>no Sup Forums and Sup Forums merge
Missed opportunity desu
>no Sup Forums and Sup Forums merge
Missed opportunity desu
That will be reserved for 2020, the year everything will come tumbling down
You meant /spa/, right?
We'll do it ourselves.
Sup Forums would've been better.
Moot already merged Sup Forums and Sup Forums in 2012 which is why we had greentext threads such as yours here today.
The buttpain would be too great for all the sheltered weebs on Sup Forums
Sup Forums would think it's hilarious
>Sup Forums would think it's hilarious
Sup Forums hate weeb shit.
Fuck that, /ak/ when?
Not as much as Sup Forums hates Shonen and dub shit
Should've merged Sup Forums and /jp/ 2bh
>literally /jap/
Since when? Weebshit and New Vegas are the only things Sup Forums likes
Never thought i'd see the day where Sup Forums wants to merge with Sup Forums.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are tsundere with each other
>not merging Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /jp/ to /jav/
Now this is a missed opportunity
>literally pre-2007 Sup Forums
Considering VNs and LNs and some JRPGs have migrated over here, I'm not sure why it hasn't happened already.
He's sparing us the pain of enjoying pre-2007 Sup Forums for a day and then going back to the shit we have now.
Sup Forums likes New Vegas? Seems like they have good taste then.
Shoulda been Sup Forums for the /mlpol/ level shitstorm.
>no /spa/
Fuck off Sup Forums, you are utter trash
So is Sup Forums
No and no. Old Sup Forums maybe, but how Sup Forums is right now, they can fuck off to other websites they came from.
Sup Forums didn't start Gamergate. No board comes close to the unorganized chaos and garbage Sup Forums can produce
And at least Sup Forums talks about anime
They like it more than anything else on earth
Someone fill me in on what happened?
Check out Sup Forums
The most boring april joke.
Maybe for you. I, however, am enjoying the shit outta /fitlit/ and watching Sup Forumstards get raped by horsefuckers
Why are yo doing this. Fuck off.
These threads are not made for your personal shitposting pleasure.
I don't get why you have to do this. Do you really have nothing else to do with your time?
You have to have been fired from your job or something.
Maybe the last family member who was talking to you got sick of your shit and stopped talking to you.
And that's why you've been shitposting so hard the past few days.
that's cute insulting.
No, really, what is wrong with you?
Why are you doing this?
It makes no sense.
It's fun.
What makes wasting your time like this fun?
What makes shitting up he board like this fun?
Go watch an anime or something.
Should've been a /jp/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums merge into /jav/
It's already been merged