In a sane world, how could anyone stand for this?
The answer, the world has lost its mind.
But you all are on Sup Forums pol, so you understand this.
Most of you are already aware of this based off my time being here, but every day we need to awaken new normies to the truth. The entire financial monetary system is a lie to keep you enslaved and never truly free.
The Federal Reserve is a Private Banking institution that controls the American US money supply through inflation and deflation. The system is designed so that fake periods of recession and boom happen, all to transfer wealth from you to the bankers.
Why are we not taking to the streets gun in hand to start a revolution then?
Probably because they dont teach this in school.
The sickest part of this evil joke is that they tell you right on their website they take 6% of all taxes and call them "dividends".
Its time to wake up normies, put the anime and trap porn down and watch this 30 minute video.
Welcome to reality.
6% of Your Wealth is Being Stolen and Put into Private Banker's Pockets
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lol try almost 100% over the course of your life, and that's without any kind of fake derivatives blowout to send you to the poor house, war, destitution, and death overnight.
Well, genocide is a class "A" war crime under the Nuremberg Codes, punishable by death. It hasn't been unheard of in the modern day and age to have bankers get put to death or to engage in sodoku.
Who gets the dividends?
The shareholders, of course. This was read in to the congressional record decades ago but then sealed. Eustace Mullins tried to recreate it, and his work is generally regarded as being mostly right, and it's pretty what you'd expect anyway given the money powers of the day.
Even worse than the dividends is that all of the income tax goes to pay down the interest on the debt. In 1981, congress determined that the income tax doesn't pay for anything. It all goes into the pockets of the bankers who own the federal reserve.
good luck getting conservashits to do anything. ever.
Now merge this with fractional reserve banking and we can begin to have a discussion
Have a look at, "They Own it All, Including You" by Ron Macdonald. The writing is a little bit squirmy imo, but he's a solid guy and it makes the important connection between using a foreign debt instrument as a currency and operating under maritime law so as to obtain legal infinite rehypothecation.
Interestingly, infinite rehypothecation is legal within the City of London Corporation, which is why that's the home base of so many derivatives scams.
No need to even go esoteric with it. I've found simply explaining the math, and how it is a mathematical fact that a large portion of Americans will never be out of debt, is enough to make your average idiot start thinking critically about fiat.
OP is not a fag
>Preach that old time Sup Forums
FED Member Banks (i.e. Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America, TD) These institutions are required to hold stock in the FED in the amount of 6% of the banks holdings. It is a big dollar entry fee into FDIC banking, but after about 20 years, that 6% stock is paid off by yearly dividends paid by the FED to stakeholder banks and it is just pure profit from our tax dollars and/or Federal debt.
They also get the discount window. One of the clever tricks of the 2008 insolvency crisis was dumping loans out the discount window that only (((special))) banks could get so that they'd put the loans back on deposit at the fed where they'd collect more interest than than the cost of the loans. In other words, a back-door way to inject more free gibs to make the balance sheets look good.
People say Jews are smart, but they really aren't. They're more obvious than their noses.
Infinite rehypothecation is when lender pledges collateral from a loan in their own loan, which is then pledged again my the lender to the lender, which is then pledged again to the lender to the lender to the lender?
t. sub-pleb-teir economy mind
That's basically correct. It's a little more subtle if you want to take a proper legal definition, but the net result is basically twofold:
1. Person A has one bar of gold and loans it to person B. Person B has that bar of gold on his books and loans it to person C. Person C has that bar of gold on his books and loans it to person D. Pretty soon the books say there are 100 bars of gold on loan, but really there's only one actual bar of gold.
2. The legal redress involved means that when person A wants his bar of gold back and nobody can figure out where it is, he owns B, C, D, and the 95 other entities who loaned and re-loaned his bar of gold. All for nothing but the price of losing a bar of gold into the system.
And remember, each step of the way, the dumb goys (YOU) are giving up something real (life essence/time/energy/agency/however you want to operationalize it) in return for... a bunch of digits on a server in the Bank of Schlomo
The love of money is the root of all evil. Once you put a number on the value of live ("commoditization") you've got the mark of the beast on you.
That is taking it a bit too far
>In a sane world
What leads you to believe the world is or has ever been sane?
Stop with this class warfare bullshit. It's stupid to try to punish success.
Pay attention to the health care system. It's literally the commoditization of life, based in part on your carbon and water footprints vs. the expected ROI of keeping you alive to society. These people are mental, and also sons of a famous Israeli terrorist bus bomber.
It is definitely leading to the Mark of the Beast. But receiving the Mark requires an oath of allegiance to the Anti-Christ and summarily rejecting Jesus. I doubt anyone takes the Mark in abstention.
Well the whole plan is to get people to want to participate in the beast system without knowing what they're in for. A vampire can't come in to your house unless you invite it inside.
You're probably lucky if some dude in a jumpsuit tell you that you have to reject Jesus or else you get your head chopped off. That's primitive compared to modern tech.