Project Normalization

It's that time again.
Post cute Hitlers.

Other urls found in this thread:

One thing that always stuck with me were old-internet Hitler memes that made him seem whimsical. It certainly softened me up to the entire idea of Hitler as this satan, the boogeyman of civilization.
We need to bring back silly Hitler memes and repost them. The first step is still normalization.





Fuck off Nazis. Jews are our natural allies against the mudslime/globalist menace. MAGA!

funny dog

Serbia Stronk Music playing in background

lmao somebody should do that

Looks like someone's ancestor missed the boat to the outback, and for good reason too. 1/10 would sage if you were the OP



Look at ze camera

Adolf was a Zionist agent though. He wouldn't lose otherwise.

fun fact
that crazy woman was from america

wtf is wrong with your cunts?


too think of how wholesome our nations coulda been had he won :(


Dogs understood Hitler better than his traitorous fellow man did.
If only mankind was as pure-hearted and loyal as the noble hound.


>you will never have an awkward teap party with uncle hitler


obligatory :D

>you'll never seem him score a turkey




Pagans or not, the Nazis knew the importance of family and offspring.



hello le kawaii hitler-chan poster!



Hitler memes were fun because they were edgy at first and Sup Forums is inherently edgy.
Memes like
>hitler did nothing wrong
Were funny not because we believed hitler did nothing wrong but because it was funny to even say such a thing.
Nu-pol came in and though we were actually nazis so they pushed the meme further and actually started believing it themselves. Nu-nu-pol took it even further and started believing they are "facist" and "white supremacist" when all they do is post on r/thedonald and twitter and they feel they make a difference.
Sure we're sympathetic to racist movements but anyone with a brain knows it's never going to turn out well.









You are talking about the saviour of the Aryan race! I demand that you show him respect! Respect and obedience!


How the Jew has bastardized and corrupted the image of youth and paternity so, that even the depiction of adult men with youth causes disgust.







> There are people that genuinely believe that Hitler authorized the manufacturing of lampshades and soap, from the bodies of jews.





Nobody said he ordered jew lampshades idiot what people are saying is that nazis were depraved fucks with a hive mentality and a nature fixed toward war and conquest like the japs during ww2

Americans were always loose and inappropriate.
Pic related, the marriage that ruined Europe.

That's a cute Facebook-tier opinion honey.

And they're still wrong.


Mussolini always looks so goofy, and he was a good leader, but he forgot one crucial step of modernizing the army. Truly a country of wolves led by a sheep


Woa so based look he's holding a baby that must mean he's a great person right


Kek'd. Reminds me of that webm where the young woman is trying to seduce the old man in the kitchen, and he keeps saying, "No, don't do it!"

Italy already had one real Duce, a warrior-poet, erudite and capable in military and political affairs as well as a brilliantly creative mind.

But Mussolini simply beat him to the punch.

Exactly. When one can find Hitler funny or sympathetic, it's the first step from removing the constructed ''literally Satan'' image. Something as innocent as ''he was a human too'' is very dangerous for those who have dehumanized Hitler. People that can laugh at Hitler will eventually be more open for his ideas.

Hitler is one of the strongest cultural memes of Western civilizations.



No, actually being a leader who delivers on promises and not a jewish puppet means he's a great person, faggot

Shit that girl is a total whore if she has a kid at 7 years old. Why does Adolf look so pleased?

>declare war on all of Europe killing millions in the process
>years later Sup Forums idiots think you were incapable of ever hurting anyone unjustly
If you think my opinion is normie tier go to any thread and try criticizing hitler in any way and see the reaction you get.
Just do it for the sake of trolling you will see saying anything remotely anti Nazi is going against the grain and you'll realize you're actually the one following th hive mind.
Sure hitler wasn't as bad as everyone makes him out to be he wasn't the devil incarnate. Maybe he did actually want to make germans the master race maybe he did sacrifice it all for his people if so that's not really something you can't fault, but it's hard to say he really cared about germans when he sent the cream of germanies youth die in Russia and sent children perhaps some of the children in these pictures to die to defend his crumbling house of Cards. The man brought ruin to his country he was objectively a failure he failed to achieve his overly ambitious plans and millions died as a result so I can say with certainty hitler was a terrible person.

Look at the difference between those beautiful pure-bred Germanic babies, and that mongoloid half-breed with its Jewish carrier.

Apparently only Nationalists actually need to deliver on campaign promises.
Trump, flawed as he is, has shown this.

Get your head out of the gutter you degenerate faggot

>Sure hitler wasn't as bad as everyone makes him out to be he wasn't the devil incarnate.
That's all I needed to hear.
Dig a little deeper and you'll learn many things.
Things about the Poles and the British and how, why and by whom the peace was violated.

>who wants to save western civilization


>too stupid to realize every politician ever wants to be seen kissing babies and hugging kids
>too stupid to see its literal propaganda
Mao must have really cared about the Chinese just look at this art
>Mao would never have let those kids starve to death that's just Jewish propaganda and American propaganda


This. 'Hitler did nothing wrong' is not just an ironic and edgy meme, it's the truth.

Being triggered by the idea of propaganda is a very childish thing, as if propaganda is going to brainwash you. It's not going to jump out of the screen and rob you of your free will, insofar as you have a free will to begin with.
Everything is propaganda. You're under the influence of propaganda right now. There's nothing wrong with that. Persuasion is as old as mankind. It's nothing more than a signaling of belief.


>w-why do you have so many pictures of hitler saved on your computer, user-kun?


Because he did nothing wrong.


Not Hitler but comfy town setting.

>not hitler
Then what are those flags?
Those are Hitler by proxy.
His spiritual fruit.

Why does Hitler look so different with his cap on?


damn, how autistic was this man?


No one here is even talking about leaders being good people because they had pictures taken of them kissing babies except for (You).

>Those are Hitler by proxy.
You're right brother!
Nothing tops the autism offered by French policing """efforts"""

The woman was being improper...

>dig a little deeper
No idiot because In the end the events that happened during ww2 are damn politicized we will never know the truth about what happened.
I don't doubt you have some ms paint text debunking the Holocaust. All I know Is that the jews and the liberals have a vested interest in inflating the numbers and self identified "national socialist" faggots have a vested interest in downplaying the number.
I dont know if hitler was as bad history makes him out to be all I know Is that war always brings immense suffering and anyone that let's loose the hounds of war and fails has it for absolutely nothing. So you realize hitler produced propaganda right? And you willingly swallow it and regurgitate it?

Hello fellow chosen man