
What do you eastern europeans think about gypsies? And come up with clever ways to exterminate these vermin

No offense, but have you considered not being so mean to them?

The Gypsies here in America just open laundromats & gas stations and sometimes tell fortunes

If you haven't lived in Romania , I'll tell you how it is around here: they always steal , they have around 20 children , and send half of them to beg on the streets. If you're a kid they are really annoying , they walk in groups of minimum 7, sometimes try to fuckin mug you.
The majority of them don't go to high school , they dont even finish middle school because at around 13 they go to spain to work/italy and britain to steal.

Why not just take their children away from them, ban their language culture, and deport the ones who don’t comply?

Is this bait?
Gypsies in Europe don't work, they live on welfare, they steal and beg, they are loud, messy and they don't even have the lowest hygiene standards.

They are even worse than africans, turks or arabs.

You're talking about the Romanian goverment here , who passed a law to get former politicians accused of being corrupt out of jail lmao.

Because Europe as a whole is cucked. Even if Romania started doing something like that, Merkel would intervene.

In romania half of them have huge houses from stealing and putting their kids to beg for them

That man is holding his wife, that's what i think.

>exterminate these vermin
I dont think just wiping out an entire country of 19,638,000 people just does not seem feasible.

But yes we need to do something about the Romanian problem.

>Oppress people
>Make them outcasts generationally
>Be shocked, SHOCKED when they break they law to survive
>Blame the victim
Why do whites never learn?

We had started exterminating them in WW2, then the allies bombed us. Now the same western countries who stopped us doing what was right, have the impudence to send these subhumans back to us, after they migrated to France, UK, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland etc...

I think we should cooperate with other countries facing the gypsy problem (Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic) and make a homeland for gypsies somewhere in India. AND THE WESTERN KEKS WILL PAY FOR IT, SINCE THEY CREATED THIS MESS REEEEE

If that doesn't happen I will go on a killing spree and massacre as many gypsies as I can. Before I get arrested, I will kill myself.

I want them all gone...

You should be grateful for what we did for you Czechs. My great-grandfather died 1944 while liberating Czechoslovakia from the Germans.

>never lived in romania and never experienced gypsies
>never seen a guy get approached a group of 10 gypsies for no reason , they beat him up for fun
>doesn't have an idea that they do the things they do becuase they want to
>why do whites never learn
You think they actually give a shit about us hating on them for good reason? Lmao

No offence, but I thought that Romania was a 100% gypsy country until I was like 20. They are ruining your reputation guys.
And as for your question we don't have to do anything. Most of them will move to western countries sooner or later.

Everybody here post your body. If you're less defined and weaker than him then it's you who needs to be exterminated.

>Romani people (Czech: Romové, commonly known as Gypsies Czech: Cikáni) in the Czech Republic constitute a minority. According to the last census from 2011, the Romani nationality was reported by the total of 13,150 inhabitants.[1]
>However, at the same census, 40 370 inhabitants reported Romani language as their language.
well i hope your kinsmen are enjoying their stay

Whites do the same thing with blacks here. You're no snowflake, sweetheart.

same on here, just that they live in junk filled version of trailer parks

Yea but the difference is that gypsies dont give a fuck about being "opressed"

Why dont they go back to India? Thats where theyre from.

The guy looks like a gypsy himself

India offers citizenship to gypsies who go there.

The point is a lot don't do it for survival. Welfare exists. They steal and beat people for fun, not even rob them. Set garbage cans on fire etc.

Life would be alot better in Easter Yurop if they disppeared. I think all my neighbours agree. They are scum and need to be removed.

Generational oppression creates social dysfunction. It's a fact of biology. No white person apparently has ever had an IQ high enough to grasp this.

So no excuse other than being piece of shit leeches then.

>ban their language culture


>mfw I will never have to experience a gypsy

Lmao Hitler should have killed your ancestors along with all your country's jews when he cucked you in WW2

They can go back to their homeland literally any time if yt is so mean.

The ones living isolated from other gypsies in cities usually behave.

Except that one city part wedon'ttalkabout.

So can you, faggot. I think you've destroyed enough of the North American continent now.

