You know, I kind of thought the whole 'left-wing narrative trying to normalize cuck behavior' was a little paranoid, but here we are friends, cheating should no longer be a relationship killer. It can strengthen them and help you grow as a couple! This isn't on some backwater Tumblr thread either. Front and center on NPRs page on Facebook. Is this the new state of Western morality?
You know, I kind of thought the whole 'left-wing narrative trying to normalize cuck behavior' was a little paranoid...
Other urls found in this thread:
Easy for women to say it because they know daddy government will be there to hold them up.
Going to save you the trouble but Esther is from Ester who was the Jewish princess married to a Persian King.
Till death do us part, shitheel.
>Losing all your money in a poker match shouldn't be the end of a marriage
Idk seems like a hard sell
women should all be put into camps and repeatedly raped until they produce a son. Their daughters should be killed in front of them.
Actually, I wouldn't call it "Leftwing". It's more rightwing than anything. The only leftwing thing about it, is that the women get the upperhand.
In a matriarchal society, men and women fuck freely, as long as the woman allows.
In a patriarchal society, men have a monopoly on majority of women, and the women ought not to have a say, neither should the beta males. In fact, knowing something as static as permavirginity, is reassuring and would put one at ease with their sexless condition. Being cucked would happen on average, and it ought to happen. If you don't like it, then man up and fuck a bunch of bitches.
Jesus. Calm down Elliot Rodgers. Just because women are too silly to make good decisions doesn't mean they belong in camps. A kitchen will suffice.
>(((Esther))) (((Perel)))
You cunts are getting slow.
feminist cuck. women arent even human.
You beat me to it user.
>Every fucking time.
my jewdar does not Need no jimpopedia to hit red light. "Esther" + "Perel" + shrink. You too can learn this.
if you've been educated past a 9th grade level you are a de-facto jew due to brainwashing.
Obviously she's Jewish, I was attacking the point.
I hate Jews too but if you think that is an effective argument against these people then no wonder they're winning. But I guess you just had to maintain your self-worth.
>In a patriarchal society, men have a monopoly on majority of women, and the women ought not to have a say, neither should the beta males.
This is fetish LARPing for submissive men like you.
A society where the majority of men can't even have one wife will start to fall apart at the seams like Sassanian Iran did. When the aristos can maintain harems, hordes of betas simply tear them apart.
Besides that they will turn to communism, and then the infantile assburgers like you will be to blame for Red October 2: Electric Boogaloo.
> knowing something as static as permavirginity, is reassuring
You should know, sissy.
Go to bed Sargon...
I agree. Because women get uglier every second after they reach 20yo.
Men should seek other young women to remember how it's good to suck firm tits and ass.
And women should never betray since we support them financially and emotionally.
arguing is for cuckolds. When I see a jew I use my fists.
God Bless MGTOW. Let these lying cunts sleep with their cats and soyboy friends
guess what i have not
No wonder your country is going to shit. Everyone is engulfed in identity politics and nobody evens attempt a reasoned argument.
I mean there are countless arguments against OP's post and you choose the most ineffective one. We play by their rules, so no calling them out as a Jew, while a searing insult, is not a sufficiently argument.
Unless of course you're just memeing and you don't actually give a shit about these issues.
(((Perel))) as in ((((((((Perelman))))))))))
sounds like something a jew would say.
5/10 for the trolling.
Well then prepare to lose the fight you fucking mongrel. You can tell more than half of all American families have nigger blood.
literally nigger-tier response and intelligence.
> Men age like wine
> Women age like cheese
> If she cheats on you, you no longer have a monogamous relationship
> Can keep up the social pretense of a relationship while knee deep in young pussy that wants you 2x as much because you're taken.
> Can drive her insane with jealousy or mindfuck her into threesomes and shit
I unironically see no problem with this
shouldnt you be making sure your daughter isnt sucking muslim dick, faggot?
Aw, is that all you can resort to?
Your country is the Jews' plaything and the source of all degeneracy. Any linked phenomena around the world is the fault of you mongrels for bending at the knee to your Jewish overlords.
I'm not a permavirgin. I have a girlfriend. All I'm saying, is that being told "This is how it is" reduces the anxiety around it. I suffer panic disorder, for example, and it's hard for me to live my life fully without fear of random shit; so in my head, I don't tell myself "There's nothing to be afraid of", I actually give myself more reason to be afraid by telling myself "There's a possibility that I will die at work", but it does the opposite effect; it grounds me to reality.
If a beta or a cuck realizes that there's no hope for them to have sex, then it's going to reassure them and ground them to reality so they focus on more important things like surviving.
Ask yourself "Who is mad at cuckoldry?"
Alpha males would only be charitably angry; and all females really don't care, because it doesn't affect them. And beta males that have given up on having sex won't have a reason to care.
