Best girls of their series
you posted the wrong image, but i gotchu
I'm waiting.
What did Nasu mean by calling Tiamat the ultimate sakura?
dumb post
go back to the library, nerd
Minerva was also best godess
>Bizzaro world
How is the feeling of losing to some dyke like?
I haven't read the manga yet,please cease with the spoilers.
1st Girl is best girl
Off to a shitty start. Step your game up Sup Forums.
Best girls always wins, right?
Not even the best girl in her own route let alone best girl of the entire series.
Superior taste, user.
never liked illya
I got the impression Asuka was the inspiration for this character
Shirou is pretty amazing, yes.
Finally someone got it right.
feminine penises don't count
mah nigga
Oops, wrong pic.
get that trash out of here
You ungenuine genuine retard
glass houses
>best anything
Wtf are you going on about? If anything she'd find it perverted and hate it
Youre probably baiting, but sure.
Dumb wormposter.
outta the way, dragon spooker coming through
>he doesn't know about the SM sessions with Kuroneko
Come on user.
Don't even try to bring that blue haired, simian-faced troglodyte into this thread
Some old men and one goddess of prostitution, would you like a receipt?
>All these incorrect Fatefags
Who are you quoting?
Ive been reading the VN when i get a chance. I just got past the first h scene. Never played h games/read doujins before this. It was surprisingly well done.
nice reviewblog, reddit
p a t r i c i a n