Syria General /sg/ - Syria Population Map Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>NE Hama Dec31
>Random Dec30
>E Ghouta Dec30
>N Hama Dec 29
>Beit Jinn Dec 27
>Quneitra Dec11
>DeZ/Bukamal Dec10

Devs Jan 2
>E Ghouta:Besieged SAA troops hold strong @military vehicle depot base as supplies, new forces trickle in from below
>Idlib:SAA capture Umm Khalakhil,Niha,Al-Hawa&Ard az-Zurzur towns
>Beit Jinn:SAA move up behind the ongoing withdrawal of jihadist to clean them of mines
>DeZ:SDF capture Al-Sabha from IS
>Reports:US gives greenlight to jew's to assassinate Qasem Soleimani
>Syrian President reshuffles cabinet, names new ministers
>Kurdish special forces kill top ISIS leader in east Syria
>North Latakia offensive inevitable, jihadists likely to strike first
>Power restored to western Syria after militant missile attack heavily damages large power-plant
>Al Zarzour is now in the hands of the Taramih
>Houthi Navy discovers spy device along Yemeni coast
>Saudi warplanes massacre 34 civilians in western Yemen


Other urls found in this thread:



Death to the kekistani faggot Shitty Shitposter.

>90 posts by this ID

For the Polish user who requested it

shill bread'


>thread split
>both threads are by mutt autists
What do you even do

This one was created first, linked first, and has more replies


Butthurt faggot. Wanna share your newly-discovered python tutorial?

Hi canadaanon, I'm russian, i am based in the kremlin, and i pay these putin shills their cheques. Are you sure this guy is iranian? That means he's on my turf. I can tell you my supervisor isn't going to like this one bit. If you can collect intel on him I can have a 'team dispatched' to clean this mess up.

there's no way iranians are going to come here to shill on a kremlin thread. not on my watch.not on my watch.

Houthi navy forces

"He who delays his marriage because of finances distrusts his Lord"

I'll have to look for source but that's the gist of the narration. Really considering starting posting daily hadith here to demotivate Jews.

I saw the BBC article acting like Khommeni was crzy for saying the protests were whipped up by the Americans. It's not as if the US doesn't do it all time, it's not even the first time they did it to Iran.

>Really considering starting posting daily hadith here to demotivate Jews.


>Iran will be 50x worse than Afghanistan. You should read the Saker's analysis of why an invasion would be near impossible.

Iranians aren't known for suicide attacks. like, Afghans and Iraqis. njn

The kike kiss of death.

wtf is that

Why is this missile so light he can lift it?

STFU Russian bitch

jesus is that why the poor of the world still live in squalor? looks like great delivery tho, great delivery.

This ineptitude of the Gulf states is mindbogling.
Both Iran and Russia will be kvetching to get their hands on that one now.

And still counting!

no, he is so strong

Seriously why all faggots on here confuse Khamenei with Khomeini?

Good gains on the part of the syrian military.

Too late


back then you didn't need much to support a family but now you need a lot of money just to get married not to mention a house and family expenses.

>is this missile so light
no it's because of the khat.

Should name file Jewhuahua.

"Who marries is a normie"
-me, 2018


B-but can men act like women???
God wouldn't damn Traps, w-would he???

S U R G E !

Wait, what the fuck

So how long before EU states that have taken in large populations of fighting aged males start to incorporate large portions of their elite army units into the police force to get around state law?

The hero we need, but don't deserve.

Islam does not belong in the modern world. Muslims ruin everything they touch, like Sup Forums for example. There became a massive influx of mudshit posters the last couple of months, and the worse off the board became. All you people should fuck off and all die.

Sincerely, "Allah"

P.S. Muhammad is a false prophet and a pedophile and all you people blindly follow a piece of trash like that

P.S.S I'm conjuring a catastrophe to kill of Muslims as we speak

I'm back are you guys done being dumb yet?

> posting daily hadith here to demotivate Jews

it's like straight out of pol

When the r*bels are done with, who's next? ypg or euphrates shield t*rks?

i am still waiting for some fucking footage, back in maskhana i couldn't keep up with the videos and now i get nothing.

you don't need to be a normie to get married you can be a total introvert and still get a qt wife if you're lucky.

Depends on what the other sharters do.

I downloaded a bunch of megumins onto my tablet while i was in athens. I cannot rename them. Once i have my laptop again, everything will be fixed post haste!



My father didn't have a lot of wealth before marrying my mother. Just ancestral lands.
But after marrying, his luck and blessings increased exponentially. More so with each child he had. Your rizq increases bro.

Another hadith says that Satan curses when men that get married at a young age (early twenties) because they complete ⅔rds of their faith and he doesn't get to tempt them to sin that easily anymore.

Have more hope in the world. A good husband would fix you right up.
Men are forbidden from wearing gold or dressing like women or wearing silk or getting piercings for jewelry. Sorry for your loss

>Task given to Tigers is to liberate and secure rail track till Aleppo , due to imminent threat of jihadists attack on it, Tigers are advancing on a much broader front so as to maintain a large buffer in between the rail track and M5 (the jugular vein of jihadists)

Hehehehe we dindu nuffin

It was literally a le 56% hell hole. I thought the graffiti was bad back home, but it was upped 10-fold after visiting. Some of the graffiti there showed how far long gone Greece is. You probably have seen all of the graffiti posts i made.