>And come up with clever ways to exterminate these vermin
We did, but somebody choose to protect their gypsies.

>Romani people
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not to be confused with Romanians, an unrelated ethnic group and nation, nor with modern or ancient Romans, also unrelated.
For other uses, see Romani (disambiguation).
"Gypsy" and "Gypsies" redirect here. For other uses, see Gypsy (disambiguation).

The Romani (also spelled Romany; /ˈroʊməni/, /ˈrɒ-/), or Roma, are a traditionally itinerant ethnic group, living mostly in Europe and the Americas and originating from the northern Indian subcontinent,[55][56][57] from the Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab and Sindh regions of modern-day India and Pakistan.[56][57] A recent DNA study conducted by Indian and Estonian research facilities shows that the Roman/Romani/Gypsy and Sinti people originate from the Untouchable Dalit community from India.[58]

You can stop the memes now, the artificial term 'Roma', 'Romani' was created by jews in the 90s in order to create confusion.

you do know he killed gypsies as well m9
you really should not be making jokes like this one given that he targeted your ancestors as well

actually in my country they start screeching like I DINDU NUFFIN when they get caught pickpocketing/shoplifting (90% of the time are underaged girls so they don't even get jailed)

>Talking about gypsies since hitler killed them among with half your population, must have confused them since you are the same microwaved shit

Yes, it was the Americans, Anglos, French and Soviets. They should take them.

I'm not a criminal welfare leech complaining about being oppressed.

>both gypsies and "romanians" are smelly
>both gypsies and "romanians" are brown
>both gypsies and "romanians" are poor
>both gypsies and "romanians" are uncivilised
>both gypsies and "romanians" live predominately in Romania
As far as I am concerned, there really isnt a difference.

i have experienced the gypsi/roma people in albania and i can say without a doubt, 99.9% awful people.

0.1% diamond in the rough though, there were a couple good ones

Yes you are.

try catching them first
they constantly move around without any ID and government doesnt have any consistent records about them
also nobody gives a shit about them enough to deal with them

Ahh yeah, that part.... Still every day when they are infront of a Tesco, shit looks like a circus, it activates almonds.

Actually we killed gypsies and Germans killed Jews and Slavic subhumans. We would be living in a better world without those 3 groups.

gypsies redpilled me on a trip to Europe. I was never racist before, and so many Europeans I met would say shit like "watch out for the gypsies etc".

At first I thought they were just racist towards gypsies. But then I interacted with them. Every interaction with a gypsy was just them trying to get money from me in some way, without fail. They are basically subhuman

Slovaks are sterilizing then

Non-meme answer:
Because of EU. Before EU, gypsies were openly discriminated against, even in media, but as year passed, muh raysizm became an issue a nd we had to become good goys for the EU gibs

You didn't just say that you filthy subhuman

Take it back

Why so much anger? Oh wait I know, I must have hit the spot.

to amend my post,

all children are innocent (jesus said so himself). however, i was a teacher and even 3rd grader gypsi's refused to learn english or anything else, even though everyone was at starting point 0. I think its because their parents say, "what? you're learning? fuck that!"

experienced a lot of kids (literally like 4-6 year olds) running around town, pestering me at the gym, begging at the atm, etc.

I always thought all Romanians are gipsys, the beggars here are always shitskinned, the vans with RO plates which almost slide on the road because theyre filled with stolen shit are always shitskinned.. On tv criminals that were romanian were always shitskinned.. When I discovered camsites around 8 years ago I realised romanians can be kinda white, atleast the girls

Your a god damn moron. Gypsies are the culmination of yittish and gutter heeb. I can tell you have never actually encountered a gypsie.

They are 100% human garbage.

Even with niggers and Jews you can find one good one out of 100,000 or whatever.

Gypsies are all shit.

The day they are all rounded up and executed can't come soon enough.

I wonder if you ever experienced something like the extreme behavior of these gypsies , sure not all of them are like that, but you wouldn't know since you never experinced something infuriating other than dropping your food on the floor, loser.

