Watch COPS with pol (old thread got shoah'd)

Watch COPS with pol (old thread got shoah'd)

Based 80's and 90's edition.

twitch dot tv slash cops_with_pol_redux

Discord link: discord gg FyQKmDD

twatch got shoahd twice already, it's an 180 hour stream directly from a hdd so the kikes aren't able to inject ads and earn shekels.

so for /comfy/ chat join the discord

bamp for /comfy/ stream

Do you hab a benis?

i love not giving kikes the ad revenue, it gives me a warm feeling inside

this, i can feel their kvetching


This made me laugh so hard. No WAAAAAAY that would happen today, unfortunately.

Bretty good entertainment.

beaner bronson

Live PD is better

Lol how retarded do you have to be to buy drugs next to a van full of police?

>using twitch

are you trying to get the stream taken down? just use cytube or something

Not from a hdd

>Nigger puts hands up as soon as their vehicle is stopped
>Cops find a revolver in it

>do you have a penis
>that's all I need to know

What's pol?

Dude seemed disappointed lol

All these guys hanging around a courtroom just to put that gay aids whore behind bars for a few days. What a waste of tax money.

aaand dismissed on a technicality.

the dude said "anything you want", never mentioned anything sexual lol

AHAHAHAHA nigger cop got cut and they go full emergency room mode

And another cop hand #rekt!


>get arrested
>smoke weed in jail
wtf is wrong with these people?


there's no place like home

There's a music video I've seen posted here of a rap video made in jail where they have guns, weed, are shooting up heroin, have guns and are fucking a smuggled in prostitute (might have been some faggot inmate, hard to tell). I wish I could find it.

Fuck, the way I wrote that was redundant. I need to stop drinking.

>MRW based aryan dood with tucked in T and woven leather belt clocks Beaner Bronson after having a gun pulled on him, and knocks 3 of BB's teeth out

That guy was based as fuck

"He just beat him into submission"

Then marched him to a phone and made him wait till he dialled 911

Fuck it, I finally decided to become a policeman officer.

Did they nuke it again?

ye, we need a new stream

Kek I remember these threads. It was fun the first couple of times when there were like 200 people in the chat. But then less people started showing up and anons kept replaying the same episodes.