Did anyone go see it yet? Is it shit?
Ghost in The Shell
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>The discussion of "live action" television shows is permitted so long as they are distinctly rooted in, or based off of an anime or manga series.
I dont give a fuck about that
Go ask Sup Forums
It's generic forgettable garbage
The designs and work that went into making it was cool to see though
Nobody is forcing you to post in this thread. Go find another if you have nothing to contribute.
OP so butthurt. I didn't see it so I got nothing
Go ask Sup Forums
It wasn't complete shit, but it wasn't also great, they tried really hard in pandering to fans by recreating many scenes from the original. Also the movie has great visuals.
>tfw the muscle tearing scene wasn't that bad
Pretty looking, but mediocre
So, yes, it's shit. ScarJo had a poor performance, as if the director literally told her to act like a robot.
>they tried really hard in pandering to fans
Get this hollywood shit out of here.
Trying doesn't equal succeeding.
Oh great, so its Lucy again. Sounds even worse than I originally thought.
The Ghost in the Shell live-action has flopped and I'm grateful. Every worthless piece of shit involved in the creation of that failure is now forever written off, if you ask me. Hollywood has committed a cardinal sin. Their arrogant, elitist and self-entitled attitudes have spawned a sacrilege to classic anime. I will proceed to boycott and ignore anything even remotely related to this abortion of a film and those who brought it into existence can fuck right off.
The gas chamber for ScarJo simply because her hideous frame and butterface could not possibly have done Motoko Kusanagi's beauty justice. Her acting was stilted and hollow. Even the philosophical inquiries were way off. They literally fucked everything up.
Lastly, Mamoru Oshii can slit his wrists with any of the old razors that were sent to him from angry fans pisses at him for insulting other works. He was supportive of this fucking shitpile of a movie and that is where he failed miserably. From now on, I never touch a filthy Hollywood adaptation of an anime unless they take their heads out of their fucking asses and do it correctly. Paramount, DreamWorks, Reliance, Amblin and Arad can all go fucking drink Drano and die miserably. ScarJo can go get raped over and over again in a Russian gulag. This shit will not fucking fly, and from the looks of it, this travesty of a film will not make its budget back. If they dare make another, I sincerely hope some lives involved get cancelled out.
Ghost has been used to wipe quite a lot of asses, and that is unforgivable.
>her body doesnt have a vagina
>The Ghost in the Shell live-action has flopped and I'm grateful.
Has it?
>tfw this trailer was better than the whole movie
Yes it's awful
Everything I've heard about it can be boiled down to:
It looks fucking gorgeous but the plot is a hollow re-imagination of the original. Several scenes are attempted 1:1 copies with none of the same context so they just fall flat.
Visuals were great but it felt really hollow. Might have been a good or even great movie if it wasn't impossible to consider how pointless it felt compared to the source material. Aside from having an unnecessary origin story for his eyes, I was actually really happy with their depiction of Batou.
I was glad they had her tear at all, but it sucks that they didn't take it further. It could have looked amazing if they pushed it more. And I was disappointed that Batou wasn't more active in the finale. Would have liked to see him take the sniper shot to the arm.
What didn't you like?
>watching movies
lol what is this 1950.
>it's now the average revenge story action thriller
Yes it's shit.
The writing and dialogue
I saw it, it's shit. It's Ghostbusters-tier bad.
What was wrong with it?
>it wasn't folded 1000 times in Japan
Why weren't you here yesterday?
Meh, the original isn't that great anyway. Bunch of teenage-level existencialism if you ask me.
>>The Ghost in the Shell live-action has flopped and I'm grateful.
>Has it?
They are talking about a 20 million opening, third place behind Boss Baby and Beauty and the Beast. So it basically flopped in the USA, foreign territories (aka China) might save it from losing money.
>Did anyone go see it yet?
>Is it shit?
>original isn't that great anyway
It's more competently made than I expected, but still not good.
