>It was the RUSSIANS!
>It was the ALT-RIGHT!
>It was the RACISTS!
>It was WHITE MEN!
>It was Sup Forums!
>It was Sup Forums!
>It was Sup Forums!
>It was REDDIT!
>It was BOOMERS!
>"People hated Empire back then, too!"
>"Dividing the fanbase was intentional!"
>"It did something DIFFERENT!!!"
>"I love how it subverted expectations!"
>"It made me rethink my views on life!"
>"It emphasized muh diversity/inclusiveness/feminist quota!"
>"It was an 'intellectual' film!"
>"It made some people uncomfortable. GOOD!"
>"It was expected to not make much money anyway!"
>"lulz it's just a movie turn your brain off!"
This is the most damage controlled Star Wars movie I've seen since any of the Prequels. The Disney shills are in desperation mode, and it's hilarious what lengths they'll go to. I haven't seen this much shilling since Hillary's failed campaign.
No amount of self-reassurance will EVER "fix" this movie. It was a complete abomination, and the defenders know that deep down in their hearts.
Disney's nuWars was made to pander to SJWs, and it is this very pandering that will ultimately destroy the franchise at some point in the near future. Deal with it.
It was the RUSSIANS!
>Third Impact when it hits 49%
It goes automatic Rotten at 49%
We now live in a qprld where Jumanji outgrossed Star Wars in its 3rd week. Its crazy
Really wasn't that bad. Besides women and brown people being what made up 99% of the Resistance, the action parts was okay
Plot was nigger tier, but I'm sure episode 9 will be much better.
This shit is so dramatic, fuck.
>really wasn’t that bad
>plot was nigger-tier
Later invalidates the former
Sup Forums btfo yet again
>Plot was nigger tier, but I'm sure episode 9 will be much better.
It might have been a good movie in a doctor's waiting room with the volume muted, interpret your own story? But goddamn it was bad. It was literally lifting the chase element off of Battlestar Galactica TV series, doing warp jump tracking. Star Wars was not meant to be the OJ freeway chase.
>Implying (((they))) didn't change the formula
It should've been rotten already.
>that will ultimately destroy the franchise at some point in the near future
it died decades ago faggot
let it go
>in all fields
I have never watched star wars
I was not going to bother seeing it. It all got spoiled for me anyhow. People I know who saw it are mixed like and disliked. But one friend, who's highly reasonable and a huge Star Wars fan enjoyed it. That made me rethink my
>not going to see it
stance. I also told him about many of the plot points that were "spoiled" for me, right here on Sup Forums. Turns out that most of the things I was told were misinformation. Go figure. I may still go and see it, I may not.
I honestly think removing the dialogue and improving your own lines into the movie would make it twice as good. Anything to avoid the horrible forced one liners and awkwardly timed comedic ticks.
It was a good movie.
Literally zero problems with it.
I'm honest. Not even gonna pirate it.
they already fired the director of 7 and 8 right?
>any opinion that isnt mine must be a shill
Why is it always a fucking leaf?
Fuck you, I'm against the kikes and racemixing and all that shit too, I just don't see anything wrong with this movie. They even interrupted the Fin+Rey love story that was building, now the nigger is stuck with some asian chick. What's wrong with that?
The jews at (((disney))) pushed the white man too far.
Good job, keep it up stupid jews!
Does it matter? Apparently Disney can automatically print over a billion dollars by spewing whatever they want all over the screen and slapping a "Star Wars" label on top of it. Retarded "fanboys" will keep watching new installments regardless of how SJW'd it gets.
What’s the exchange rate between Disney Dollars and leaf bucks, shill?
So what, you're acting worse than they are faggot
Depends on the Clinton Foundation/Shareblue neetbux daily rate
Go see it, faggot. And then come back and tell us how Sup Forums was right yet again.
>actually thinking this website is on Disney's radar and you're important enough to warrant paid shills for a star wars movie
Get the fuck over yourself. The only race mixing in this movie was between an asian and a black, the SJW chick died, and the next film is going to be even better.
The Jews are pot committed with their Kill Whitey/Race Mix Non Jews Out Of Existence plans. The Goyim getting restless about their mega budget propaganda piece is making them spin in a tizzy.
Archiving this,
OP makes a good point about how the media/organisations create scapegoats and blame everyone but themselves when their regressive propaganda fails to resonate with the general public.
Here's the archive
This is a copypasta from Sup Forums
Any normal human being would download cam rip, and only retards or the Mouse shills would advertise "it's not so bad, go to see it in theaters :^)"
I would rate it as a 5/10
It had a ton of problems, and the enjoyable scenes weren't enough to save it
Does your (((friend))) happen to have a big nose?
He's Canadian. And no, not Jewish, just a regular Canadian.
>regular Canadian
I used to roll with the cam versions a long time ago, and I may be wrong on this, but they were most of the time, not very good, both is video quality, or sound. But like I said, it's been a while, so things may have improved.
IMDB rating has been frozen at 7.6 for the past week. Corrupt cunts
Because Jumanji was an interesting take on an old concept without shoving ideology down your throats.
>Old school horror movie form of the bland one dimensional characters
>Characters actually grow throughout the course of the movie
>Sequel to an old movie for nostalgia purposes
>Changes up to formula to make it more relevant to today and actually utilizing that fresh take (players pop into the jungle instead of the jungle appearing around them, players can die and even use it to their advantage)
>Movie is about characters stuck in a video game
>Isn't just about complete wish fulfillment, stereotypical nerd is still a bitch when he first turns into the Rock
>Movie is primarily a comedy movie
>Still has moments of solid action and its comedy is based around enough jokes that nothing gets too stale
>Doesn't have feminism shoved in for no reason
>Characters are designed to be relateable (nerd, jock, basic bitch, covert bitch) while still having personality
Jumanji was good because it felt like people who worked on it actually cared unlike Star Wars which is like a bland generic modern movie.
welp i guess it's time for me to do my part.
