Does Sup Forums like this show?
Does Sup Forums like this show?
One of the best shows in the past 5 years and not even exaggerating.
I liked it. Even after that implication in the finale that Yakumo is the one that impregnated Konatsu. That shit was a bit off putting.
No, only the few user with some taste likes it. The rest of the board is too busy circlejerking on the seasonal general trash threads.
It's objectively good, but I subjectively dislike it.
>best friend fucks your girl
>get them back by fucking their kid several decades later
What a mad man
One of the worst shows every, it's aggresively boring and poorly written, it couldn't make an interesting plot point for the life of it and thus no one watched it. Cherry on top was that usagi drop tier ending shit, where the old dude fucks his best friends daughter turning mc into a cuck.
Definitely in my top 10 of this decade, one of my favourites ever.
No way. Poorly written show, especially the second season.
Was it not explicit enough for you?
>pretentious soap opera anime
It had too many words for you?
It's okay. Whenever I watch it, I always think it's a good show, but for some reason it's also really difficult for me to get through. It's not that it bores me. It's just that I have to be in a very specific mood to want to watch it.
It was amazing but Sup Forums still won't care
AOTY so far
Essential posercore.
Best show last year.
Best show this year.
Its in my top ten honestly, very few missteps.
>guy with shit taste can't express a coherent thought without using memes and buzzwords
Who are you quoting?
Rakugo is representative of what's wrong with anime at its core. Soap opera trappings, tepid and predictable visual direction, no understanding of the strengths of animation, ideologically closer to representation over exploration, the faux-maturity of its presentation.
attracts more pretentious hipsters than ping pong
s2 was shit
first season was great
second season started meh and never picked up, also the ending was retarded
I liked the part when Kiku came in Konatsu.
>tfw no wife like Konatsu