America does not belong in the modern world. Americans ruin everything they touch, like Sup Forums for example. There became a massive influx of American posters in the last couple of years, and the worse off the board became. All you people should fuck off and die.

Sincerely, "Greatest Ally"

P.S. Democracy is a false freedom and a tool for deceit and all you people blindly follow a trash system like that

P.S.S. America's collapse grows imminent even as we speak

Which areas did you visit exactly?
I hope you avoided Exarcheia, and i hope you will in the future.

>The absolute state of Jewish Jew

Unironically this. I wish all American ISPs were banned.

Does he have nothing better to do?

Bring back monarchies


I don't know where that is. I went there to celebrate new years with my mom and to visit the ancient historical sights.

made me chuckle

>dressing like women
mmmmm I doubt this
Athens is dope. I really dont get why i as a german find ur capitol more interesting than actual greeks.
Not saying its heavan on earth but still great fun.

>Be ((((((Jewish)))(((Jew))))))

>Unironically this. I wish all American ISPs were banned.

is that norwegian symbol?

If it was having trouble tho, the law of the sea sas something about salvage rights. If you declare them then it's yours.

so batteries dead, transceiver malfunction etc, something that renders it dead in the water - means it can be legally salvaged (not sure of exact details tho)

that works in a stable country also you need something that you can rely on like some property that you can sell or something in in case of an emergency.
i don't about qatar but in here you can't rush marrige unless you want to get screwed later.


Literally worthless dead trees in their if it werent for total corrupt moralless bankers


> Copies what I wrote but replaces it with America
> Is American

Ironic that the Jew supports this.

>ancient historical sights
these are actually just all fake, put there by greek nationalists in the 20's.
don't you know ancient greece was a black civilisation? you guys came after them and then tried to claim their glory. plus you made fake ruins and stuff.

It is deep in Central Ath*ns and it is the hotspot for every leftist scum you can think off.
It is essentially a no-go zone at times, with all the vandals there who consistently trash the place and fight with the police whenever they feel like it.
Genuinely dangerous, i am not memeing.
In any case, i hope you at least enjoyed the sights.

Yeah i saw the Kongsberg logo, but what Why and where schlomo


Howdy Master Baker, check out the absolute STATE of (((((((((Jewish)))((()))(((Jew)))))))))

it's bonus time....i have to be 'seen'

everyone wuz black


Let's not start wh*Te posting now, shall we?

Marry a girl with the following qualities:
1) she should be oldest or middle child. Youngest are almost always brats and drama queens. Elder siblings or middle kids know how to take care of other siblings and sacrifice. (good trait for a mother of your kids)
2) she should respect her parents.
(If she respects her own parents it is likely she will respect yours. If she doesn't even respect the people that gave birth to her and raised her.. she won't respect yours)
3) know how to cook and do housework (elder siblings know this particular in Arab countries)
4) be religious. This way she will be morally strong and virtuous.
5) no selfie posting or make up addiction. In my opinion anything more than eyeliner is excessive.

A girl from a poor family is better than a girl from a rich family.

>This ineptitude of the Gulf states is mindbogling.Both Iran and Russia will be kvetching to get their hands on that one now.

Is this some kind of UAV?

I am sure you had a great time, but i remember what you mentioned before. I did not go for parties or bar hopping, i went to celebrate the new year and to visit the historical sights. I couldn't enjoy it as much as i wanted to because of how bad things were.

can confirm

>Device used for spying
>Paint it bright yellow
Is there a point to this or are Saudis being retarded again

Real Qatari or proxy or expat?

Hey there Ebin, kek he got owned!
Well put out. It's not to be messed with in our corner of the interwebs, we don't accept competition

The law of salvage is a concept in maritime law which states that a person who recovers another person's ship or cargo after peril or loss at sea is entitled to a reward commensurate with the value of the property so saved. The concept has its origins in antiquity, with the basis that a person would be putting himself and his own vessel at risk to recover another and thus should be appropriately rewarded. A related consideration was widespread piracy, because a vessel in peril could very well be left for pirates if the owner did not generously reward a potential honest salvor. Salvage law has been recognized for centuries in such documents as the edicts of Rhodes and the Roman Digest of Justinian.[1] It is still a nearly universally recognized right, though conditions for awards of salvage vary from country to country.



For the most part, yes. Wonderous things to behold.

They are always retarded.

Wow, so he's almost as big of a loser as you, does that make you proud?

>Al Zarzour is now in the hands of the Taramih
Who are those?

Going to share the ones on my tablet.


Hi Comey bye Comey

are you me?. those are exactly the qualities i look for in a girl, the only thing missing is she doesn't go shopping for cloth almost every day.

>damage control: the post
I know it's you Shlomo.

>who cares about the documented
>cut the debt and open the borders

I asked about a thing that Houthi was holding, not the auv they fished out.

Jesus Christ, do children see this crap?