Bland, boring shit with a few nice touches like Aramaki.
But the Major's backstory, the scripting as a whole and ScarJo's obnoxious mumblewhisper delivery were complete dogshit.
There were some pretty obvious similarities to the original movie and to the shows. I liked how they subtly showed Togusa's special hand gun and the fact that he wanted to be all-natural. Movie was entertaining but pretty short on dialogue that explained what was happening.
I give it a B+.
Visually it was amazing. The fights were all well done, the costumes were spot on, and the scenery was what you'd expect from futuristic Tokyo.
The story is where it's lacking. Without the 3deep5me elements of the original and the story replaced with a generic, if decently executed mystery(even if they spoiled it in the trailers) it's in the realm of decent, but not something people are going to be talking about years from now.
Pretty much. The recreated scenes ended up being some of my least favorite moments of the movie since all they did was remind me how shallow it was. The fight in the water was especially annoying since they seemed to assume all they needed was slo-mo water splashing to impress the audience.
Yeah, I definitely liked Togusa's gun. Which he had been in it a little more.
As someone who has seen GitS only a few times and basing all my lore on that movie, was the Major's backstory always that she was a kidnapped hippie that was transformed against a cyborg against her will? I don't remember the bad entity being a fucking corporation. I don't remember the "hacker" being just a rogue cyborg experiment it was a rogue espionage program with no body until the movie. I don't remember the main point of the movie being "corporations are bad, consent is good".
I can't even review it from "someone who has seen and remembers GitS" standpoint because the movie feels like it had almost nothing to do with it.
Considering it was made with Chinese buckaroos I'm sure it'll do fine there.
If I'm not mistaken, I thought by the time GITS was happening, Major had been in numerous bodies, male and female, and had no trace of her old life left.
No, it was a hollywood version of the story at its worst. Shady experimenting with an AI wasn't evil enough so they beefed it up to a corporation kidnapping and killing 98 teenagers so that you really know they're the bad guys. And also the bad hacker is the major's boyfriend or something fuck you.
YEA THEN FUCKING ARISE HAPPENED! fuck that shit im sticking with the multiple body theory.
I thought (I know it's a stretch) that they tried to make it obvious the corporation was an American corporation (literally everyone that works there is white) trying to manipulate the Japanese government by bribing them with cyborgs and stuff. Isn't America being bad a small theme in GITS? I'm just looking for some excuse why everyone is white in the movie and that's all I could think of other than "lazy casting".
If it was on its own I might have enjoyed it as a standalone action movie.
But it has ghost in the shell tied to it so it was like watching my mother get raped. I nearly walked out if the theatre several times.
That is some top tier lenonymous garabge.
"my GHOST survived so the next generations of GHOSTS in SHELLS can learn what it means to BE HUMAN"
almost vomited in the kinomatorium
>mfw that hooker scene
That made me extremely nauseous, even more so than the butchered scenes from the movie.
>mfw there was literally no meaningful conversation on the boat after the dive whereas in the movie it's one of the best scenes
>lazy casting
You mean Hollywood believing "white people will only watch movies with white people in them" the same way half the anime industry believes "animeshits will only watch anime set in high school with completely generic Japboy main characters".
It's still great how they managed to prolong the length of the movie compared to the anime but explained less.
scarjo is the lead because shes the only female action movie star that sells tickets on her name alone
the rest of section 9 is very Diverseā¢ as mandated by hollywood jews and then the bad guys are white because white people are evil
>And also the bad hacker is the major's boyfriend or something fuck you.
This was dumb in SAC 2 as well
Really the only GitS thing I like is the 95 movie
No I mean ignore the SJW shit, it was just lazy casting.
>black ishikawa
>Nobody is forcing you to post in this thread.
but i am being forced
God, I cringed as soon as it showed her underwater. It's like really, we're going to do this scene now? After she just went hollywood rogue? Talk about forced.
gits was never good.
