Forever ruined the series for me. Rated it 4/10 on MAL, but most people were okay with the Usagi Drop ending.
Most people are too afraid they'll lose hipster cred if they acknowledge that S2 is kinda shit.
It's not as good as season 1 but it's still better than the vast majority of stuff.
There is incest?
I might pick it up then
>Is good because the standard is low
Don´t lower your imaginary standard just because that is required to enjoy something. Instead admit that you have low standard to begin with.
Sad that to see that people live by the acceptance of our peers even on the Internet.
Not exactly.
Old guy in the OP impregnates his foster daughter who is pic related and it's only revealed in the final episode with no prior hint. Also said foster daughter is the daughter of two of his best friends who died. She's also the wife of his beloved student, who by the way has no idea that he impregntated her while they all lived happily under the same roof.
>Also said foster daughter is the daughter of two of his best friends who died. She's also the wife of his beloved student, who by the way has no idea that he impregntated her while they all lived happily under the same roof.
What the fuck man
Thats hilarious
How mad were the fans of the show.
You missed the hilarious threads? Shame. It was a meltdown. Denialfaggots, sidesteppingfaggots and shitposting haven since the fans have been obnoxious since the start, yet having live meltdowns.
Oh man, I actually did watch a couple episodes of this anime S1 but dropped it, now I wish I had stayed around.
Wrong, this shitty melodrama is just as bad as any anime
>tfw this sweet now moment takes on an entirely different meaning
It's always female authors.
yeah kiku was like a wild horn dog and konatsu just took it. it's not like this show takes place in another country with a different culture and in an older time. sex is not always romantic nor an end game for couples. if you watch any Japanese drama or read their folk tales, sex is a tool. binding men to their children or making them feel sorry for the women. it's not usagi dropp but that's a whole other thing not worth getting into because rakugo has now become a show to be shitposted about. the ep discussions were fun at least.
>no prior hint
It was really fucking obvious. Who else would it have been? It obviously couldn't be Yotaro since they didn't have a sexual relationship and the only other dude around besides Kiku was the eternal living butler
Also the kid looks exactly like him.
Did she enjoy it?
>Soap Opera
Who are you quoting?
rakugo had a thread earlier died at 20 posts. I think some people aren't through bashing a show not made for them
She's probably the one who did all the work seeing that he was an old man by the time they would have fucked and gotten her pregnant.
The author did a good job convincing us it was either the yakuza boss or the aniki.
Fuck stalker sensei for bringing this up.
>same eyes
Not confirmed. I can live in denial.
Thats hot.
The bonus manga has been laying on my desk for days and I refuse to read it.
I've read it and it still leaves room for plausible deniability. I'll take it.
If you want to live in denial don´t read it.
Are you mentally slow? Basically spelled out for you at the end of the episode and forcing your face down the truth at the extra chapter.
Not slow, just an expert in denial. I have experience.
I was mad because it was just put at the end. I felt I needed more info. And it ruined the moment of how episode 12 ended.
So did he know she wanted him so that a baby could pass on the generation? Looking back, I guess it's kinda cute in this new light that he was bonding with the baby not as grandfather but as the dad sometimes.
Watched S1 and only a few episodes of S2, good to know my speculah was accurate.
That bisexual pervert Kiku probably bonded with his son in other ways too.
I thougth it was aniki since he looks pretty similar to Kiku too and the autor just had a same face problem
It was good up until this needless twist
Actually, after watching the last episode of season 1, it was obvious for me, look at the scene of Kiku who talk at the ghost of his bro about what he have done to his daughter.
There is a strong hint here
Someone translated some tweets from her, and this one made me laugh. It's time to stop living in denial. She wants us to know that Shin is very much the child of Kiku.
I mean people called it from the first season.
It's fucking SSY all over again with that gay episode.
Solid anime overall but people just talk about that one certain moment because they can't get over it.
It's fun seeing the denial faggots loosing shit about this.
Though to his defense, who wouldn't a Konatsu?
The first time the son was shown with smooth flowing black hair, it was already obvious.
But through the episodes of S2, there was no mention of hints to who or when was he conceived so I had it as just a theory until the last episode.
>yfw this is the second anime you watched where the daughter had a child with her foster father
Only a faggot.
Id think this would make people want to watch it more
I dont get it, I though you were more degenerate Sup Forums
Except the majority of the fanbase were saying that S2 wasn't as good throughout it airing, even though it actually was. Having the main cast split into multiple generations of the same family with differing ideals and views of the world made the relationships and their drama so much more complex and nuanced. The final few eps with Kiku's decline, death, reunion with the others in the afterlife, and a look at the future of the family and rakugo itself, were amazing. Also, Yota > Kiku, Konatsu > Miyokichi.
Knowing who's the father adds nothing to the story, so I can live in perfect denial.
>trusting Horrible Subs translations
Please don't.
Yeah, but just look at the result.
Ends > means.
nobody gives a shit about the fact that it's incest
people are upset because it's a dumb twist that serves no purpose but to retroactively change every interaction between kiku and konatsu into a sexual one
which is actually very detrimental to the show
ITT: Millennials that can't deal with complex relationships.
Sometimes things get weird in real life, kids.
yeah I also often find myself fucking the person who I think killed my parents
life is just weird like that right
Sometimes your show becomes dogshit, kid.
Thank you for saying this. I watched the entire show yesterday and today and I really don't understand people thinking it went down hill.
The second season is so great because it keeps adding more nuance to things that happened in the first season, and I think it goes way further in making you understand Kiku as a person.
Is there anything else rather recent like this show? It's easily one of the best I've seen in years.
You know that just because people have sex one time doesn't mean their entire relationship is defined purely in a romantic context right?
Considering a child came from it and Kiku is almost celibate, yeah, I actually do think sex is a pretty big deal for the relationship between these characters.
>Buying this godamn retarded crackpot bait theory
The shit is literally described by the most retarded source in the whole series who constantly tries to make everyday occurrences into shitty melodramatic drama because it gives him a fucking boner to do so. Nothing in his moronic theory makes sense. Konatsu's infatuation with Kiku wasn't even actually romantic. It was a combination of mixed emotions of love and hate which could best be approximated as "romantic," and on top of that this phase of her life only occurred during her young teenage years which ended LONG before Shin was conceived.
Anyone who seriously buys this is a fucking moron who probably secretly wants this theory to be true and furiously masturbates to the thought.
Once again, you do realize people in an otherwise non sexual relationship can at some one off point have sex right?
Just because it did doesn't reframe every aspect of their relationship in a sexual light. It's pretty clear that more than anything he was important to her as a guardian.
Dude, it's like really obvious. I don't know why you are so in denial.
Except neither clearly have sex with people lightly. Obviously it meant something. And sure, not ever interaction necessarily has a sexual undertone now, but you don't know because nothing is explained. This issue isn't explored it all, it was just dropped at the end for no reason. And that's extremely shitty writing for a series that likes to fancy itself as caring about its characters.
>Dude, it's like really obvious.
Dude no. It's not. The whole point of Sensei's character is to serve as caricature of overrated intellectuals who try to twist everything in a story into some "deep" cohesive secret narrative arc. His literary boner couldn't handle the fact that the next great performer in Rakugo would be descended from some unknown, most likely Yakuza, father, and decided to gin up a story which created some super protagonist containing the genes and learning of his predecessor and be destined to restore rakugo to a new greatness.
I didn't watch the show. Am I being memed right now?
Sadly no
You'd be surprised.