Cuckoldry only affects beta males who worry that their gf is going to cheat, or beta males that worry about not ever losing their virginity or having children of their own.
For beta males to have sex, society must condemn cuckoldry, adultery, and other forms of degeneracy, which requires that we put tape on the mouths of women. But when all is said and done, there will still be beta males who lose the race, because competition is even harder in a patriarchy, because males are naturally more competitive than women.
to be fair, it can strengthen a relationship but these case are so rare the don't deserve an article, especially not one saying that it shouldn't mean the end, when in 99.999963% of all cases it should absolutely mean the end of all contact
in what way?
glad you like it
women, like always, will be made more miserable by getting what they want
it's like pottery
men should have free range, women should too busy taking care of children to have time to cheat
What usually happens if the couple stays together is the beta's pedestal instincts kick in to 11 and he grovels and plays the game where he needs to show her that he's really the guy by being the kindest/most caring/most whipped person of all time, which pushes women to treat him like dirt even more. That's what they're programmed to expect.
If you meet it their cheating with happy go lucky indifference and say (in more roundabout way) shit happens but you gotta go see Ally they the reverse happens and they become your mind slave or melt down completely.
Especially you mutts are getting fucked over in courts via divorce, now not marrying is some kind of jewish scheme? Are you this fucking retarded burgers? baka
Infidelity shouldn't necessarily end a marriage, though. It just shouldn't be normalized as though it isn't an issue.
>t. Arkansan intellectual
It should tho, unless someone agreed to be cucked from the start
Okay the issue with this logic is it's defeatist.
Sure, have an understanding of what could occur, but don't NOT try to better your situation.
t. Man who has spoken to three women his life, mom counts as one.
She looks like the female version of Soros
Yes. Who do you think made the laws? Who do you think runs the divorce courts?
Boys there's no great a signifier a name for subversion than Esther, the Jewish Queen who smashed the patriarchy. A girl named Esther is not only Jewish, but instilled with feminist beliefs from birth. Other name to lookout for: Lilith
As if you’re not falling into the same, if not worse trap, bong. I pity you. You used to be a grand and respectable empire. Now your government is trying to play the US “Daddy of the World” card instead of going for its own interests.
>Esther is synonymous with feminism in the Jewish faith
Again, modern feminism, like the website (((Jezebel))), all stems from Judaism, where the mother runs the show.
>tfw becoming blackpilled
It's true, but it starts and ends with you. The US is the leader of the Western world order. As such, other countries look to you for inspiration. Rightly or wrongly, that's the way it has always worked even when others were leading the way.
If the US stops sucking Jewish cock, the world will follow.
article is from 2014 you dimwit, here's the original
>Esther Perel
come on
>The US is the leader of the Western world order
Won't be that way forever. The US is doomed. Europe must survive.
Doesn't matter, burden is on you to lead the way until you are destroyed.
Women will not cheat if you can give them orgasms. Unfortunately, most of the male population is ill-equipped to do this, anatomically speaking. You see, orgasm results in a strong chemical impulse in the women's brain that over time leads to neurological remodeling and enforces the partner bond.
Of course, orgasms are not the only part of a successful marriage, communication, mutual interests, and co-dependence are paramount. The distinguishing facet of marriage as opposed to other social contracts is the sexual aspect, in which women complain of feeling unfulfilled. In fact, this comes up surprisingly often in marriage counseling and divorce proceedings. They honestly should teach how to properly please a partner in high school, but our society is too puritanical to see the benefits.
>If the US stops sucking Jewish cock
there're more jews in the US (depending on how you count them) than israel... at the minimum the populations are equivalent. most of them have dual citizenship and treat one country or the other like an american would treat another state in the union. the "white" population of ivy league universities is overwhelmingly jewish. they control literally everything in the united states: media, finance, law, politics. not one american institution exists that isn't controlled by jews. the united states will NEVER not unconditionally support the jews because jews = the elite of america.
White women exploit those sick jew-made laws to destroy the average, hard-working, family man. To take him to the court and basically steal his shit.
>White race is all that matters
Can't deny that kike is a crafty manipulator and that the average white man will never learn.
Pretty much this, its blatantly obvious by now that the USA is gathering what resolve it has left for one last sacrifice for Israel in the war against Iran/Russia, the USA is beyond lost.
>brazil commenting on world order
>Perel is Jewish, the daughter of two Polosh-born Holocaust survivors
Why do the worst offenders always feel the need to inform everyone that their parents survived the Holocaust?
>canada commenting on world order
>Why do the worst offenders always feel the need to inform everyone that their parents survived the Holocaust?
Probably because the holocaust never happened but the lie makes shekels
Fucking Jews, at it again.