I read that in the Boss Nass voice from Phantom Menace
first movie i saw in the theatre in almost a decade (gf made me go)
i shit you not - 45 minutes of advertisements played before the film started. we went to the 6:15 show and it didnt start until 7:00.
there was also some chick with Tourette's Syndrome or something laughing like butthead nonstop thru the advertisements and movies (like regardless of what was happening on screen)
to top it all off, the audience really did clap at the end. i am not meant to be in this world it feels so alien.
>it was shit
>the audience really did clap at the end
Same thing at the end of Jumanji when I went to go see it. Why the fuck is that a thing?
The Americlap meme is real.
Go watch tha new STAH WAHZ, goy! Remembah STAH WAHZ from ya childhood? Oy vey.
If a girl told me that she gave this film a negative review on rotten tomatoes I would have the most throbbing erection.
Meh, this film could have gotten a 10/100 on user score, and people would still buy tickets for the next movie
This. They’ll change it. Don’t think they won’t. Never think they won’t be so brazen. They will assume most normalfags won’t catch on, and they’re right. I’ll contribute and vote 1/2 anyway.
>that feel
The weird thing is I don't recall people doing that in theaters until awhile after the americlap meme was going around. I think this is another case of memes becoming real lads.
I've never seen clapping in theaters outside of black areas like Baltimore.
they're happy its over
Very much this.
>>It was the RUSSIANS!
Everyone in a theatre was extatic about everyting. We have shit taste in movies, I tell you hwat.
The movie had like 40% on KG before they manually changed it to 70 something few weeks later.
how the fuck did you get hold of star wars in russia?
Americans were just too dumb to understand it. The film is a truly intellectual tour de force, as you can see from the overwhelmingly positive critical response.
Putin hacked the mainframe himself to get his people Star Wars.
It's now Soviet Union anymore, pal, we watch shitty cashgrabs just like you do.
Critics have historically thought Star Wars was retarded since 1977. The high praise (((they))) lavish upon Nü Wars tells you everything you need to know about this trilogy.
Man, you can't trust RT anymore, and Kinopoisk was shit since day one. WTF can I trust nowadays?
kek I saw a news segment on my fucking local news about how FUCKING RACIZZT WHYYTE MAILS facebook group war raiding it because MUHHHH FEMINISM. It's pathetic.
Original SW was a great, well structured archetypal story. Expanding it into a universe is absolutely retarded. Disney will still make a shitton of cash on toys and tie-ins, so nobody cares. Watch Plinkett Reviews instead.
Does anyone have that Nip article comparing Japanese audience turnout for Star Wars 7 and the Girls und Panzer movie.
Star Wars bombed and only had a few seats at the back of the cinema booked while GuP had every seat reserved for days.
Both aired at roughly the same time but some niche army girls anime won out over the big name american shit with niggers.
So he's retarded. Great.
I know, it could be a h8 on 'murica thread& some leaf would say, "' Murica!!!!!FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!USA!!!!!!USA!!!!!!USA!!!! Tru story.
The thing is, it's not even just a bad Star Wars movie. It's a bad movie on every level.
The plot is horrifically bad, and full of holes. The characters are two dimensional and bland. The dialogue is cringy. There are jokes forced in there that are just awful and not funny. There are too many moments of such blatant propaganda that you're actually aware that you're watching propaganda, so it's not even good as a propaganda film.
Having the name of a mega-franchise just made people expect that it would, you know, not suck, at the very least- but it did and does.
I think that's more to do with Japan's love of cute things and animation, as zootopia did pretty well over there.
Don't despair user. The modern world and 90+% of the people who inhabit it are utterly despicable. By proud of not feeling a part of it; no remotely worthwhile person does.
Can we get it to -49%? How can I help? I can't be arsed getting an account over there
Disney hemorrhaging shekels& eyeballs,CNN & sex scandal albatrosses around itz neck, Sup Forums damn sure on CNNs radar
Kek fubs!
>tfw starshit will make gorrilions
One of my coworkers was adamantly arguing that anybody who goes to see the new star wars in theaters is automatically at least part gay.
What do you guys think of this theory?
umm, actually, Rey is vastly under-powered in Last Jedi if you think canonically
Keep trying nigger
New blade runner was one of the best films I have seen in so many years honestly.
who are you quoting?
2 Scopes
2 Terms
2 Genders
3 Star Wars Movies
*Scoops ffs!!
American culture sure is amazing.
You racist, sexist, misogynist are just butthurt cuz women and diversity has proven how superior content is when you are inclusive and understand the superiority of the female intellect.
The Force is Female, DEAL WITH IT
what a shit movie. Can't wait for the blu ray release and all that green milking memes.
> i am not meant to be in this world it feels so alien.
Why can't shit just be normal anymore?
>Here's why
The absolute state of modern journalism
I trust only my eyes and taste and won't watch something whose premise I don't like or have posters/trailers which looks like something I wouldn't even download to check.
Then again, in 2017 I didn't watch any movies at all.
I actually enjoy the trailers
>In theater pre-trailers to get a decent spot
>random ads are running
>Commercial for coke pops
>Fat so randum behind me exclaims "BOooooooo capitalism!"
>literally next commercial
>Levis ad
>Literally flashes the word gay for a millisecond
>she actually cheers and says "that company has it's head on straight
>literally no self awareness
Though to give my crowd credit they didn't clap, even though 3 idiots tried to get them to repeatedly.
Can you actually name one movie that you really liked or stayed on your head in this last few years? I know I dont
>(gf made me go)
I haven't seen as lots of people as the 7th movie. Even shit tier movies were fuller at the theatres.