were allowed citizenship and 1/8th Jews or less were considered fully German. I don't understand why Sup Forums is so autistic about this.
>newfag or kike
I've been on both sites for a long fucking time. Like most posters here, by the way.
Fuck this Chad. I hope YouTube bans him, so I can laugh at that.
that's why he failed
>Jew or Jew not, there is no 1/8th.
He demonetized the video himself.
Jew isn't even a race ffs, it's just an identity. Ashkenazi Jews are just Euromutts feat. Khazar and Semitic DNA. Also Hitler failed because the whole world was up against him, not because of a few mischlings he kept around.
I hate that I agree with you.
How did things get this bad