East Asians have a higher IQ than whites


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Slide threads have a higher annoyance factor than whites

Literally no white nationalist gives a shit

Daily reminder that shitskins can compete when it comes to fitness and lifting weights (their IQs are far too low to do much else, nevermind anything productive) - but they can't compete when it comes to IQ, since IQ is genetic. Lift weights, sure, every now and again for a few minutes at most per day - but we must study, study and study and improve our minds in whatever ways we can.

How is it that shitskins mixed with whites in very low numbers in the past? White IQ was exceptionally high and whites were highly educated and knowledgeable. White verbal IQ is particularly high, hence why the dumbing down of liberal arts (humanities) subjects have particularly damaged white IQ. In dumbing down education systems in white societies, many whites have been reduced to the same levels are shitskins, and hence how it would appear to them acceptable to mix with shitskins.

Strong minds = immune to brainwashing. Hate the fact that so many women are out there whoring themselves to any guy who'd give them even a minute of attention? Where there is a demand, there is a supply - if the men prefer whores, so will women become whores. We can change the course of reproductive selection by changing ourselves and leading civilisation-saving lifestyles.

It is just soulless.

>Steven Pinker explains why Jews make up 37% of the ivy league student body "we are superior to you genetically"

Ok great, asians and jews are smarter than us.

Fine, why don't we have a complex about it in the same way that blacks and browns have about us?

don't care. look at em.

>higher IQ
>can't seem to stop losing genocide wars and expulsions
>muh genetic superiority

>can't seem to stop losing genocide wars
What the fuck are you talking about? Jews won WWII and now have a death grip on whites.


>jews won WWII

Jews didn't win shit, kid. They tricked naive caucasians into fighting for them and that's about it. Israel came into existence as a pathetic afterthought to place these abominations and give them a place to crawl to when the rest of the world inevitably removes them from their own nations.

It has happened before and it will happen again. Jews are a despicable people, and everyone but you apparently knows it.

Gas yourself, oven dodger.

>Higher IQs
>Have to spend 14 Hours daily studying to win over some lazy white fuck by barely 4 points.

That is one way to look at it.

Why do all people who try to btfo whites with
>Chinks are smarter BTFO
not understand that races is more then brains. I agree Chinks are very good at reproducing difficult things very well but there lack of empathy and other traits are the reason there not "the master race"

yeah and ?

>Still posting pictures of a 45+ year old woman in a role she explicitly gained weight for pretending she's unnatractive

You people are laughably desperate.

>can't seem to stop losing genocide wars and expulsions
I don't think you know what that word means, user.

>pathetic attempt to excuse an fat jewess for being ugly

lol you arent even trying faggot

please run along and find a nice warm oven to stick your head into

>flood white countries with retard tier migrants
>haha white people are subhumans they are not the smartest ones according to statistics

someone is being inferior here

and it's just some sad jew who's mad becouse whole world is starting to see how immoral fucked up criminals they are

>White verbal IQ is particularly high
um no sweetie that's the jews and arabs, in fact all caucasoids have a higher verbal than spatial/perceptional on average. only asians and maybe natives are lower in verbal

Is this inverted twerking? How we should call it?


That so called positive trait is leading to our doom.

>becouse whole world is starting to see how immoral fucked up criminals they are

If only...

On average yes but they don't have the creativity or imagination to produce anything of worth. While superior the negro and middle-eastern races they are insignificant to the achievements of the European races.

>muh creativity [citation needed]
>muh imagination [citation needed]
>muh individualism [citation needed]
>muh larger bell curve [citation needed]
>*posts meme graphs and conveniently ignores thousands of years of history and exclusively focus on the post-IR period*
summed up the thread senpai, now post more webms

This is pretty much true.

>jews are know for their nepotism
>they give each other degrees while doing nothing for it
>hurr durr! we wuz einsteins and shiiiiiit!

thats the reason why the average jew doesnt think that there is anything wrong with giving niggers free degrees and shit, thats the way how they got up the hierarchy

They are really good at "air fuck dancing"

Tbh, I'm basically a fascist, and I've never been into weeb shit, kpop, or anime. Always been repulsed by who were into Asian women and I only liked Caucasian women. That was until about November last year.

Middle Easterners are the same race as Europeans, just different ethnicities. Not that I'm shilling for arab immigrants btw

Also, if UK, France, Italy, and Lithuania didn't have shitskin immigrants, our countries would have the same, if not a better IQ score than China, Japan, and South Korea.

Studies also show that people under the Anglo church of England have an average IQ of 110

Flip side of this is high East Asian IQ proves IQ tests (designed by Whites) are not 'racially biased'.

These women are really not all that attractive. They move like robots, have no figures, and everything about them looks fake.