Not to mention the houses they illegally parasite thanks to communism having left them without owners

Ok Jakub, you should take a break from shitposting and go to bed.


i do have my fair share of experience with both gypsies and romanians
atleast enough to know that there really isnt that much of a difference

Lmao why did you even comment if you haven't experienced shit like gypsies? for the funny maymay am i right guys?

But they're so quaint & delightful !

gypsies are the only group of people for whom i'd unironically support mass extermination

they are fucking vermin

they are pests

imagine a human sized rat whos only purpose in life is to eat, steal and breed

that is a gypsie

One can only hope.

Also true aboit gypsis is they lie about age, theyre born in trashcans so theres to way to document them.. Friend of mine is a cop, when they go in gypsy villages cause of random reports all the fucking kids are born on 01.01.200x .. obviusly older but they can say theyre 5 so their mom gets 4000 euros a month bcuz she has 10 underage kids kek

Yea you sure do , loser, you're so edgy and funny shitposter.

Not sure if you're keeping up with media, but they are starting to chimp out about oppression, having contact with twatter and seeing how this pays off for niggers and muslims on the internet

They steal copper and other metals, once here they cut a fucking power line cable in air lmao in the middle of nowhere and stole like 300 meter of cables..

>Look at the photo
>Look at the title of the photo
Salute to you sir

Please, rats are intelligent and actually behave well if trained. Lab rats gave more to society than those mongrels

Gypsies do have appeared to have given us the Tarot.

They were kicked out of India like 1000 yrs ago, why would they want them back? Nobody wants these parasites

I actually have experienced then in the 90's. There were loads of them in my city. Most of them moved from Romania to Poland so that was the reason I thought Romania was literally a gypsy country. Thank God they all moved forward to countries like Sweden or Germany.

That is a meme my friend. They only use them to get a quick buck.

Gypsies are only kind of "people" who is worse than heebs, aka jews. If someone will help me to get AA-12 and some Dragon Breath, I'm up for mass genocide.

So you suggest I should fill up 1000 beer bottles with gasoline, drive my Dacia Logan across the country and start drive-by throwing them out of the window into gypsy villages? After that I will poison their water supply with Ricin poison.

I would be down for it, if it's the only way

Dimethylmercury in water bottles sent to them would do it. Maybe sarin mixed in some beauty products would take care of their prostitutes and women.
Or an actual all out war/ethnic cleansing sanctioned by a state.

I was on a bus trip through Euboea on 77 headed towards Saint John the Russian. We passed this gypsy girl bathing in a shallow tub in the center of her muddy yard right next to the highway. She must have been at most 16.

I've never had that intense a boner. Her parents probably would have sold her off to me too. Fuck!

No, seriously, I'm pretty sure they come from Gypsies.

So at least we can thank them for JoJo season 3?

Let's go, How much for some AK's from Eastern Ukraine?

They are very different in America, in Eastern Europe people avoid them like the plague for a reason

she probably already had 4 kids one of which was also her half-brother

A lot of them tried to flee into Yugoslavia pre 90s, my dad was in milica then, he told me how they always caught them and drove them back to Romanian border, he said they could hear shots when driving back kek

Poison their food supplies. Yew Poison is effective.

>Laugh at the though of genociding a group of people
>Wonder why that group acts against you

Where exactly is their homeland?

Depends on the quantity. You could find them fairly cheap, I guess. I'd also want a Steyr Scout. No idea if they're still in production.

They are to dirty even for fucking POOS


They do not pose problems to us. They dont break the law, they dont overpopulate. They are not intrusive. They are not demanding anything. So we are ignoring them for now of course.

I do have problems with them living in their little shitty ghettos

India, but unlike Indians they dont shit in the streets , they shit in the lawn of their own house.

The problems start when they step out of their ghettos

Ghetto growth is also a problem

Ok, sadly border controls have increased since the war started. Will probably drive through Moldova.

Then they get the beatings. Where i live Everyone is fucking insane. So gypsos are just keeping their heads low.

They have 5-6 children per woman. Luckily half of them die before reaching adulthood. My task in life will be to increase their infant mortality to 100%.

sadly we are part of cucked EU so they fall under the category of 'humans' and human rights apply to them aswell

Her butt was probably worn out too, it was Greece after all. Shame!