>I don't remember the main point of the movie being "corporations are bad, consent is good".
That's just typical liberal hogwash that's common in all modern mainstream cyberpunk. It's so bland, the new Deus Ex games suffer from exactly the same kind of boring writing.
And yet they destroyed any kind of goodwill they could have gotten by casting Johansson. It's ironic.
The only GitS iteration where America is portrayed as being bad is SAC, and they are extremely hamfisted about it too.
The movie doesn't mention america at all and the manga only mentions it in a neutral way.
>If there isn't action every five minutes the audience will get bored
It's just the average Hollywood action movie in 2017.
>goodwill they could have gotten by casting Johansson.
she kind of sucks though
I love how shitty remakes always bring out the contrarians who suddenly feel as if they were somehow vindicated.
I remember the same shit happening with the Avatar movie.
> It's Ghostbusters-tier bad.
How is that even possible
It wasn't just lazy casting. They literally chose just white people, even for major secondary characters like Batou.
If that doesn't say "they didn't WANT to cast any Japanese" to you, what will?
When your hatred for "SJWs" makes you ignore Hollywood going out of their way to fuck up a film, that's a problem.
I went to see it last night, I liked it seeing as I hadn't seen the original before.
I watched the original this morning, can somebody give me a list of which movies are supposed to be watched in what order?
>Lastly, Mamoru Oshii can slit his wrists with any of the old razors that were sent to him from angry fans pisses at him for insulting other works.
and what was he supossed to do? write it off after they paid his bosses $$$ for the rights to it?
protip: it's business and Japanese dont see american media in the same light as us.
That they are happy to see their creations produced and gain international recognition is a honor for them regardless of how it is changed for other cultures.
It's not. Ghostbusters was straight up horrible, this was just average with nice visuals.
You watch the first movie first. Also
>going to see an adaptation without seeing the original first
What's wrong with you?
the plot is completely garbage and a weird mix of all the series and movies of the gits universe
villains and heros alike are merged into a big pot of nothing of value
and they tried to get as many artifacts of the universe into the scenes but forgot to give them a meaning for the story
the acting is garbage
the visuals are very good
3D was nice too
at least they kept one OST for the ending credits
never again
They added settings that are not needed.
Aramaki talks so slow compared to the anime.
>at least they kept one OST for the ending credits
I know the remixed main theme was garbage but why put it in the credits of all places? Considering where it plays in the original it feels out of place and more of a "this was a GitS movie. did you notice?".
>"this was a GitS movie. did you notice?"
that's what I'm saying
the plot was a really good plot for a DEUS EX real life action movie
but for some reason the cast was dressed as GitS characters
really early april fools prank imo
>Aramaki talks so slow compared to the anime.
Also it's been a while since I watched anything GitS related, but since when does he walk around dropping criminals like flies. I expected him to show up cool and arrest the guy, not just ask the major for permission to smoke his ass.
I don't watch anime often and I'm a sucker for cyberpunk asthetics.
Everyone said the movie looked wonderful and I wasn't going in for the plot, so when the plot turned out to be "good" it was a pleasant surprise.
>so when the plot turned out to be "good" it was a pleasant surprise.
What movie are we talking about now because I'm quite sure we aren't talking about GitS (2017) anymore.
Need me to call the police onee-chan?
Seeing as more character building and plot progression happened while touching upon the same themes as the anime movie, I can safely say that the plot is fine.
They even did Batou closer to the manga than the anime movie did.
>while touching upon the same themes as the anime movie
Yeah, I'm fucking done. I'm checking if Sup Forums knows the source material any better.
it was actually pretty alright, also what the fuck is with all these hipster critics comparing it to the original when it's clear as day they've never seen any of the anime or read the manga.
>Posting mentally deranged trap who loves being fucked in girls clothes but would rather fucking die than to be fucked in normal boy clothes.
