Is the vegan agenda real or simply bullshit?

Is the vegan agenda real or simply bullshit?

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If you live a plant-based diet (without any soy) and eat enough so you get everything your body requires, you'll be a lot more healthy than if you were consuming a meat-based diet.

I miss these guys.

18 days from now will be 1 year anniversary when it started. We need to tweet Luke Smith to bring it back.

every famous vegan was/is a degenerate
>Paul McCartney
>Adolph Hitler
>Thomas Edison
degeneracy list goes on...

I worked with a guy who had only been eating fruits and vegetables for 5 years, No water and nothing else. He ran every morning and worked in construction. The dude looked like 25 when he really was 37

There is nothing wrong with being vegan, and the soy thing is 90% meme. Having some tofu from time to time is not going to turn you into a fucking tranny.

Meat does have its health benefits but a diet of 80 percent veggies and 20 percent meat is probably optimal.

who cares if you like it be vegan if not don't.
they use a system of ostracization and several
other social control mechanisms they make the
community appear to align with cult like activity.
style, politics, approved restaurants, and the likes
which make it feel very morman/scientologist

Underrated post

It's not about what you like or don't like, it's about choosing or rejecting something that will alter your mental and physical well being

Unless you're arguing over if you want to made life shitty for yourself



He will cum inside us
I have gingivitis
Humans are a virus

What a cunt.

That makes it sound like vegans are a powerful and influential group rather than just a hipster fad.

The healthiest people on the planet eat few meats, lots of greens, and don't over-indulge in any junk food.
We're made to eat meat. Our teeth and jaw, differing from chimps and gorillas so greatly is definitely indication that we evolved on/for a different diet; one could speculate that diet is high in meat (hence our plumb, sharp teeth), high in fat (our brains need a lot of it), high in fiber (we have very underdeveloped digestive systems for primates). And because our muscles are so lanky compared to gorillas (who eat mainly fruits), we can't synthesize proteins from plants like they can. We lost the need to synthesize protein from fruits and vegetation (because we switched to meat)

when pol was entertaining

the agenda?
Vegans are people who don't want to eat meat. That's the agenda. Some are cucks who want to deny other people the pleasure of consuming meat.

Being a vegan doesn't make you healthier, but a lot of vegans are very concerned with health and /out/ shit so they tend to look good. You can eat a burger sometimes and if you run all day/bike everywhere/work out regularly you'll look good too.

Most people should eat less red meat and consume less salt.

>No water
you're saying he got all his water from vegetables and fruits?

You haven't unlocked your vegan gains yet

You work with a guinea pig?

Salt never hurt anyone. Moronic myths keep propagating through the medium.

Veganism is more an outside agenda to sterilize or fuck up a small procent of a population. But one cannot deny the commercial and medical monetary interests that come with idiots on a restrictive diet.

oh its bullshit
and very real
and the fools that do this to their kids
ought to eat literal bullshit



One time I created a wall of text parodying Francis E. Dec's Schizo ramblings, and the vegan agenda was a major part of it. I made it up as an ironic joke in this scenario, and now you fuckers have actually created a vegan agenda theory. Fucking awesome.

The irony is that a lot of vegans claim to be spiritual, but if you look in the Bhagavad Gita and Book of Thomas, it says that the lion who is consumed by man is blessed and the lion who consumes man is cursed. Translation: Animals are elevated in the consciousness of their spirit and their next live's form when they are consumed by man and the reverse is true for when animals eat man. By toying with this mechanism that has been in place since before anyone was born they are threatening to upset the scales of balance.

"Beware the one eyed truth folks, ingest the unfabricated real news of fondle man teste scrotum and allow in the 7th sense and reveal your third eye upon conspiratorial liberal vegan agendas! Hilary Clinton? Cambodian death camps? At a Rwanda safari trip I saw wildebeests, then the next thing I know Tickle Taint Terry Two Colons is stealing my Super Male Vitality and is unleashing torpid testicle tantrums! Thoroughly thrashing trannies trick the youth into Commie manuscripts and unlock utter uteran annihilation upon the doom struct residents of FREE MARKET, NON CONTROL, TRADE CAPITALIST COGS IN THE MACHINE OF INFINITE satisfaction rates and boomer discounts! AN EARTH SPANNING CORNEA and EARDRUM rumbling of certain SAUSSY SISSY SASS and homo trap CREAM BOYS collecting PRE SPUNK and cock rocks to throw at lost retards and KIKES! ETERNALLY EMPHASIZING EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE of EXTRAORDINARY AND EXCELLENT ELITES who PIDDLE AND PADDLE euphoric ENEMA exhibits with Henry Kissinger and David Rothschild establishing NUCLEAR DOMINATION of micro nations is quasi dimensional hyper fortresses OF SOLITUDE!
Digesting the truth, with all of this proof, absorbed into my eyeball ear zones, I have experienced RAW REALITY!

They're more militant than feminists so yeah I'd think they're pretty serious about it.

Wait, are you the milk guy from hwndu?

Vegans have trouble with basic hygiene and can barely take care of themselves, even if they did have an agenda they wouldn't have enough energy to see it through.

>dubble-bubble chekkt
Regardless of the evolution food is tasty and should be eaten in moderation.