>Makes no discussion about the movie, probably because he wants to be a contrarian and pretend he saw the movie.
What topics or themes weren't touched upon in the new movie that weren't discussed in the original manga? Besides the obvious tree shit that took place in the original spider tank fight.
if you think the 2017 movies touches any themes of the original GitS universe you literally did not understand GitS which is incredibly funny because you are posting on a taiwanese rice forum about rapid moving drawings yet match closer to the targeted normie demographic that the movie was trying to appeal to
You need to go back.
Did you click Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums by accident?
It wasn't bad, it was like a really long episode. They changed the backstory, because. Not sure why people are complaining about major's personality, she's usually serious most of the time, only throwing a few jokes here and there.
The guy you are replying to might be cancer, but so are you.
I'm not sure what themes weren't touched upon, besides those who's plotpoints were changed for the new story.
All that I can think of is that the brain hacker is no longer an AI that became life and debates it deserves to live and seeks asylum inside Section 9's IT department.
The whole plot about how an American military general might be responsible as well was dropped, in favor of a generic "Evil corporation" plotline, which I wasn't too angry about seeing as a lot of cyberpunk revolves around weird-ass anti-corporate stories.
Then she's reborn with the AI after they merge, then she gets put in a loli sexbot.
What themes aren't present in the new movie?
Stop formatting your text like a faggot.
im afraid to watch it. i don't want to see hollywood butcher ghost in the shell.
is it worth going to see?
Back to go, you need.
Why? I like to make nice clean posts.
No, trust me, it's good. April Fools!
>All that I can think of is that the brain hacker is no longer an AI that became life and debates it deserves to live and seeks asylum inside Section 9's IT department.
>main driving story for the majority of the universes stories is dropped
>main philosophical controversy of distinction between man and machine and issues with those is degraded into a single voice line of "come live in the web with me"
the actual ghost in the shell part is dropped too
because in the movie they use biological grown brains from the original bodies to cyberize instead of inserting the ever illusive ghost into an all manufactured brain
>>tfw the muscle tearing scene wasn't that bad
Yeah it wasn't that bad.
I wish that they lighten that scene a bit more though. It was dark that you can't see the small details of her veins popping out.
Wasn't major's brain in the original movie real? She discussed how it might not be real, but she couldn't tell as "nobody ever sees their brains as their own, they only see their bodies"
To which eyeballman says "I don't really care"
Also they touched upon that in the new movie with inserting personalities into machines, especially with the intro robot begging for life despite them saying she was just a machine.
To be fair, you are right that they did drop that theme for another.
>brain hacker is no longer an AI that became life and debates it deserves to live and seeks asylum inside Section 9's IT department
Wasn't this the entire centerpiece of the whole original movie? The whole "can an Artificial Intelligence have a Ghost"? There's a difference between "what makes an AI human" and "what makes a cyborg human". The both were discussed in GitS with the focus on the former, while the new movie focuses only on the later and even does that pretty badly.
no she was unborn when her ghost was transferred into a full artificial body (according to canon GitS plot)
they took her out of her mothers womb when she died in a car accident which may or may not have been planned
while they didn't directly say that in the original movie (I think) it is heavily implied with the opening sequence building a full body, including a brain, from scratch
what they are talking about in the original movie are her feelings emotions and memories connected to that brain
she is implying that they might be fake and just inserted into a functioning very human-like machine that believes its a human
he replies with "I don't care" because to him it makes no difference if the inserted memories might be fake or not. He'll be able to live with them anyways
>there are people who will see this movie instead of watching the original even if you can buy the original on blu ray for the same price as a movie ticket
i want to die
The story and characters are a fucking mess.
>not just ask the major for permission to smoke his ass.
Forgot about that. He straights up murder the guy even though he is incapacitated. He wouldn't do that in the manga or the anime, he tried following the law when possible.
How is the soundtrack, do they have anything else other than Making of Cyborg?